OK...I'll tell a Prostitution Mission story

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Old Coot
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OK...I'll tell a Prostitution Mission story

Post by Luther »

We've had some poon stories, so I thought I might just shame myself with an old work story.

I'm thinking this is around '85 or so, and I'm working at the time, East Precinct. The city has expanded and it now called, Southeast Precinct. Back then we had a nagging prostitute problem hanging around Union Avenue, which is now called MLK or Martin Luther King Blvd. Around Burnside street it is pretty bad. Drunks, whores, whino's, and dopers up the ying yang.

The Sgt.'s grabbed me and asked if I would run a prostitution mission down in the "Lower Burn" area. The only reason they selected me is that I've done it numerous times before, and my Dinsdale dome, and the general old codger type of look made me a believable Joe who'd ask for pussy and be willing to cough cash.

I offered the use of my old Dodge pickup...a beauty...1968, Shortbed, kind of a faded light blue, missing the oil cap cover and the guts to the air filter system. Damn, the thing ran like a raped ape at times...


Needless to say the above picture is not my truck. I always could play the part of the pussy paying pud pretty well. I went to the dry cleaners where I frequent and scored a pair of those goofy Texaco or whatever work shirts with the name of "Dwayne" on them, and hung them in off the gun rack in the rear window of my truck. Just baitin'...

I agreed to do the detail for only one day. I told them I could guarantee them at least 4 whore busts, but I wanted a designated uniform car to cuff and book the prostitute. They gave me one of those "memo mates" a mini-tape recorder, so I could record the details of each pinch. Typically if you would rewind the tape and replay it, it would sound like this:

Arrest at 1355 hrs, SE 7th and Ash. Wanda ******* blah blah blah. Agreed to bounce my balls on her chin and blow me down for $25. Transport was Officer ********** *********.

Anyway, at the rollcall briefing I took a fair amount of bullshit from the guys/gals. One guy said his mom would blow me for a ten spot if I could get it hard in the locker room. Cocksucker...I never really liked that pompous prick and him and I had a brief conversation at a later time.

The D.A. has to brief me on the latest elements for probable cause. Yeah, yeah...we have to agree to exchange money for sex...I can't show my love club to prove I'm not a cop. I will have to do something else to prove I'm not a cop to make the deal. Oh, we can lie to the customer, but we cannot expose ourselves etc.

A buddy of mine, states in roll call that he'll bet I don't pinch 5 whores during the 8 hour shift. The bet is fitty bucks. Rookies are looking at me like I'm John Holmes in an undercover outfit. I just say, "You are on."


The Sarge suggests I go down to the Vice unit office and pick up one of those inflatable cocks for the detail tonight. I try to get out of it as I had to use one of them before...disgusting. It was basically a strap on inflatable dildo, with a metal air release valve. It had one of those bulb squeeze things that inflated the D-Dough into the hardness that you wanted. I went and got it, but I kept it under the front seat along with my badge and weapon. Driving out to the whore zone I was thinking, "I went and majored in college for this? I should have my head examined."

My first pickup zone was easy to select. This was the feeding frenzy section of our precinct...SE 7th to SE 9th and Burnside south to about Stark. I remember pulling up and the first gal was Black. I had my Dwayne shirt on, and told her I was an electrician. She didn't contest me even though above my name it said, "Texaco." I whipped around the corner and she asks if I'm a cop.

"I wish I was," I said.

She grabs my right hand and shoves it under her sweater and I'm now touching big ol' milk chocolate titties. "OK" she says, ... She wanted to make money so fast that she didn't contest the situation. Cops can't touch poon or titty...but she took the hand and did it herself against my volition (fvit fvit). She agrees to hum the organ for $30, but I thought I'd sweeten the pot. How about a deal for half and half..."$50" she says and directs me to the old parking structure at the now defunct Sears department store parking structure.

Busted...she went with my designated cover cop.

A bunch of pinches followed but I don't really remember them. The last one in the feeding frenzy zone actually kind of bothered me. Some of the prostitutes are really pretty nice gals, and over the years I had a bunch for snitches. The meth/doper whores were useless as informants, but the average prostitute was actually a bevy of info.

She got in my truck and I could tell she was older...probably a mother...but I couldn't see any signs of drug abuse. Her arms looked alright, the clothes were clean and fresh, her hair was clean. But she was scared to commit to a "deal." I drove around the lower "Burn" area trying to get the probable cause. She just wouldn't agree to exchange sex for moola.

Finally, we are in the basement of the old bowling alley near the Lido Cafe. It is around SE 11 and Morrison or so. She's telling me she got popped for prostitution last week and she's got a kid...blah blah blah. She wants to see my peenie and I'm bullshitting her that she's so clean that she's probably a cop and will bust me for Indecent Exposure and for sure I'll plead guilty instead of fighting it off in court instead of telling my family. Whew. She won't agree to the terms.

Finally I tell her that I'll just drop her off on the street as I spotted some other prostitute who knows me...blah blah. She finally says, "Ok, I'll blow you for $25.

Busted. The war was on. She was biting my hand that was trying to call on the radio for my cover to take her away. We roll out into the bowling alley concrete, it is dark and now 3 fat fucking bowlers come out the door and challenge me.

"You pervert...let her go."

"We'll kick your fucking ass...let her go."

Me: "I'm a cop...can I get a little help here?"

Them: "Sure your a cop...let her go."

I didn't want to, but I had to. I drove that bitch down to the pavement like a bad sack of seed. My cover arrived with a siren or two and the bowling fuckers disappeared like a bad 7-10 split.

The last redeeming pinches had me out near Sandy Blvd. The Parkrose area...102nd and east...Titty bars, and cheap Mexican Restaurants. I popped Sunshine for my 8th pinch about an hour before the shift cut off bet deal. Sunshine was a tall blond with big ol' hooters. I pulled up and she asked what I wanted, and I said, "I'm an electrician, I've got 50 bucks and I want head and a buck-a-roo ride." She laughed, leaned into my truck and grabbed my crotch...and miraciously I had just placed the thunder dong into my pants. She says, "Oh yeah, you are primed and ready to go." hahaha

She went to jail, quick. Finally, the last pinch was a reach. She went to the gray bar, but it was an iffy pinch. I pick her up several blocks down in a dark area just past the titty bar. She hops in and immediately grabs my Johnson, or at least my phoney Johnson. Obviously it wasn't at room temperature and she declines. I felt so stupid with her hand around that stupid inflatable with the rubber bulb down by my real balls. After she got out of my truck I pulled the fucking thing out and flung it up against my dashboard. The cover officer came and got her for "Soliciting Prostitution" which is a step down, per se.

I won the bucks, but I swear my balls itched due to the goofy rubber love bulb that I had to haul around.

So....how was your job?

Rip City

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Post by Van »

Bubuuuut....You promised! You swore you'd keep our story a secret forever!


Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88

Show me your dicks. - trev
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »


*I didn't actually read it, I'm only guessing.
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Post by Jerkovich »

Moving Sale wrote:D-*

*I didn't actually read it, I'm only guessing.
You're a faggot, but I suppose we're only guessing.
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Post by smackaholic »

good guess.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Post by Spinach Genie »

Why was I continually expecting to read "It was a dark and stormy night" every other sentence?

You have good style, Luth. You should take up writing if you haven't already.
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Post by smackaholic »

You should have countered that she liked to suck cahk so much that unlike you, she didn't have to charge for it.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Rack Luther’s bedtime stories. Though I bet your old lady wishes you’d hung onto that inflatable mateable right about now.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Post by Filthy McNastie »

A story from the "other" side of the coin...

Hookers/Titty Dancers and Rock & Rollers just go hand in hand for some reason...

When I first got back to Tulsa from L.A. I ran into a chick that I had known from back in the day.

Nice enough gal...pretty good looking, I had fucked around with her a bit before I went out to L.A. and since I had just rolled into town I was staying at our band house and hadn't really found a place to live yet...I took her home from the bar one night...and just kinda wound up never leaving.

She was straight up front with me right out of the gate...told me she worked at a local massage parlor here in town as a Dominatrix...she explained to me that there was not a lot of "sex" at least in the traditional sense involved in her job...and...she let me take a look at her little black book of clients and it was a veritable who's who of known local businessmen.

She told me that these guys were in positions of power all day and most of them really got off on being put in a diaper or some other odd crap and having the head of their dick whacked with a wooden spoon until they busted a nut...she said she had been doing it for a little over a year...and the entire time had not fucked one single one of these clowns and they paid her out the ass for the service.

Since I was fresh into town...she said they needed someone to drive the girls around to their respective meeting places in a van, and basically wait outside and let the johns know there was a male presence around...I needed the money...so I did it.

I even dressed up in a hooded cloak once and stood in a corner while 2 of the girls worked an older married couple over in a cheap motel room once...just stood there...ominously...trying to keep from busting out laughing at all of the "yes mistress"..."no mistress"..."may I release the water now mistress"...pretty goofy shit people get off on.

Some of the girls were straight up hookers with pussy and blow jobs on the menu...but the parlors specialty was the S&M shit.

Most of the girls who were doing it were just regular chicks who needed the cash and folding up 2 or 3 hundred dollars for an hours work was better than titty bar money...there was a chcick that literally looked at it so business like that she would not talk to a guy if he wasn't peeling the hundy's off.

On top of the money that I was piad from the massage parlor...all of the girls tipped me...I got more blow jobs and backseat fingerbanging sessions from the Doms because as I said most of them were not "real" Doms...and since they didn't fuck these guys (and believe it or not a fair amount of girls) they would be horny as hell after it was all over and would be ready to give it up the minute they got in the van.

I was with this chick on my 30th birthday and she bought me an hour with 3 of the girls...since they all knew us....they came to our apartment and the hour turned into an all nighter...(they still got their money though ;)...)

The thing that kep them from getting busted was...they were consided escorts...you the johns paid them for their "Time" and if sex was involved it was considered consensual between 2 adults...seems like a pretty chummy loophole...but it worked.

A funny side note...the lady that owned the massage parlor also owned an after school daycare and...I shit you not...Filthy would be sitting outside of school at 2:30 in the same van that the Ho's were hauled around town in picking up the little kiddoes and hauling them to the daycare.

I only lived with this chick for about a year and a half...when we split it was because I had met my wife and wanted to be with her...the Ex totally understood and to this day I see her every now and then...she won't admit it...but I think she has her own place and her own girls now...last time I saw her she driving a competion yellow Hummer...that I'm sure was paid for by A Hummer of a different sort.

Something else that was odd...but makes sense...the lady that ran the massage parlor had deals with some places in other towns and they would trade out girls to keep new stock...they would bring them into town and put them up in a Hotel room and the chick would literally go to work...running guys in and out of the room for 8 hours a day for a week or so...the girls would freaking BANK on that...and loved it when their number was up.

Something else that was odd...almpost everyone of these girls were either married...or had a serious boyfriend...they all knew about it and even though I was basically in the same boat...I knew that this was not going to be long term for me...I was basically just fucking around...making a little money...getting a little pussy...and having a LOT of fun...but these cats had all signed on for the long haul...I couldn't imagine sending my wife out the door to go suck cack every day...pretty fucked up life.

Old Coot
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Post by Luther »

I got bit in the hand by a police dog once. It was dark and I was trying to yard some suicidal pants wetter out of the blackberries, sup Todd, and the dog nipped my left hand. Instinctively I rapped him across his nose with my maglite. He yelped and pulled back.

Every time I saw that dog after that he'd just look at me and lower his tail like he just got caught shitting on the carpet.

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Post by Tom In VA »

Filthy McNastie wrote:I even dressed up in a hooded cloak once and stood in a corner while 2 of the girls worked an older married couple over in a cheap motel room once...just stood there...ominously...trying to keep from busting out laughing at all of the "yes mistress"..."no mistress"..."may I release the water now mistress"...pretty goofy shit people get off on.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

RACK Luther and Filthy, great stories.
With all the horseshit around here, you'd think there'd be a pony somewhere.
Goober McTuber
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Re: OK...I'll tell a Prostitution Mission story

Post by Goober McTuber »

Toddowen wrote:
Luther wrote: One guy said his mom would blow me for a ten spot if I could get it hard in the locker room. Cocksucker...I never really liked that pompous prick and him and I had a brief conversation at a later time.
What a fucking dickhead. Anybody who would suggest their mom would do something like this deserves to fall face first into the pavement. I want my mom sucking my dick, not some anonymous law enforcement officer’s.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
Goober McTuber
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Toddowen wrote:You're making a mighty big mistake, Mr. Goober, with that FTFY.

If I had you anywhere near me and you made some kind of derogatory remark concerning my mother, I would "fix" your nose for you.

Just count yourself lucky that you are where you are right now.
Yeah, most mamma’s boy pedophiles are real tough motherfuckers. For the single sin of giving you life, your mother will suck dick in hell.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Post by Mikey »

Tom In VA wrote:
Filthy McNastie wrote:I even dressed up in a hooded cloak once and stood in a corner while 2 of the girls worked an older married couple over in a cheap motel room once...just stood there...ominously...trying to keep from busting out laughing at all of the "yes mistress"..."no mistress"..."may I release the water now mistress"...pretty goofy shit people get off on.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

RACK Luther and Filthy, great stories.
I think Tom's imagining hip-high black vinyl stiletto heel boots right about now.
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Post by DiT »

rack the old codger and FM:)
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Post by RedHerring »

So exactly what the hell is a "Half and Half"?



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Post by Atomic Punk »

Rack Luth and Filthy's stories! One thing being around females 24/7 is that you see through the bullshit. Great reads!
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Post by Terry in Crapchester »

Third rack for Luther and Filthy. Two of the best storytellers on the board in the same thread is a real treat.
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Post by PSUFAN »

Big racks for schoolvanpimp Filthy, and inflato-dong Luth. Thanks for posting that stuff!
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
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Post by XXXL »

That was a read worthy of ones spare times...
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Post by RedHerring »

Toddowen wrote:
RedHerring wrote:So exactly what the hell is a "Half and Half"?
It's going down on the whore and recieving a facial blast of half vaginal mucous/half leftover spunk from the previous customers.....half & half more or less, depending on what time of the night and how busy the ho is.
All that fo' fifty greenbacks? Now that's a bargain!! 8)
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Post by PSUFAN »

Tarddowen is a sick, sick fuck.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: OK...I'll tell a Prostitution Mission story

Post by kcdave »

Hey Luth, thanks for letting everyone know you were nothing more than the typical pig. It takes alot of work to trick whores into accepting cash for sex. :meds:

You saved the world dude. Or made Portland some cash. One or the other.
Old Coot
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Re: OK...I'll tell a Prostitution Mission story

Post by Luther »

kcdave wrote:Hey Luth, thanks for letting everyone know you were nothing more than the typical pig. It takes alot of work to trick whores into accepting cash for sex. :meds:

You saved the world dude. Or made Portland some cash. One or the other.
Thank you for your cherished opinion, Dave. It really wasn't the problem of street whores who generated the problem, it was the guys like you with twinkie cocks and ittie bittie balls that had to pay for pussy instead of working for the good stuff.

Oh, I didn't want to say how many of the sad ass fucks who got pinched trying to score poon...the general businessmen, the teachers, the firemen, the cops, the fried chicken outlet owners, and all the rest of them. How about the reverse stings, Dave? Did you get pinched trying to score a yard of cock or a bucket full of balls with some young cop with a tight ass in a J.C. Penney tightie summer outfit? My Sgt. pinched the head (hahaha) doctor at at major hospital in Portland trying to pay cash for some hard flesh that could be shoved up his ass. The doc had AIDS and I saw him on 60 Minutes trying to convince people he got the disease from operating on people with the disease. Uh huh.

You ever talk to mothers, fathers, kids about stupid ass fuckers like yourself who'd drive around their neighborhood trying to score some pussy? Really gax fuckers who'd park and watch the cheap ass whore while whacking off in his Toyota? Families forced to pick up syringes, and used condoms every morning, just so their kids don't see that they are living in a prostitution zone? What part of neighborhood livibility don't you understand, Dave?

I've talked to all those familes, Dave. I've listened to them bitch and complain about stupid fuckers like yourself who'd drive around their neighborhood looking for that 25 buck knob job. Is it a tough gig to pinch? Is it hard to keep the arrest within the parameters of a lawful, probable cause arrest? Not really, as I found I could do it. I can honestly say that I NEVER went to a trial on a prostitution arrest. NEVER. They all plead out, Dave. I never went to a trial involving the John's either, ...the stupid ass fuckers who'd pay for pussy and end up in my back seat. They never contested the beef.

You want to beef ME about trying to do the right thing? You really think you KNOW what the fuck is happening in NEIGHBORHOODS, when I listened to these families, the fathers, the mothers, the kids about seeing what drugs and prostitution do to a neighborhood?

Don't get me going, you sad ass KC fuck.

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Post by tough love »

What an X_Cops take on legalizing prostitution, Luth?

I keep hearing differing talk about the pros and cons about cleaning up that trade, giving it a legal place to operate away from residentual area's, making it health regulated, taxing it like any other biz, and more importantly for me, lessening the chance for underaged participation.

The whores seem to like the idea a lot.
The pimps appear to hate the idea.
What's your take on how law enforcements overall responce would be?

My Take:
I'm thinking the cops may not be all that happy with that paticular power trip being removed from their table, nor losing out on all the freebee's which come complimentary of that seedy environment.
As for the effectiveness of police opts against the whores, all they ever seem to do is chase the problem elsewhere, creating the same probs for a different neighborhood.

I'm of the opinion that if society can not beat something, they would be better served trying to control it to their advantage, instead of burning away tax dollars fighting something they can never win.

Prostitution is known as the oldest profession for a reason.
As long as folks have horny, it will not go away.
It needs to be controlled before it can be regulated.
It needs to be effectively regulated before it can be controlled.
Am I wrong...God, I hope so.
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Re: OK...I'll tell a Prostitution Mission story

Post by kcdave »

Luther wrote:Families forced to pick up syringes, and used condoms every morning, just so their kids don't see that they are living in a prostitution zone?
A round of applause everyone ....... Luth stopped a few people from littering. :meds:

Luth, did you hide behind the bushes in that same neighborhood, and arrest the parents for discarding a cigarette butt? Ever participate in an elaborate sting to bust the kid that tossed a few gum wrappers in the street? Damn the litter bugs.

Thank you Luther!

Luther wrote:You want to beef ME about trying to do the right thing? You really think you KNOW what the fuck is happening in NEIGHBORHOODS, when I listened to these families, the fathers, the mothers, the kids about seeing what drugs and prostitution do to a neighborhood?
Luth, spare me another hollier than thou meltdown. You are getting "beef," because you are in here bragging as if taking down a few whores is some heroic achievement. Was there some rocket science or jedi mind trickery involved? Fish in a barrel much? Is it really all that difficult to pick up a gutter slut, pretend to want to exchange cash for sex, then have here take the bait?

Good thing you had that college degree working for you, or one of them might have gotten over. Without you Luther, we could have been forced to see giant mounds of used rubbers, syringes, and blunts. Hazmat teams would need weeks, bulldozers and dump trucks, to remove all the debris.

Rack you, and your hard work and dedication. You even had to wear a fake dong in your pants! BWA!
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Post by Rooster »

"Something else that was odd...but makes sense...the lady that ran the massage parlor had deals with some places in other towns and they would trade out girls to keep new stock...they would bring them into town and put them up in a Hotel room and the chick would literally go to work...running guys in and out of the room for 8 hours a day for a week or so...the girls would freaking BANK on that...and loved it when their number was up." --Filthy

It's my understanding this is SOP for most call girl services. Rotating girls around the country keeps the local johns happy with new material, and keeps the police from too easily identifying who the working girls are at first glance.

Cock o' the walk, baby!
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Post by Luther »

Bwahaha, Dave. You seriously sound like a guy who's been popped trying to pick up the police decoy. You leave your stint at managing the McDonalds and bop on over to where the whores loiter, but instead of getting some pussy you got a free ride to jail?

Who said it was rocket science? Any part about the two minute D.A. briefing on the elements of the crime that you didn't understand? Get them to agree to exchange sex for money and don't expose yourself or touch them. Pretty tough briefing if I do say so myself.

We've had some pretty funny stories come out of these forums. Filthy can tell some good stories, as will Fester, Bace, Mo, HH and many others. Hell, I kind of forgot the old story that was out about you a few years ago...didn't it involve you and some wife/girlfriend who beat your ass? Tell us that story again, Uncle Dave. :lol:

tough love, I personally don't have much of a problem with having it legalized. It will never be stopped, not with guys like Dave driving around and buying some chick off the street to go south with his starch. All I'm saying is that if it is against the law then you will have to have cops do the prostitution missions like I had to do. Who complains the most about some prostitute working just "down the block from his house" ? Probably the guy who's picked up prostitutes before.

Now if you had a city that didn't run those goofy prostitution missions what do you think would happen? Bwahahaha. You'd need a 4X4 just to get yourself around through all the rubbers and syringes. Hell, I was the "spotter" on a police decoy mission(female cop playing the part of prostitute)...Now this is interesting. I've seen doctors, lawyers, cops, firemen, fast food managers, city managers all get caught trying to buy poon. How about the really gax job of being the decoy, (Had to be the vice cops, as I'd NEVER do it) when you are the male decoy? That means trying to sashay your ass, trying to pick up the gay John's. More priests, rabbi's, musicians (haha) and doctors than you'd care to listen to. But it was the guy in the white suit driving the car with the government plate that was sad. Pretty fucking sad, Davey. He gets out of his car and I radio to the arrest team, "Shit, we got a NAVY guy trying to deal with Nicole." I'm in this RV which was parked in a motel lot. Nicole is doing the deal right next to my RV and I hear shit like, "Yeah, 30 bucks is OK for the blow job but would you spend some time with me afterwards?" How pathetic is that? He gets pinched and I'm looking at the guy in 'cuffs. He looks familiar. "Hey, aren't you the guy on the recruitment poster that they have in all the 7-11's ? He says, "Yeah...probably won't anymore now though."

Where's FOO when you need him to belt out a few of his WAKEY, WAKEY THE FUCK UP!!!

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Post by A.C. Crut »

C'mon Luth, you know KCMcQuitter doesn't pay chicks to have sex with him....he pays them to go Albert Pujols on his ribs with a fungo.
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Re: OK...I'll tell a Prostitution Mission story

Post by Invictus »

Toddowen wrote:
kcdave wrote:Hey Luth, thanks for letting everyone know you were nothing more than the typical pig. It takes alot of work to trick whores into accepting cash for sex. :meds:

You saved the world dude. Or made Portland some cash. One or the other.

Just curious...were you a "victim" of a sting on prostitution customers, or is there some other reason?

Perhaps you have decided to champion the cause of your childhood hero?

A correction.

Huggy was a snitch and a player but he was not a pimp. A pimp can be a player but not every player is a pimp.

Luther, however, is most certainly both.
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Post by Atomic Punk »

Tard, you watch "Cops?" Do they still play that crap on network tele during the day?

Also, I've been acquainted with Luth for many years and just now found out he can smack and do it well.

Props old timer!
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Post by kcdave »

Luther wrote:Bwahaha, Dave. You seriously sound like a guy who's been popped trying to pick up the police decoy.
No Luth, I sound like a guy thats tired of spending my tax dollars, so guys like your bosses and their bosses pad their wallets, while draining everyone elses, under some false pretence of defending public safety.

Congrats to you though. You are retired. Enjoying a paltry penison, Im sure. Bet your sweet ass there are many people thanking you for your work. You may not realize it, but through your work, you made more than a few people alot of money. They of course, have no idea who the hell you are, nor care. That all stopped when you retired as a revenue collector.

Luther, I like you brah. You can spin a yarn every now and then, and give me a chuckle. I actually enjoyed this story, however I do not see how you feel proud enough about yourself to brag about this on a message board. Its kind of like some sales geek at Best Buy bragging about selling a $50.00 extended warranty on a $75.00 dvd player. You got over, some one got paid, we laugh, no cares 5 minutes for now. Although Best Buy geek didnt have place a fake dong in his pants.

Ya ever stop a bank robbery? Rape? Car-jacking? Any crime that cost the city money, instead of making them money? Come on Luth, give me a story where you really did the right thing, without compromising your self-dignity.
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

kcdave wrote: Come on Luth, give me a story where you really did the right thing, without compromising your self-dignity.
I bag on cops as much as the next guy, but I don't think even kcdave is dumb enough to believe that any cop on the job more than a week hasn’t worked a bunko, rape or even murder case. Even if it is only as first responder. Even if the guy is caught later, as long as they secured the witness/es and evidence properly. Hell yes they should be proud of that*.

I could be wrong.

*Not to mention their role as medical first responders.
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Post by Luther »

Ya ever stop a bank robbery? Rape? Car-jacking? Any crime that cost the city money, instead of making them money? Come on Luth, give me a story where you really did the right thing, without compromising your self-dignity.
You are beginning to cut down my story line, pal. hahahaha. A few Bank Robberies, sure. Nothing like the "in progress type of deals" but I had to get sullied. Got a couple sauntering along with the goodies, and before they got to their stolen car, which was stashed nearby. hahaha

Rape? This is a tough gig, Dave. Sadly, in a career of 27 years, I can only claim one in progress. I mean, are you on patrol and you hear, "Oh my Gosh, your cudgel is too big, blah blah blah?" Nada. Basically, you get the other compromising yells that make the case. I had a partner, and we were working the Albina district...ah...well...it was the blek part of town as Joe Pesci would say.

I saw the guy...a wiry, blek guy, in the kitchen. His old girlfriend (white, if you fuks whith a color deal) was terrified, and she was pressed up against the fridge, if I remember right. The light from the kitchen cascading out was against the backyard. My partner and I had got called there a few minutes earlier. Jerry, my pard, took the front. I had the back. I whispered into my packset radio that I had a burglary in progress..and a few seconds later I could hear the sound of engines growling etc. You'd be surprised on how well you can hear a powerful police engire accellerate in the dead of night...even if it was a few miles away.


He moves toward the gal.

What the fuck am I supposed to do now? He's in the kitchen, behind some glass windows?

As far as I'm concerned, the gig is up. I had to re-tell the same story at shitheads murder trial/sentencing trial. All I said was, "Stop, right now." I might have thrown in a "You are one dead Fuck" if you move...I wasn't sure. I was asked at the trial for him later...I guess he accidentally killed a couple of poor innocent people at some convenience store. I was just the background cop to show some past prior bad incidents.

Anyhoots, at my middle of the night deal, ...he freeses in the kitchen. I step out and creep up, and he drops like a bag of rocks. From there, it was easy. He goes to detectives...

The gal, damn...she knew him. At trial, I think the story was that she had dated him once or twice and the gig was off. He didn't understand what "over" or "stop" meant. Fast forward, and there you go.

His pinch wasn't nearly as important as what had transpired later. He was just a killer. He was a rapist, and also a killer. The trial I testified at had nothing to do with the rape, as he'd pled out for that and done time . I was just there to recant the arrest. I remember the defense attorney had few if any questions. Dude was toast.

You don't think that happened? Force me to prove it? I can if you want. Why the fuck would I relate the story people?

YOU WANT A CAR JACK STORY? Ah haha haaaaaaa hahaha

Dave, you will love this. I'll probably get off writing my involvement HERE than what I wrote during the incident.

How the fuck do I start this? I'm within a year of pulling the plug, ...I'm driving a nice Chevy Police car...decent accelleration, police package, they claim...goose the gas and away we go type of sled. Way better than those gay fucking cars they made us drive in the early 80's from the Plymouth corporation.

No Police car beat the killer Chevy Nova's...what was the year?...'78 to 80? These were the best fucking cars I ever drove for Po-Lice work. Outstanding. Nobody, ever got away. Nobody.

Anyhoots...back to THE shit head, Dave. I could tell you some general police shit up the ying yang, then maybe, MAYBE, you'd change your mind. I didn't quaff donuts. I tried to do the right thing. I tried to stand tall, because you fuckers paid me to do that. I got hurt quite a few times, but I always made it back.

Shithead carJACKED some Toyota or some piece of shit from 67th and Harold. There was a market there, that I drove by, probably a dozen times a shift. I heard the broadcast that she had a kid in the car, but the child was let off a block or two away. The mama, who struggled over the rights to the car, was dragged down the street, and she was later determined to have at least a multiple broken arm.

Asshole was off an about, driving some carjacked, stlen piece of shit Toyota...in my district.

I spotted the fucker, as he turned north on 82nd from Bybee. 83 and Bybee was one lovely part of town. You like Meth? They got Meth. No wonder.

A high speed pursuit ensued...up there, around that, reverse, oh my god, through Mickey D's, over the curb, by the school, over the curb, through the park, through the neighborhood agin.

I did a pretty good job, but I had to back off somewhere in the middle of that mess. My buddies...other cops...descended upon, and became the wrath...

Shithead got "pitted" out around 92 and Foster. Beautiful...hahahaha. I didn't have to write squat, except for a brief pursuit report. Dude later copped to every freaking thing. He was up from Calif. and he was worried about the 3 strikey thing there, but got sent down there for, I guess, bad juju.

You want some more, Davey? hahahahahahahahahah?
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Post by Goober McTuber »

I don’t think Dave ever got busted in a prostitution sting. I think he’s bitter because his mother made her living in the world’s oldest profession. Probably brought the johns home, and Dave heard ‘em making a ruckus in ma’s bedroom. Scarred him deeply.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Terry in Crapchester
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Post by Terry in Crapchester »

Since Luth told a prostitution story, might as well tell one also.

The year was 1990. Terry was a lame-duck in the Navy, having resigned his commission a year prior, and looking forward to getting out and starting law school, but still on the tail end of a Med deployment. Last port stop before returning to the States was Haifa, Israel.

Now, for those of you who don't know, there's a contingent onboard every ship that, first thing they do after the ship hits a port, is head straight for the bars and straight for the whorehouses. Sad to say, much of that contingent is married. Also, anytime there's a port visit it's not uncommon for your command to schedule a few tours of the area in question, often for relatively reasonable cost, to dissuade some of the crew from doing precisely that. Now, on this particular occasion, my command booked a two-day tour of the entire nation of Israel, or at least the parts of Israel they considered it safe for us to go. Overnight stop was in Tel Aviv. I figured I might never have another chance to get that way again, so I decided to take in as much as I could, and signed up to go on the tour.

The particular hotel they had us spend the night in was called, IIRC, the Mariner Hotel. I remember it being just down the street from the Hard Rock Cafe (yes, there's one in Tel Aviv) and not far from the Mediterranean Sea. Now, this particular hotel had a bar, so it's not surprising that a bunch of sailors found that. I noticed a gaggle of people, and poked my head in. What I saw not long after that prompted me to poke the rest of my body inside.

The first thing I noticed that was unusual 'bout this place was that damn near everyone there was a man. Everyone, that is, except maybe a handful of very scantily-clad women. Damn, there were prostitutes working out of the bar in the hotel where we were staying for our Navy tour. One in particular caught my eye. She had long, black hair, lightly curled, olive complexion, slender with full breasts. I was surprised I was so attracted to a prostitute, but then again, I had been gone for going on five months at that point.

Anyhoo, she notices me checking her out and motions me over. She basically propositioned me on the spot, then told me it would cost $100. The God's honest truth is that I had cashed a check on the ship before the tour in case I wanted to buy any souvenirs, but had made it for less than $100 -- I had been robbed at gunpoint about a year earlier, and was still a little skittish at that point about carrying more cash than I thought I needed (my wife now takes care of that for me). I think she thought I was playing hard-to-get, so she sits me down in a chair, then sits on my lap. She had ordered a salad from the kitchen, and was alternately eating it and feeding me while on my lap. While this is going on, I put my hands on her thighs. I think she was a little irked at the freebie, as she grabbed both wrists, not harshly, but just firmly enough to let me know that she meant business, and put them at my side.

After she got up, I realized that I had an ATM card in my wallet, so I was trying to find a compatible ATM. No luck, unfortunately. Later on, she grabbed me by the groin and said, "C'mon, you know you want to." At that time I had given up on any hope of having the cash, so I had to decline.

After seeing that, I had to conclude that either: (a) prostitution is legal in Tel Aviv, if not in all of Israel; or (b) anti-prostitution laws are so laxly enforced, in Tel Aviv if not in all of Israel, that it might just as well be legal. After all, sending American servicemembers into a situation where they might be picked up in a prostitution sting in Israel would have "international incident" written all over it.
War Wagon wrote:The first time I click on one of your youtube links will be the first time.
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Post by Wolfman »

Where's the part where you come down with
a dose of the Phillipine crotch rot ??
I cringe at the memory of some of the places
I've been and some of the skank whores I
as the kids go---
eeeewwwwwwww !!!
"It''s not dark yet--but it's getting there". -- Bob Dylan

Carbon Dating, the number one dating app for senior citizens.

"Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teaches my hands to the war, and my fingers to fight."
Goober McTuber
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Terry in Crapchester wrote:The God's honest truth is that I had cashed a check on the ship before the tour in case I wanted to buy any souvenirs, but had made it for less than $100 -- I had been robbed at gunpoint about a year earlier, and was still a little skittish at that point about carrying more cash than I thought I needed (my wife now takes care of that for me).

So she keeps your money in her purse, right next to your balls?
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Terry in Crapchester
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Post by Terry in Crapchester »

Wolfman wrote:Where's the part where you come down with
a dose of the Phillipine crotch rot ??
If you read toward the end of the story, that sorta rules that ending out, at least from that source.

I cringe at the memory of some of the places
I've been and some of the skank whores I
as the kids go---
eeeewwwwwwww !!!

Not sure I want my kids to do what I did, but then again, it's out of my control.
War Wagon wrote:The first time I click on one of your youtube links will be the first time.
KC Scott

Post by KC Scott »

Rack Luth and Filthy.....

I've got No ho stories, and never plan to.

Dave - Sup' Busting on Luth for doing the Job?

You want your boy seeing that shit on the street or worse, partaking some day?

Think about it.


One of my best friends and neighbor is head of tact squad in Indep. recent shit in KC Metro is gonna restrict any pursuits unless there is a known felony in progress.

How fucked is that?

just gave a green light to anyone that wants to run.

Fuckin' Liberal bullshit
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