heard before that seems to have been around in
one form or another for damn near 40 years.
Intrigued a little, I strayed down a rabbit hole
for a minute. It seems these chaps are of the
stoner/sludge/doom genre of metal. Hmm, ok.
Reddit folks seem to rather enjoy this next
sorta not really safe for work vid.
I will likely give this band an extended listen sometime
soon, albeit, audio only. The vids are a bit much.
Anyone besides me noticed the absence of Screwy from
Cul de Smack? I see weekly posts in the NFL forum, but
nothing here since shortly after the election. Did dude
lose a bet, or is this just some self imposed exile?
Decent weather on tap for FOC. Need to squeeze in a
little grill work along with de-xmasing the house.
Shit tons of good NFL on the tube. No Chiefs this weekend
as they went 3-0 in an eleven day span. Homefield/bye
is locked up. Time for those guys to rest up for the
playoffs. If you have been following along, you have seen
me mention here weekly about the inevitable 3pete since July.
If memory serves, Chip was the only one to doubt this. I will
assume the rest of you are in agreement and riding along
on the red bandwagon as well. 3pete- 43 days away.
Sling Blade update-
Vaghub finally picked up a VHS copy from Ebay.
Of course, when we tried to play it, the lone VCR we
had on a shelf in the storage room would not work.
Looking and calling around, there are virtually zero,
working VCR's to be found in the KC metro.
Searching further does find a few dvd copies,
mostly blueray and being sold for $50. I am not ready
to pull that trigger yet. Google tells us:
The quest continues.Sling Blade" is considered difficult to find primarily due to complex rights issues related to its distribution by Miramax, which has resulted in limited availability on streaming services and often makes physical copies like DVDs and Blu-rays scarce and expensive to purchase; this is likely due to behind-the-scenes legal complications that haven't been fully resolved, making it hard to access the film widely.
Crying little bitch CJ has a new gig

Happy Weekend, Y'all.