Just fucking dazzling...

I'm in pain here. Gawd, I sometimes miss my ex wife...
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
Oh, I've been meaning to thank you for taking all that rain in the last month. We had about 6 weeks damn-near straight, and we figured you guys could use the water, and we could use the break from the flooding. It all worked out.m2 wrote:Indeed, my fine friend from the North.
Moi?Van wrote:Thought for sure you'd find some way to rip me for it, since you're still breathing.
Keep frontin', gigolo.Dinsdale wrote:Jeebus, Van. You must have tagged some MAJORLY ugly chicks in your day.
Damn. I thought I was bad. If THAT chick looks good to you, you should probably thank God, Buddha, Allah, and any other dieties you can think of that you don't drink. Your ass woulda jumped out a third-story window a long time ago.
First off, I've laid it to a smoking hottie or two in my day. Maybe even more than that. Not nearly enough to offset the mediocres, but a few, nonetheless.Van wrote: Keep frontin'
some of them shemales got some real nice titties these days.Van wrote:..and she should be put in charge of enforcing it. This is how a proper woman ought to carry herself.
Just fucking dazzling...
I'm in pain here. Gawd, I sometimes miss my ex wife...
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Oh, c'mon now.m2 wrote:the other 99% of the board wouldn't have a chance in hell of hittin' it.
So how many public bathrooms you been lucky in?Van wrote:No, that'd be my current wife.jtr wrote:is your ex wife the one you fucked in a chipotle bathroom?
Such things wouldn't be beyond the pale for my ex though either. Such things are pretty much a prerequisite for me from a woman.