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Black Friday

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 10:01 pm
by War Wagon
So how many of you tight fisted cheapskates pried open your wallet and parted with some cash today? The economy is depending on you!

For the first time ever on Black Friday, I actually went out and bought some gadget for the wife as an early Christmas present. She had mentioned she wanted an MP3 player or a new digital camera as our old one took a dump.

Scouring the ads yesterday, I spotted an MP4 player that's also a digital camera, marked down 70% at the local Sears factory outlet store. I'm thinking yeah right, they probably have 5 in stock and they'll be gone by 6:00 am to the fucks who camp out overnght in freezing temps waiting for just such a bargain, and then damn near trample each other to death once the doors open. Fuck that noise.

But I figured wtf, I'll go take a look this morning and see if they have one left. This store is in an industrial area on the wrong side of the tracks for most of the bitches who might be wanting this type of item, and much to my amazement...


Now if I can just figure out how to work the damn thing.

Re: Black Friday

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 10:25 pm
by KC Scott
Sounds like you went to the one off front street. Man that area is way more ugly than it used to be. My first sales job was with an office Eqt company just E of 435. We used to go to the Smugglers inn for Drinks.

Over the Summer, coming back from WOF after the park closed, drove down on front to get some fast food for the kids.
The Homeless have taken that area over - at least after dark. They were panhandling cars in line at the Wendy's and McD drive thru.


I'm doing about 90% of the gift shopping on line. When you can nail the free shipping and no taxes, if the price is close it beats the hell out of going to the stores.

I did the 5AM thing once - to get the Kids a Wii package last year at Sam's - and that was the last time.

Re: Black Friday

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 11:09 pm
by War Wagon
Yep, on Front Street and yes, the homeless panhandlers rule the interchange at I-435. I think they work in shifts 24/7. Lately, I've noticed both men and women and sometimes their dog. I guess they figure they'll get more sympathy that way. Not often, but once in awhile it works. I'll hand them a dollar now and then... and count my blessings.

And yes, Smugglers Inn used to be a cool nightspot for after work dinner and/or drinks, but it's nearly deserted these days. They had awesome Prime Rib back in the day. I don't know how they manage to stay open now, but somehow they do. Mostly just the lunch crowd, I guess.

Busy, busy area during the day. That Quik Trip has to be the busiest in town. Lotsa folks work down there, including myself, but pretty much dead after dark.

Re: Black Friday

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 8:42 am
by H4ever
The ol' lady went out with her Mom and sister and scored some high-efficiency LG washer and dryer from Home Depot. Those and some other items. She was home by 7:30 am and very pleased with herself. Huskers also beat CU. Didn't go to Ruby Tuesdays, so I say great day in these parts!

Re: Black Friday

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 12:42 pm
by Doug near DC
I admit it. I did the 5 AM Wal-Mart thing yesterday. I'll never do it again.

I did it becouse I had heard so much about it, and I wasn't doing what I'm usually doing on Black Friday, working.

A local station was actually giving traffic reports at all the "hot spots" for the 5AM specials. I did hear him say that Wal-Mart's lot was full, I proceeded on anyway. I got there, and it wasn't a joke. The whole lot was full, and the parking lot sharks were circling looking for that primo spot. Well, I figured I'd go all the way to the end near lawn & garden, and if nothing was there, I'd park across the street. In the next to last row, about 8 spaces in, I see a car back out, with no one waiting to pounce on the spot. I'm in. There was actually a short line to get in the store. It took more than 5 minutes to get to electronics. I didn't see any boxes on the floor for the Vizio 42" flatscreen that I wanted. Sold out at 5:30. But, there was a Philips 42" that was also marked down, and it was only $8 more than I had planned to spend anyway. So, I loaded it up in my cart and got in the long ass line to check out. It took an hour to get through that line. I was glad to get out of there. I was questioning myself in line if I had somehow ended up in the Wal-Mart in Mexico City. At 5AM there were entire families pushing 2-3 sometimes 4 carts full of crap.

Was it worth it? I think I got a good price on our flat screen, and I works great. But it will serve as a reminnder to just shop online rather than fight that crap.