Very unseasonably warm temps to start the holiday weekend
ending with a chance of snow Monday and Tuesday and much
cooler temps here in FOC with lots of clouds and rain in between.
Not ideal for grill biz, but I will roll with it, and make the best
of it. Xmas bs will side track me a little, but we will be getting
that out of the way early tomorrow morning, and I will likely
get a little sideways later in the evening. We decided to change
things up a little this year. The last 6 years, we have hosted the
entire fam on Xmas day and serve a giant feast at noon. Vaghub
and I both, have to work our asses off before, during and after.
All the ungrateful fucks come, eat, get their shit, stay too long,
and finally leave, with most not offering to help do a damn thing.
We typically don't do shit on Xmas eve as that's when the extended
family is off with others .. spouses fams, ex-spouses fams, etc.
With the way the days fell this we opted to squeeze in a 10 to noon
window for everyone. No big spread. Rolls, juice, coffee.
Here's a roll, juice, your gift, now beat it! I have high hopes for
this method and may well repeat it in years to come.
Chiefs game on Monday at noon ... that's weird, but needing to
whoop some raiduh ass to wrap up another division title. Lots
of other great games on today, tomorrow and Monday also.
Perfect distractions that will allow you to ignore many of
the holiday annoyances.
Speaking of annoyances, I referenced this in a rare weekday
post this week..... why is Asshole Extraordinaire back posting
his drivel? Put that prick back in time out. His bullshit schtick
is old, tired and played out. Dude has absolutely no sense of
humor and has sucked more bbc than all the whores on Pornhub
times two.
It's the holiday season and I am in a giving mood,
so you get not one, but two memes this week.
You can never go wrong with a ree ree meme:

and as always, if I am not at least attempting to offend someone
then I am not doing my job:

Happy long weekend, Y'all.