Randy Johnson - $15 million has a bad back and requires routine cartillage injections to his knees
Carl Pavano - $9 million - has been on the DL most of the year.
Kevin Brown - $15+ million - he has been a BUST since arriving in NY. His back is a wreck and he is an iodot! His wrist breaking locker smashing episode helped the Sox to win the Pennant last year and he's only gotten worse this year.
Jaret Wright- only $5+ million- not much expected from him this year and he made sure that he didn't deliver..
Chien-Ming Wang - Rookie minimum- The Yankees thought they found a winning lottery ticket with this guy... until he blew out his shoulder...
with all of these losses and along with having to deal with the steroid use, consequences and BALCO issues of Giambi and Sheffield along with Sheffield's tirades...
The Yankees are still in contention...
Hats off to the Yankees!