Signature Songs?

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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by Innocent Bystander »

Shlomart Ben Yisrael wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 4:39 am
Smackie Chan wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 4:28 am ...before realizing he could pull more tail and make a few more quid by becoming an axe man.
Reading about some of his proclivities, you would imagine he'd try pulling tail by skulking around daycare centers...

What really happened with Barflie?
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by Dr_Phibes »

Dinsdale wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 3:49 am Dire Straights
I'd imagine Dire Straights is a lot like pissing your pants. It's all warm and nice, then when you realise what's going on, you're revolted.
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by Dinsdale »

Smackie Chan wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 4:41 am
Well, yeah. That and, of course, having a small penis.
We're going to need a ruling on this from...

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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by Dinsdale »

Innocent Bystander wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 4:55 am
What really happened with Barflie?
I find your question to be less than tasteful.
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Dinsdale wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 5:06 am tasteful
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by Dinsdale »

Smackie Chan wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 4:45 am
I'll try to avoid any mentions of Peter Noone, Robert Johnson, Willie Dixon, or Dick Dale as well.
Pearl Jam... it's the inevitable out come.
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

the goo goo dolls

rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Jimmy Pages-stuck-together
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by Dinsdale »

Dinsdale wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 4:33 am I'll start...


Wait, is that one already taken?
That was rude of me to step to Screw's gig, regardless how tiny that step may have been.

So, I'll change my disinterested rooting interest to FSU.

GO NOLES!!!!!!!!!

And if any of you have a problem with that, I'll meet you yesterday at High Noon behind the elementary school, where I'll roll up in my wheelchair and croon 1/16th of the shit out of you.
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Re: Signature Songs?

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Extreme Anatomical Punkage wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 4:44 amI'll let you fill in the rest.
I'll pass, since it wouldn't be satisfying for you. After all, light switches point & laugh at me. But I still count my blessings, grateful in the knowledge that at least I'm not EAP.
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by Innocent Bystander »

Dinsdale wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 5:06 am
Innocent Bystander wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 4:55 am
What really happened with Barflie?
I find your question to be less than tasteful.
Since when has anyone here had taste? Shit, you yourself used to revel in your lack of discernment, discrimination and refinement. Wtf happened?

Did the U&L go soft?
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by Innocent Bystander »

Shlomart Ben Yisrael wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 5:12 am
Dinsdale wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 5:06 am tasteful
So it was that bad? Remember when frag went to jail? or a certain cop met the wrong hooker? It was worse than both of those?

That's fucked up. I hope it's not really that serious. Nobody should go through that.
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by EAP »

Smackie Chan wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 5:59 am
Extreme Anatomical Punkage wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 4:44 amI'll let you fill in the rest.
I'll pass, since it wouldn't be satisfying for you. After all, light switches point & laugh at me. But I still count my blessings, grateful in the knowledge that at least I'm not EAP.
That hurts smackie.
Just when our relationship could've progressed to the next logical step, you go low brow.

Oh well. It probably was a long shot anyway, with our IQ'S and relative dick sizes being so far apart. A real logistical nightmare to be sure.
You "chan dynasty" guys are on the low side of an inch.
Normally you far east guys do trend high on the IQ scale, but your "breech birth" squashed that from the get go.
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Re: Signature Songs?

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Excessively Anus Plungered wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 1:45 pmwith our IQ'S and relative dick sizes being so far apart.
At least you were half right. I'm sure the distance between our IQs are several standard deviations apart, what with me being an Asian neurosurgeon and you having a mere PhD in Elvisology. But don't let your severe mental shortcomings keep you from reaching for the stars, Skippy.
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by Smackie Chan »

Eagerly Anticipates Peckers wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 1:45 pmour relationship could've progressed to the next logical step
It's still possible for that to happen, but it's best for someone with your obviously limited intellectual capacity to pursue it using baby steps. You don't wanna hurt yourself by trying to go too far too fast. Don't worry, I'll be patient with you.
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by EAP »

Smackie Chan wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 4:37 pm
Excessively Anus Plungered wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 1:45 pmwith our IQ'S and relative dick sizes being so far apart.
At least you were half right. I'm sure the distance between our IQs are several standard deviations apart, what with me being an Asian neurosurgeon and you having a mere PhD in Elvisology. But don't let your severe mental shortcomings keep you from reaching for the stars, Skippy.
Neurosurgeon. I'm impressed.
Trump gave Dr. Rand Paul $30,000 to help restore sight to Haitian children.
Must really be tough knowing that you will NEVER be half the human being that Trump is.

And, I'm sure an Asian man of your intelligence really believes the BS propaganda about trump and his family.

Let's get down to brass tacks super smart brain surgeon.
Your kids will never be half as smart or successful as trump's amazing kids.

When push comes to shove?
All your education aside, next to the 45th president of the United states, you are a dirtbag loser.

He's got real estate holdings in 29 countries. Done more living in a six month span than you'll ever dream of doing in ten lifetimes.

Yet a supposed brain surgeon like you, thinks he's a racist loser?

You need serious soul searching to understand how gullible and easily duped you are by propaganda.

AND, if you're not duped?
If you actually believe all that bullshit? Then you are one seriously fucked up fool.
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

EAP wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 7:53 pm Then you are one seriously fucked up fool.
That's certainly a disrespectful way to speak to an ex-serviceman. Smackie was prepared to lay down his life in duty to flag and country...and you essentially spit on him and call him "baby-killer".


rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by Smackie Chan »

schmick wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 9:57 pmIf they didnt write the song, theyre not an artist. Theyre just someone singing an artists song.
So you've never heard of performing arts or recording artists? Or do you believe those are just misleading terms?
In the song 'Join Together,' Pete Townshend wrote:It's the singer not the song
That makes the music move along
Those lyrics are instructive on at least a couple different levels. Townshend is a songwriter, musician, and singer (yeah, I know - and allegedly a fan of kiddie porn, too), but he, in most cases, gave the lyrics he wrote to Roger Daltrey to sing. Why? Because he realizes, as a songwriter, "it's the singer, not the song" that makes a tune memorable. Sure, he could've sung it. But he recognized that Daltrey was the better choice (i.e., artist) to interpret his lyrics. And art is all about interpretation. Stretching your reasoning to an illogical conclusion, Leonardo wasn't really an artist if he used paint made by someone else. To a singer (recording/performing artist), the lyrics and music are his paint, so to speak. Sometimes they are created by the artist, but oftentimes not. If not, it doesn't detract from his still being an artist because he is interpreting (creating art from) that with which he has to work.

Hope this helps toward your understanding of art and artists. But I doubt it will.
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by The State »

Smackie Chan wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 11:26 pm
In the song 'Join Together,' Pete Townshend wrote:It's the singer not the song
That makes the music move along

Speaking of Pete. Best line ever.

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."
EAP wrote: Fri Jan 10, 2020 10:39 am The STATE has all the answers
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by Smackie Chan »

Exasperatingly Asinine Poster wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 7:53 Asian man...brain surgeon.
You're really quite bad at this. Let me break it down in terms even a simpleton like you can understand. After you pretended to have a PhD in "Elvisology," and pretended to have even a modicum of intelligence, and pretended to post anything of interest to anyone, I pretended to be a neurosurgeon with a small...never mind. So now, let's stop pretending and deal only with truth:

1. I'm not Asian.
2. I'm not a neurosurgeon or brain surgeon.
3. The size of my junk is...well, nobody on this board cares (except you, since dongs seem to be at the forefront of your thought 24/7).
4. You don't have a PhD in anything except, perhaps, dipshittery, in which you excel. Anything else, then the school that bestowed it upon you should immediately and permanently have its credentials revoked.
5. You display not the least bit of anything that might resemble intelligence.
6. The next time you post anything of interest will be the first.

As for the rest of the drivel you posted, it's just further evidence of your dipshitedness and not worthy of a response.

Got it?
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by EAP »

schmick wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 9:57 pm If they didnt write the song, theyre not an artist. Theyre just someone singing an artists song.

Congratulations! You just posted the dumbest comments EVER seen in polite society!!

Every single songwriter who wrote lyrics for ella Fitzgerald Frank Sinatra and elvis, couldn't come anywhere near the level of soul depth and artistry that those 3 icons displayed in the recording studio.

And, the foremost critics agree with me, as they've bestowed massive critical acclaim on their many studio recordings.

The mere fact that you don't understand that reality? Is evidence of not only your low IQ,
BUT your serious mental instability as well.

Good luck.
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by EAP »

Smackie Chan wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 11:56 pm
Exasperatingly Asinine Poster wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 7:53 Asian man...brain surgeon.
You're really quite bad at this. Let me break it down in terms even a simpleton like you can understand. After you pretended to have a PhD in "Elvisology," and pretended to have even a modicum of intelligence, and pretended to post anything of interest to anyone, I pretended to be a neurosurgeon with a small...never mind. So now, let's stop pretending and deal only with truth:

1. I'm not Asian.
2. I'm not a neurosurgeon or brain surgeon.
3. The size of my junk is...well, nobody on this board cares (except you, since dongs seem to be at the forefront of your thought 24/7).
4. You don't have a PhD in anything except, perhaps, dipshittery, in which you excel. Anything else, then the school that bestowed it upon you should immediately and permanently have its credentials revoked.
5. You display not the least bit of anything that might resemble intelligence.
6. The next time you post anything of interest will be the first.

As for the rest of the drivel you posted, it's just further evidence of your dipshitedness and not worthy of a response.

Got it?
LET me enlighten you sir smack a dick.

Obviously, since there is no PhD in elvis-ology, it was a play on words, tongue and cheek.
Meaning, that I have studied the life, music and career of the king for longer than you've been alive.

So even though there's no doctorate involved? I've got the intellectual chops on this particular subject, TIMES INFINITY.
The fact that you took me literally? Speaks volumes about YOUR spaz like knee jerk reactions and assumptions in your miserable life.

It's YOU who were duped here.
Only a fuckin idiot would think anyone was serious about a PhD in the king.
Point being? If there were a PhD for this subject or field? I'd be way over qualified for it.
You really are a gullible fool.

Next time you get manipulated like a lil' bitch, clean up afterwards.
Got it punk?
Last edited by EAP on Thu Dec 19, 2019 10:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by Innocent Bystander »

schmick wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 9:57 pm If they didnt write the song, theyre not an artist. Theyre just someone singing an artists song.
Interpretation matters. The singer is like the actor. Actors don't write, but their interpretation can turn a wack one dimensional placeholder into a nuanced living character.

Same with singing.

This is something EAP is actually good at parsing.
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by Innocent Bystander »

The State wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 11:39 pm
Smackie Chan wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 11:26 pm
In the song 'Join Together,' Pete Townshend wrote:It's the singer not the song
That makes the music move along

Speaking of Pete. Best line ever.

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."
Pete's a pedo.phile.
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by EAP »

Innocent Bystander wrote: Thu Dec 19, 2019 3:06 am
schmick wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2019 9:57 pm If they didnt write the song, theyre not an artist. Theyre just someone singing an artists song.
Interpretation matters. The singer is like the actor. Actors don't write, but their interpretation can turn a wack one dimensional placeholder into a nuanced living character.

Same with singing.

This is something EAP is actually good at parsing.
You're a gentleman and a Rhodes scholar.

I liked your analogy.
You are SPOT ON!

We can give example after example, on this

Lyrics are indeed a huge part of the creative process.
But without the vocalist to bring those words to life, you are left with a poem. Silent words on a page.

What about the band? A lyric won't play drums. Never saw a lyric do a stinging guitar solo.

It's all part of the creation of a piece of musical art in the recording studio.

The words, the screenplay for the Godfather, are nothing until Brando breathes life into them.

I would argue that music is so much more. You not only read the silent words BUT you bring them to life musically and with soul feeling and emotion.

Plus, the lyrics can be done differently with more than one interpretation, by more than one artist.
Last edited by EAP on Fri Dec 20, 2019 12:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by The State »

schmick wrote: Thu Dec 19, 2019 5:42 am Did Van Gogh paint by numbers? Picasso connect the dots?
No, because artists create art. Some ass hat singing a song someone else wrote is not an artist no matter how many times they call themselves one. Theyre glorified karaoke hacks

One is a song writer/musician (creative) and one uses their voice as an instrument/musician (creative).

You can't be this stupid... but, of course you can.
EAP wrote: Fri Jan 10, 2020 10:39 am The STATE has all the answers
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by EAP »

schmick wrote: Thu Dec 19, 2019 5:42 am Did Van Gogh paint by numbers? Picasso connect the dots?
No, because artists create art. Some ass hat singing a song someone else wrote is not an artist no matter how many times they call themselves one. Theyre glorified karaoke hacks
And actors are just people pretending to be something or someone theyre not. Like trannies
One could easily argue that an artist is painting what God already created you low IQ cocksucker.

An artist doing a portrait? He's just copying what he sees you really really stupid motherfucker.
Van Gogh's starry night?
He's looking up at the stars already there, takes some good opium, and critics call it a masterpiece.

Leonardo has some tranny whore sit for him, and he merely copies what is sitting in front of him. You walking STD.

Most of these drug addicted artists are merely copying God's creation. You mindless glob of jizz.

With frank Sinatra ella and elvis,
They are actually turning silent words on paper, into a living song full of soul feeling and emotion.

The drug addict van gogh is merely copying what's already there, taking mind altering drugs to make his copying seem edgy.

The difference between a high IQ like mine and a low IQ like yours is that I know that the great artists are masters of shading and light.

Got it now?
Last edited by EAP on Thu Dec 19, 2019 10:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by EAP »

schmick wrote: Thu Dec 19, 2019 5:42 am Did Van Gogh paint by numbers? Picasso connect the dots?
No, because artists create art. Some ass hat singing a song someone else wrote is not an artist no matter how many times they call themselves one. Theyre glorified karaoke hacks
And actors are just people pretending to be something or someone theyre not. Like trannies
You can't be this stupid.

Yes, artists copy. They look at a house already there, and draw it.
The good artists are masters of using shading and light.

Same thing in acting.
The good actors can bring up intense emotions effectively reducing a grown man or woman to tears.

The bad actors make you get up and leave the movie.
Or just fuck in the back row.

In music? The bad kaaraoke hacks make you throw beer in their face.

Frank Sinatra ray Charles, ella Fitzgerald, elvis, etc... they are masters at their craft. Their critically acclaimed bodies of work in the recording studio, left behind perfection in music for generations to nourish their souls with.

The mere fact that you didn't learn about this growing up,
Leads us to believe that you had a rotten upbringing.
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by Softball Bat »

Dire Straits – Money for Nothing
The Police – Every Breath You Take
Linda Ronstadt – When Will I Be Loved
Jefferson Airplane/Starship – White Rabbit/Miracles
Elvis – It’s Now or Never
The Who – Won’t Get Fooled Again
The J. Geils Band - Centerfold
Credence Clearwater Revival – Proud Mary
Green Day – Basket Case
Janis Joplin – Me and Bobby McGee
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by EAP »

Softball Bat wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2019 12:18 pm Dire Straits – Money for Nothing
The Police – Every Breath You Take
Linda Ronstadt – When Will I Be Loved
Jefferson Airplane/Starship – White Rabbit/Miracles
Elvis – It’s Now or Never
The Who – Won’t Get Fooled Again
The J. Geils Band - Centerfold
Credence Clearwater Revival – Proud Mary
Green Day – Basket Case
Janis Joplin – Me and Bobby McGee
Wow! Softball?
We agree!!!!

It's now or never" , the 1960 studio recording, is a masterpiece. Elvis's superb vocals show why he is an ICON.

The sheer power of his tenor.
The ease of which he effortlessly glides into a sweet falsetto.....
A master of delicate shadings.

One listen and you are treated to something so iconic and otherworldly in the fine arts.

It's a tour de force. An all time classic.

AND, let me underscore how unique this artist the king was.

Left wing freaks and racist low IQ blacks often say that elvis stole from the black man.


That's the greatest example of ignorance and hate, with racism thrown in for good measure, on the subject of elvis's career.

Not only was his voice unique,
But it was chameleon.
With soul depth and diversity.

His landmark sun studio sessions, were the powerful fusion of black blues with white country.

Any board member who doesn't understand that reality? Just kill yourself for being incredibly stupid.
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Subjective being the key here's, my .02

Dire Straits - "Sultans of Swing" While "Money for Nothing" is arguably their most popular (for all the wrong reasons), Sultans is the go to.
The Police - Not my favorite, but "Roxanne" is probable right.
Linda Ronstadt - Warren Zevon bias here, so "Poor Poor Pitiful Me."
Jefferson Airplane/Starship - "White Rabbit"
Elvis - "Burning Love"
The Who - "My Generation"
The J. Geils Band - "Love Stinks", but I really like "Come Back"
Credence Clearwater Revival - "Bad Moon Rising"
Green Day - "Longview"
Janis Joplin - "Me and Bobby McGee"
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by EAP »

Jay in Phoenix wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2019 3:57 pm Subjective being the key here's, my .02

Dire Straits - "Sultans of Swing" While "Money for Nothing" is arguably their most popular (for all the wrong reasons), Sultans is the go to.
The Police - Not my favorite, but "Roxanne" is probable right.
Linda Ronstadt - Warren Zevon bias here, so "Poor Poor Pitiful Me."
Jefferson Airplane/Starship - "White Rabbit"
Elvis - "Burning Love"
The Who - "My Generation"
The J. Geils Band - "Love Stinks", but I really like "Come Back"
Credence Clearwater Revival - "Bad Moon Rising"
Green Day - "Longview"
Janis Joplin - "Me and Bobby McGee"
Burning love?


Absolutely spot on about sultans of swing though.
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by EAP »

Roach wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2019 2:53 pm
EAP wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2019 1:01 pm
Softball Bat wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2019 12:18 pm Dire Straits – Money for Nothing
The Police – Every Breath You Take
Linda Ronstadt – When Will I Be Loved
Jefferson Airplane/Starship – White Rabbit/Miracles
Elvis – It’s Now or Never
The Who – Won’t Get Fooled Again
The J. Geils Band - Centerfold
Credence Clearwater Revival – Proud Mary
Green Day – Basket Case
Janis Joplin – Me and Bobby McGee
Wow! Softball?
We agree!!!!

It's now or never" , the 1960 studio recording, is a masterpiece. Elvis's superb vocals show why he is an ICON.

The sheer power of his tenor.
The ease of which he effortlessly glides into a sweet falsetto.....
A master of delicate shadings.

One listen and you are treated to something so iconic and otherworldly in the fine arts.

It's a tour de force. An all time classic.

AND, let me underscore how unique this artist the king was.

Left wing freaks and racist low IQ blacks often say that elvis stole from the black man.


That's the greatest example of ignorance and hate, with racism thrown in for good measure, on the subject of elvis's career.

Not only was his voice unique,
But it was chameleon.
With soul depth and diversity.

His landmark sun studio sessions, were the powerful fusion of black blues with white country.

Any board member who doesn't understand that reality? Just kill yourself for being incredibly stupid.
So Elvis gets you wet. Like a little girl. Then you project that onto others so you don't have to face the reality that you want some Man image from your youth to give you butt sex. But since it's mental you use your hand. It's clear.
Roach, coming from someone who gets wet at the sight of
Lil' bow woww?
You got no room to talk.
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Jay in Phoenix
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

EAP wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2019 4:17 pmBurning love?


Absolutely spot on about sultans of swing though.
Subjective, remember? It's the one I think of first, doesn't make it his best or his signature. Just the one I go to. BTW, Woody Harrelson does a suprisingly good rendition of the song at the end credits of "Zombieland, Double Tap".
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

LL Cool J = Mama Said Knock You Out

Salt-N-Pepa = Push It

ODB = Snakes
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by EAP »

Roach wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2019 4:59 pm Hard to beat Walk of Life for a sig song, even if not most popular


Credence Clearwater Revival – Centerfield. Yeah I know but Fogerty, Creedence, forever intertwined. His sig song, hence theirs.


And EAP:
Oh shit!
Is that the iconic Jean-Luc Picard?
He's no Bill Shatner, but then again, who is?
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by EAP »

Jay in Phoenix wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2019 4:39 pm
EAP wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2019 4:17 pmBurning love?


Absolutely spot on about sultans of swing though.
Subjective, remember? It's the one I think of first, doesn't make it his best or his signature. Just the one I go to. BTW, Woody Harrelson does a suprisingly good rendition of the song at the end credits of "Zombieland, Double Tap".
You're right. It's subjective.
I need to constantly remind myself of that before I get all riled up.
It's something I need to work on.
Cause I tend to get all hot and bothered at the mere drop of a hat.
Oh well. At least I'm not a heroin addict.
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by EAP »

So, in 72' chuck berry hit number 1 with the song, "my ding -A-ling"
Written by dave bartholomew.

I'm guessing that this song must be about his big black stuff, because he was video taping women in the toilet, while they took a shit and it made his Ding-A-Ling hard.

I mean what else could it be about?
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by EAP »

He claims it's about a toy his grandma bought him.
But no way.

It's like the song "shake rattle and roll".

The lyrics appear clean, but they are filthy.

Case in point.
"I'm like a one eyed cat, peepin' in a seafood store".
Come on.
Anyone not get that?

Dick pussy etc...
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Shlomart Ben Yisrael
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Re: Signature Songs?

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Scientist - Super Nova Explosion

Selassie I and I

rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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