Anyway, back to the game in the thread title. I was playing last night with these motherfuckers and in the process of fighting for a rebound I get bumped in the air. Nothing wrong with the contact, but it caught me off guard. Off enough to take my eye off the ball in the air and it lands straight on my pinky. It felt like my finger exploded so I knew something was wrong. I looked down and saw that my finger was dislocated. It actually looked like this........................

We had just started the last game before the gym closed and anyone that could come in and sub for me had already left. The pain was shooting through that little digit. I sure as fuck wasn't going to stand there in pain if I could do something about it. I sucked it up and tried to pop that little fucker back into place. Bend that dangling piece over, try to re-align the bones and presto, a sort of normal looking pinky. Now the pain was downgraded to getting head from a wolverine.
This is where the question of "badass or dumbass" comes into play. Since there was no one to come in for me, I decided to play on. I figured that it was going to hurt like hell either way when I got home and it was my left so I could play with my right side like I normally do. One guy looked at me like I was either god or the devil for deciding to play on. Gotta say, it felt like a pretty badass thing to do at the time..........
................not so sure this morning. After a night of heavy ice, heavy Advil and heavy beer, the pinky has swollen up to the size of my thumb and the color of the skin is a nice shade of bruise. I can type with my pinky up, so I'm able to get some work at home done today, but everything else that I would use my left for fucking hurts. I am using my left as gingerly today as H4ever uses his words whilst dining with his cunt wife.
If it helps with your assessment of the situation, yes, I was playing in my wolf shirt.