Fuggen migraines.
On the plus side, this arrived today...
...following the arrival last week of this...
...so as far as I'm concerned you are all my bitches today, even if my exploding coconut won't quite allow me to see which strings are which.
I think I'll still be able to manage to make some good noise today anyway.
Btw, that second in command al Quada dude is quite the crack up with his "Jihad, fuckers, it's ON now!" and "All muslims, go joyfully now into martyrdom!" pronouncements.
Dude, you fucking cowardly salve on the assboil of religion, if you really think martyrdom is so cool and if you really think taking up arms against your enemies is so necessary what's say you stop hiding under rocks and exhorting others to go die for you. If you're that committed to the cause why don't you strap on a bomb yourself?
Seriously. How do these dinks ever engender any support? They talk so much shit, but all they do is constantly run and hide. Even fucking Saddam, "The Lion Of The Arab World", dude was found hiding like a cockroach in some Podunk town, basically abandoned to his little spideyhole.
These people (the leaders and especially their followers), christ, how pathetic.