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When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 5:57 pm
by JMak
Add to the file:
Harkin wants ethanol measures in climate bill

By Philip Brasher

Washington, D.C. - Sen. Tom Harkin said he wants Congress to use a climate bill to force auto companies to make new cars and trucks capable of running on 85 percent ethanol as well as conventional gasoline.

"We own the automobile companies. Why not? I think that will be an easy one," Harkin said Thursday, referring to the government interests in Chrysler and General Motors.

Energy Secretary Steven Chu said recently that all new vehicles should be equipped to run on E85. GM, Chrysler and Ford have been voluntarily making some E85-capable cars and trucks for years but have resisted being required to fit all cars for the fuel.
I wonder if Obama will smack down harkin?

Obama: "I don't want to run auto companies"

Maybe this was point...Obama nationalizes and Congress becomes a massive BoD for the car companies, banks, whatever else Obama wants to nationalize.

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:57 pm
by smackaholic
Corn based ethanol is a fukking joke. Ethanol made from sugar cane might make sense. Unfortunately, it doesn't grow in Iowa too good, so we gotta piss moey away on this bullshit and run corn prices up.

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 8:06 pm
by indyfrisco
smackaholic wrote:Unfortunately, it doesn't grow in Iowa too good, so we gotta piss moey away on this bullshit and run corn prices up.
^^^ Rack it. ^^^

Some of my income is from our family business farming. We don't farm corn. We buy it to feed the turkeys we farm and the chickens who produce the eggs we farm and make egg products out of. Fucking ethanol is killing our margins because corn has gotten so expensive.

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 8:10 pm
by TheJON
IndyFrisco wrote:
smackaholic wrote:Unfortunately, it doesn't grow in Iowa too good, so we gotta piss moey away on this bullshit and run corn prices up.
^^^ Rack it. ^^^

Some of my income is from our family business farming. We don't farm corn. We buy it to feed the turkeys we farm and the chickens who produce the eggs we farm and make egg products out of. Fucking ethanol is killing our margins because corn has gotten so expensive.
Yeah, but it's making my gas prices up here in Des Moines much cheaper.

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 8:11 pm
by BSmack
IndyFrisco wrote:
smackaholic wrote:Unfortunately, it doesn't grow in Iowa too good, so we gotta piss moey away on this bullshit and run corn prices up.
^^^ Rack it. ^^^

Some of my income is from our family business farming. We don't farm corn. We buy it to feed the turkeys we farm and the chickens who produce the eggs we farm and make egg products out of. Fucking ethanol is killing our margins because corn has gotten so expensive.
Is there nothing else turkeys can eat?

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 8:11 pm
by Mikey
Fuck Harkin. Somebody needs to put that asshole out of his misery.

This is coming from a Democrat, BTW.

You can add all the jerkoffs who are supporting the increase in F22 orders that the military does not want, just because Lockheed Martin has a presence in their state and gave them a bunch of $$.

Lockheed Martin is a joke. Their plane is a boondoggle. Burn the whole fucking waste of money.

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:33 pm
by smackaholic
BSmack wrote:
IndyFrisco wrote:
smackaholic wrote:Unfortunately, it doesn't grow in Iowa too good, so we gotta piss moey away on this bullshit and run corn prices up.
^^^ Rack it. ^^^

Some of my income is from our family business farming. We don't farm corn. We buy it to feed the turkeys we farm and the chickens who produce the eggs we farm and make egg products out of. Fucking ethanol is killing our margins because corn has gotten so expensive.
Is there nothing else turkeys can eat?
Not sure if you're just being a wise ass or a dumbass.

Corn is an excellent livestock feed. Or at least it was, because it provides a lot of nutrition for the $$$$, or it did anyway. Now we are all paying way too much for chicken or turkey or beef, because of this joke of a "green" fuel.

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 7:05 pm
by KC Scott
smackaholic wrote:Corn based ethanol is a fukking joke. Ethanol made from sugar cane might make sense. Unfortunately, it doesn't grow in Iowa too good, so we gotta piss moey away on this bullshit and run corn prices up.
and This:
mvscal wrote:
TheJON wrote: Yeah, but it's making my gas prices up here in Des Moines much cheaper.
But you have to buy and burn more of it because it is shitty fuel. You are a pitifully stupid bag of shit, aren't you?
+1 Spot on

Ethanol was one of the most poorly conceived alt fuel ideas ever.

I read a report that if every square inch of the north american continent was planted with corn and converted to ethanol, it would still meet less than 10% of our annual fuel consumption. And as mentioned, ethanol contibuted mightily to the run up in grain / meat prices over the last few years

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 7:16 pm
by Jerkovich
Oil is the most convenient form of energy ever discovered, second only to nuclear fuels in its energy density. As a liquid, it’s easily stored, transported, and used. It’s wonderfully combustible, but with a high enough flashpoint that it doesn’t explode easily. Its complex hydrocarbon chains are the basis of the petrochemical industry, which uses oil and natural gas as a component in over half a million products, and each item is made with fossil fuel energy.

Basically, if you wanted to invent an ideal energy source, you’d create oil.

The infrastructure supporting oil use is huge, and not easily replaced. Trillions of dollars have been spent to build refineries, oil vessels, drilling rigs, the military air and naval fleets we use to ensure the oil keeps flowing, and the distribution system (i.e. pipelines, oil-delivery trucks, gas stations, etc). Not to mention the billions of cars, trucks, airplanes, and other combustion engine machines that use oil.

The energy to create all these combustion engine-driven machines -- from the mining of metallic ores to fabrication -- is monumental in scale as well. You can’t suddenly build a new fleet of solar, wind, coal, or nuclear driven tractors, trucks, and cars and billions of batteries, especially at a time when energy is growing more scarce and expensive.
experts- they aren't here.

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 9:32 pm
by BSmack
smackaholic wrote:
BSmack wrote:Is there nothing else turkeys can eat?
Not sure if you're just being a wise ass or a dumbass.

Corn is an excellent livestock feed. Or at least it was, because it provides a lot of nutrition for the $$$$, or it did anyway. Now we are all paying way too much for chicken or turkey or beef, because of this joke of a "green" fuel.
I'm fairly familiar with the role that feed corn plays in livestock farming. My mother's side of the family has engaged in the dairy and then beef cattle business since Civil War times. So yea, I was being a little facetious. But only a little. You see I'm pretty certain that there are other food options available for turkeys. But I'm not sure of the fat/carb content of those foods and if said content would be conducive to creating the kind of turkey one would do this to.


Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 2:35 am
by TheJON
mvscal wrote:
TheJON wrote: Yeah, but it's making my gas prices up here in Des Moines much cheaper.
But you have to buy and burn more of it because it is shitty fuel. You are a pitifully stupid bag of shit, aren't you?
m2 > You

So you should probably never insult anyone being that you're a racist with 21,000 plus posts on an internet message board. Run along now inferior, run along.

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 2:43 am
by indyfrisco

Turkeys and chickens could eat other food. Of course, we'd have to test what effect other food has on weight gain, fat content, taste of meat, etc. What we feed the turkeys and chickens has been a science for years. We don't ONLY feed them corn. We feed them soy as well as certain grains. The point being...over time, the "formula" of what we feed them IS THE BEST. The best for the product and the best for the profit margin.

My point was that E85 is shit. And to top it off, it is cutting into the profits of farmers who rely on corn for feed. Quit taking the partisan route and just admit, it is a failed idea. Ever had Boars Head turkey? 2 years ago it cost about $7/lb. Now it is close to $9.50/lb. We provide 100% of that turkey. The reason for the hike is what we have to pay for in corn feed.

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 2:52 am
by KC Scott
TheJON wrote:
mvscal wrote:
TheJON wrote: Yeah, but it's making my gas prices up here in Des Moines much cheaper.
But you have to buy and burn more of it because it is shitty fuel. You are a pitifully stupid bag of shit, aren't you?
m2 > You

So you should probably never insult anyone being that you're a racist with 21,000 plus posts on an internet message board. Run along now inferior, run along.
Despite the delivery MVS is spot on regarding ethanol - it lowers mileage on average 10-15% (and this results in increased emissions if you do the math) it also raises what you're paying in the store.

The drop in gas (and ethanol) prices you've seen since the economic bust earlier this year is a result of all speculation on fuel contracts - it had nothing to do with actual supply and demand.

Here's a video from 60 minutes that explains it pretty well:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 2:53 am
by TheJON
mvscal wrote:Nice job waving the white flag, you shit-smeared simpleton.
Karma will get the best of you someday. It always does to racist faggots like yourself. Some black dude with a gun will bust a cap in your piehole and I will fucking laugh. Is it even murder if the piece of crap deserved it????

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 3:00 am
by indyfrisco
How much do you drink at night jon?

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 3:04 am
by TheJON
IndyFrisco wrote:How much do you drink at night jon?
Haha! None, actually. Only on weekends man. I'm probably the nicest guy in the world when I'm drunk so if I'm cranky it's probably because I'm sober!

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 3:10 am
by indyfrisco
That's even sadder.

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 3:24 am
by TheJON
IndyFrisco wrote:That's even sadder.
I know dude. So do you think I should start drinking on a daily basis??? Will you be my counselor???

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 3:26 am
by indyfrisco
Do you even know why I said that?

I'm here to help.

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 3:45 am
by TheJON
IndyFrisco wrote:Do you even know why I said that?

I'm here to help.
Well, I was kinda hoping that's what you were hinting at but I didn't want to be greedy and expect your help.

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 4:12 pm
by TheJON
mvscal wrote:
TheJON wrote:Karma will get the best of you someday. It always does to racist faggots like yourself. Some black dude with a gun will bust a cap in your piehole
Oh really? Is that so? Your fantasy involves ni...ggers murdering somebody for simply pointing out the fact that ni...iggers are violent, lowlife scumbags?

Good job kicking your own ass, TheRACISTFUCKTARD. Small wonder your imbecility has adorned so many sigs.
You are racist and calling someone a lowlife scumbag???

If a black man shot you in the face it would not be violent. It would be for the greater good of society. Your kind should be fucking 6 feet under and I am all for the killing of pieces of shit like you. If I were black, I would probably track your IP address and fucking do it myself. But I'm white, so I won't. Please do everyone a favor and drive through Compton in a beater pickup truck with a confederate flag strapped to the top.

Like I's not murder if you kill a racist scumbag. I'm serious when I say this, I hope you die a painful death at a young age. That ain't no joke. If it weren't illegal, I would fucking end you myself.

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 4:25 pm
by JMak
TheJON wrote:If I were black, I would probably track your IP address and fucking do it myself.
But I'm white, so I won't. Please do everyone a favor and drive through Compton in a beater pickup truck with a confederate flag strapped to the top.
To agitate the otherwise non-violent blacks there, right? :meds:

Dude, put down the shovel.

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 4:41 pm
by TheJON
Dude, put down the shovel.
No, I am keeping it handy for when karma comes back to bite mvscal in the ass and then I can be the one to bury him. After I'm done burying him I will take a giant dump right on his grave and send him on his way to hell.

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:39 pm
by titlover
TheJON wrote:
mvscal wrote:
TheJON wrote:Karma will get the best of you someday. It always does to racist faggots like yourself. Some black dude with a gun will bust a cap in your piehole
Oh really? Is that so? Your fantasy involves ni...ggers murdering somebody for simply pointing out the fact that ni...iggers are violent, lowlife scumbags?

Good job kicking your own ass, TheRACISTFUCKTARD. Small wonder your imbecility has adorned so many sigs.
You are racist and calling someone a lowlife scumbag???

If a black man shot you in the face it would not be violent. It would be for the greater good of society. Your kind should be fucking 6 feet under and I am all for the killing of pieces of shit like you. If I were black, I would probably track your IP address and fucking do it myself. But I'm white, so I won't. Please do everyone a favor and drive through Compton in a beater pickup truck with a confederate flag strapped to the top.

Like I's not murder if you kill a racist scumbag. I'm serious when I say this, I hope you die a painful death at a young age. That ain't no joke. If it weren't illegal, I would fucking end you myself.
what are your views on the death penalty for murderers, rapists and child molesters?

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 1:55 am
by TheJON
Sudden Sam wrote:
TheJON wrote: If a black man shot you in the face it would not be violent. It would be for the greater good of society. Your kind should be fucking 6 feet under and I am all for the killing of pieces of shit like you.

Like I's not murder if you kill a racist scumbag. I'm serious when I say this, I hope you die a painful death at a young age. That ain't no joke. If it weren't illegal, I would fucking end you myself.

That is some seriously sick shit.
No. What is sick is being racist. I hate racist people. Only people in this world I hate are racists and murderers. You take racists out of the world and we'd have a much safer and better society. I have no respect for a racist. They're pieces of shit. And they deserve to be put 6 feet under. If you want racists in our society, than you have low integrity.

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 1:57 am
by KC Scott
TheJON wrote: Only people in this world I hate are racists and murderers. You take racists out of the world and we'd have a much safer and better society.

uhhh..... if we took murderers out of the world wouldn't that be safer and better firstest?

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 2:13 am
by indyfrisco
KC Scott wrote:
TheJON wrote: Only people in this world I hate are racists and murderers. You take racists out of the world and we'd have a much safer and better society.

uhhh..... if we took murderers out of the world wouldn't that be safer and better firstest?
Take dumbfucks out of the world and we lose deece folk like jon here.

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:01 pm
by SunCoastSooner
This thread is only a reminder why I only come into this forum once a month or so.

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:30 pm
by smackaholic
TheJON wrote: If I were black, I would probably track your IP address and fucking do it myself. But I'm white, so I won't.
Quite possibly the most racist statement I've ever read on this board.

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 10:21 pm
by TheJON
KC Scott wrote:
TheJON wrote: Only people in this world I hate are racists and murderers. You take racists out of the world and we'd have a much safer and better society.

uhhh..... if we took murderers out of the world wouldn't that be safer and better firstest?
Well, yeah. I'm fine with offing the murderers. I'm not against the death penalty. But the topic at hand was racists, so that's why I made that comment. But yes, off the murderers too.

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:38 pm
by KC Scott
smackaholic wrote:
TheJON wrote: If I were black, I would probably track your IP address and fucking do it myself. But I'm white, so I won't.
Quite possibly the most racist statement I've ever read on this board.
Is it more racist to suggest there's no blacks that would know how to track an IP address?


Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:56 pm
by smackaholic
KC Scott wrote:
smackaholic wrote:
TheJON wrote: If I were black, I would probably track your IP address and fucking do it myself. But I'm white, so I won't.
Quite possibly the most racist statement I've ever read on this board.
Is it more racist to suggest there's no blacks that would know how to track an IP address?

That thought did occur to me, but, seeing as I ain't a racist like jon, I didn't comment on it.

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:03 am
by TheJON
mvscal wrote:You are a racist. You're just too stupid to know it.
So do my black and hispanic friends know this?

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:04 am
by TheJON
KC Scott wrote:
smackaholic wrote:
TheJON wrote: If I were black, I would probably track your IP address and fucking do it myself. But I'm white, so I won't.
Quite possibly the most racist statement I've ever read on this board.
Is it more racist to suggest there's no blacks that would know how to track an IP address?

I have no idea how on earth you would take what I said that way. That suggests nothing of the sort. Maybe you're just racist for thinking that's what I was trying to say????

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:19 am
by smackaholic
Maybe you're just a dumbass for not having even a hint of a sense of humor.

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:24 pm
by titlover
TheJON wrote:
mvscal wrote:You are a racist. You're just too stupid to know it.
So do my black and hispanic friends know this?

and there it is...... :lol: :lol:

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:26 pm
by TheJON
Screw_Michigan wrote:Noj is such an expert with first-hand knowledge of race relations, coming from Iowa which has, what, 1% balck population, if that?

Shut the fuck up, idiot.
Yeah, I don't know any black people. Uh, or actually yes I do. Quite a few.

Nice comment retard about how because I live in Iowa therefore I can't dislike racist people????

Screw = Another internet tough guy. I've done a study and found that 99.99% of internet tough guys are 5'6, 120 pounds and live in their parents basement. So I give you a .01% chance of NOT fitting into that category.

How's about instead of I "shut the fuck up", you learn to say something other than "shut the fuck up"? Mmkkay??

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:22 pm
by Mikey
TheJON wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:Noj is such an expert with first-hand knowledge of race relations, coming from Iowa which has, what, 1% balck population, if that?

Shut the fuck up, idiot.
Yeah, I don't know any black people. Uh, or actually yes I do. Quite a few.

Nice comment retard about how because I live in Iowa therefore I can't dislike racist people????

Screw = Another internet tough guy. I've done a study and found that 99.99% of internet tough guys are 5'6, 120 pounds and live in their parents basement. So I give you a .01% chance of NOT fitting into that category.

How's about instead of I "shut the fuck up", you learn to say something other than "shut the fuck up"? Mmkkay??

Calm down. Stop shouting hysterically.

Take a few seconds to wipe the spittle off your chin and the overspray off your monitor.

Then go have a beer or six and think about finding something else to occupy your time for awhile. If you keep up this message board thing you're in danger of stroking out at too young an age.

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:33 pm
by TheJON
Thanks for the advice Mikey. I decided to go upstairs and put the midget pron in the DVD player and relieve myself. Feel better already.


Sorry about that Screw.....

Why don't you let me make it up to you by me allowing you to put your mouth on my nuts?

Re: When Democrats accidentally tell us the truth

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 12:10 am
Say that to Mace in a sheepskin wig and you might have something...