57% is owned by various federal agencies
40% is owned by families, Native American tribes or companies, including 14% by industrial timber companies
3% is CalFire, local open space, park and water districts and land trusts
9 million acres (27% of 33 million acres) is owned by individuals with 90% of those owners having 50 cares or less
So, Donny Bonespurs should be able to solve 57% of our problem the day he takes office. All we need is an influx of rakes and 100,000 or so H-2A visas for a year or two.
Wouldn't it be nice if ignorant fucks from flyover country would quit acting like they know shit about shit they know absolutely nothing about? Maybe worry more about where their next load of asphalt is coming from?
Of course there aren't any forests in Los Angeles. They all burned up this week.