How does his dick taste, Trojans? The last 2 years he has 36 carries for 371 yards against your soft as shit defense. I know, I know. You were penalized 7 years ago and couldn't possibly be asked to field a decent team. Just like Penn State.
Just like the Southern Cal teams of the '80's and '90's, all size and no steak. No heart, not physical and they bend over like a 20 year old actress at a Harvey Weinstein party as soon as they get punched in the mouth by an offensive or defensive line.
It's too bad Meds, GreginPG and Van aren't still around. Scrolling through the archives I forgot about some of the epoch smack we laid down against each other. Unfortunately, most people are gone and the concept of message boards are going the way of the iPod. Hardly anyone from the old days still posts here, and it's not as if we are adding anyone new. In fact, outside of the Pick 'em contest (which I've been spotty about playing consistently), I probably won't post here unless Notre Dame somehow defies all odds, runs the table and wins the NC.
But none of that changes what happened last night. Notre Dame was bigger, stronger and faster and beat the shit out of you so bad physically that Ike called Tina and said "God damn, at least I didn't do you like that."