KC Scott wrote:Did you announce to the passengers or could they even tell?
Last December coming back from Montreal we're landing at MSP and we touch down on the runway, then go right back up. Circle for 15 minutes then land. Pilot doesn't say a word. As we're getting off I asked what happened - he said "runway was occupied"
Yea, maybe it's better that we didn't know that
I wasn't the pilot. I was the guy making $6 an hour that had to crawl under there and connect and disconnect the air cart. As stated above pax usually have no idea that an air start is going on. The airlines usually pull the jet bridge back and everything downstairs is in pushback positions. Most pax don't stop to think about what is going on anyway. Hell the noise the Airbus hydros make when sitting over the wing makes a ton of people freak out.
I understand the pilot not saying anything for the first few minutes after the go around. Whole crap load of stuff going on up front at that point, most importantly keeping clear of departures. But to be silent for the remainder of the flight is piss poor.
Papa Willie wrote:Fuck. Yeah - I can see that being a bit scary. I reckon if you had to do that, it would be better doing it on an engine like that as opposed to one of these new P&W 115,000 lb. thrust monsters. I honestly don't see how these 777's aren't sucking everything in the world into those 10 foot mouths. That's a WHOLE lotta space sucking in air.
True, but on the 777 the engines are a lot further apart than they are on the 737-200. Plus the connection point isn't between the main gear, but is instead further back.
Ken wrote:Touch 'n go's are not that uncommon also. Had a couple of those too. Also a couple where on approach and just before touchdown, the pilot aborts the landing, guns the engines, and climbs quickly for another go 'round. Generally happens simply because the plane that landed prior hasn't quite cleared the runway yet.
You fly enough and you will experience a go around. Ken is right on in that most is slow clears. Most likely on a runway without a ton of highspeed turnoffs. Those are the exits like on an interstate that are lesser angles instead of the right angle intersections.
KC Scott wrote: would be interested to learn if that's ATC fuck up or the pilot who hadn't cleared the runway yet
Most aren't errors so much as a result of more traffic today than a decade ago etc. Say a plane lands a little long or floats and is 1500' past the threshold before the wheels are on the ground. They might not be slowed enough to turn off at the requested taxiway. It can also be departing traffic in front of the landing plane that was slow to start their roll or had to reject, etc.
The thing that even fewer pax know about are land and hold short clearances. Say you have a runway that is 8000' long and at the 6000' mark is an intersecting runway. If that intersecting runway is being used for departures then your flight could be cleared to land with the restriction that they must stop before the intersection or turnoff before said intersection.