Once we got our hose line into the plane and were able to ventilate we saw the full tank of fuel that this C130 uses to refuel other aircraft mid-flight. That made me nervous!

The interior was gutted. Probably a total loss, but at least the crew of 10 Canadian Airmen were able to get out and to safety. The fire started after they were about 50 in air from takeoff. Pilot said when they stopped there was zero visibility.

At the top of the plane you see that hole? The fire burned it out and made a perfect place to direct our roof turret streams to knock the fire down from the outside before making the interior attack with handlines. Yes, the douche standing like a douche is me. Not the guys in the white shirts, those are my bosses.

We don't get many good fires so this was pretty cool. I mean, NO fires is best, but if they happen it's always cool if I'm working when they do.
On a different note. Saw this bumper sticker on the way to drop my kid off at school this morning. Looks like Dan is running for State's Attorney.