Maybe 420's Post had merit - Was Kim's Death Murder ?

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Maybe 420's Post had merit - Was Kim's Death Murder ?

Post by Tom In VA » ... index.html

Fuck man. This dude was a mile away from shelter.


GRANTS PASS, Oregon (AP) -- The remote logging road that James Kim and his family drove down before getting stranded deep in the Rogue River Canyon is normally blocked by a locked metal gate, but it was open the night they got lost because a vandal had cut the lock, authorities said Friday. ....
Manslaughter charges on the lock and chain cutter, if they ever find him/her ?
With all the horseshit around here, you'd think there'd be a pony somewhere.
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Post by Dinsdale »

That sory has been circulating around these parts since they found the's also not true.

What is true is that the family passed at least 4 signs informing them that the road can be blocked by snowdrifts in winter.

The only time you ever really see locked gates in the parts of Oregon I'm familiar with are roads leading to active logging sites...which is a pretty sweet deal -- it's public land, being used by prvate companies, who bill the public to build roads so they can log, and then lock the gate.

Very few locked gates in the wilderness -- and since I'm 1/3,600,000 owner of that land, I'd have a problem with someone restricting my access to it.

You venture off the highway grossly unprepared in winter, you run a severe risk of getting dead. Welcome to Oregon. Of course, in summer/fall, you run the risk of running into the weed farmers who are very protective of their fields, and venturing too far off the beaten path isn;t always a good idea that time of year, either.

But hell -- there's no such thing as personal responsibilty in this country anymore, so what the hell...SUE SOMEBODY!!!

There's already a movement here in Oregon to boycott paying taxes if the family is awarded any money-btw. Didn't take long.
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Post by Dinsdale »

I'll correct myself -- apparently, there was a gate(not that common). The "authorities" have flipflopped on this story about ten times now.

BFD. I don't see removing a lock from a public road as "vandalism," since the land is owned by the People, and they should be allowed to come and go as they see fit.

If they wouldn't go putting locks on public lands, people wouldn't have to cut them to access what is theirs.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Aaaaaand another thing -- I don't really understand the media latching on to this story.

Kim isn't the only person to have a vehicle problem and die in the car this week. I'm sure it will unfotunately happen several more times this winter.
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Post by Tom In VA »

Apparently he was part of the media. Senior editor at CNET or something.

With all the horseshit around here, you'd think there'd be a pony somewhere.
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Post by Dinsdale »

I think it was probably more due to the length of time they were missing. We heard about this almost two weeks ago, I guess. "Anyone seen these people," and all that jazz. Others knew their itinerary, and from the last places they were seen, somebody figured out that they got all dumbass up in the shit, and were probably freezing to death in a snowdrift.

I feel pretty badly for the family, but Darwin will be Darwin. The Coast Range is NOT fucking around during winter. At least if you fuck up on the highway, assuming you don't slide down the canyon, somebody will come along shortly. You start leaving the beaten road, and you make for good coyote/bear food come springtime.

I've been that guy...except I was that guy with chains, warm clothes, a gun, a map, and a come-along. Damn fine things to have when you're going to bushwhack it in winter.

Speaking of, it's about time to see if an old buddy is doing his "bah humbug" cristmas fishing a lake on a mountain in the Coast Range...good times. We always had the place to ourselves in the past...oddly enough.
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Post by Mister Bushice »

If you drive 15 miles into the wilderness in winter on a logging road, then try and hike back out for help...

well at least the living parent can pass on to the kids the story of "what not to do in adverse conditions if you want to survive" and maybe override the potential inherited tendency to do something really stupid.
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." —GWB Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2000
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Post by Cuda »

Hereabouts, we know a little something about snow, snowdrifts, mountain roads that close for the winter due to snow, wilderness areas, AND, maroons who insist on abandoning any semblence of good sense and end up getting lost/stranded in the back-country.

We search for 24 hours and then wait till the spring snow melt. Anything the bears didn't eat before they went into hibernation will probably turn up then (unless, of course, the bears are in the mood for cold left-overs when they wake up from hibernation- which they usually are)
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Post by Dinsdale »

Cuda wrote:Hereabouts, we know a little something about snow, snowdrifts, mountain roads that close for the winter due to snow, wilderness areas, AND, maroons who insist on abandoning any semblence of good sense and end up getting lost/stranded in the back-country.
I'll bet you do...I'll bet you do.

They just found some dude on Mt Adams(Washington) that had been stuck in his Jeep for two freaking weeks. That food and sleeping bag really came in handy for him, under that 8 feet of snow. As soon as he got out of the hospital, he immediately went to join the search for Kim...too late by the time he got there.
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Post by Derron »

Mister Bushice wrote:If you drive 15 miles into the wilderness in winter on a logging road, then try and hike back out for help...

well at least the living parent can pass on to the kids the story of "what not to do in adverse conditions if you want to survive" and maybe override the potential inherited tendency to do something really stupid.

Those brats are half Chink, therefore are damned to a life of bad driving and fucking with electronics. She can talk all her white bread ass wants, but them zip kids ain't picking it up. They best stay the fuck in the bay area and away from inclement elements other than rain that pose hazards to human survival.

I can just say ditto what Dins said. We have attemped crossings like that, but in a pack of 4WD's and well prepared with lotts of alcohol, weed, munchies, and several vehicles. I help look for some lost motorcycle riders out of Jones Creek about 28 years ago. They went DOWN a snow blocked road. We went in there in a 4WD Ford F 250, chains on all four wheels, and had to winch ourselves back out after we found the kids huddling (alive) under a tree.

Map's have these things called legend's... that tell you all about the road. I can't remember about the gate on that road, but gates usually last about a week in the woods. The media made the excuse that because the map showed it as the straightest road, that is why zip dude decided to take it. Nevermind the legend indicates it is a ONE, SINGLE, UNO, fucking lane road.

Media is also reporting that a bear followed dude. No shit ?? Fucking bears and cougars ALL over that area. It has one of the highest black bear populations per square mile of any place in Oregon. I call bullshit on him not being munched on. The fucking bears and cougars would have smelled that rotting chink corpse miles away and headed on into dinner.

And to get to the lodge, dude still would have had to get across the Rouge River, which would not be a huge problem. I have sat on that lodges deck drinking beer a few times... nice place... just not this time of the year.

I give Darwin a 3/4 rack on this one. Dude had procreated , but the kids are still half white. If dude had not procreated, then a full rack would be in order.

You can give them books, send them to college, and they can be Internet wizards, but them fucking book smarts don't do a goddamn thing for you in an Oregon snowdrift.

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Re: Maybe 420's Post had merit - Was Kim's Death Murder ?

Post by Derron »

Tom In VA wrote: ... index.html

Fuck man. This dude was a mile away from shelter.


GRANTS PASS, Oregon (AP) -- The remote logging road that James Kim and his family drove down before getting stranded deep in the Rogue River Canyon is normally blocked by a locked metal gate, but it was open the night they got lost because a vandal had cut the lock, authorities said Friday. ....
Manslaughter charges on the lock and chain cutter, if they ever find him/her ?
More likely that Moving Sale or one of the other scumbag attorneys is already preparing a negligence case against the Forest Service.

The fucking tweakers will steal anything metal like that... not much chance of securing that road.
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Post by Cuda »

Dinsdale wrote: They just found some dude on Mt Adams(Washington) that had been stuck in his Jeep for two freaking weeks.
Bears must turn in for the winter early in the U&L, I guess

Or else dude must have just wanted a little vacation time & drove in there that morning when he figured it was about time to be "rescued"

Maybe both, though
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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Post by Dinsdale »

Nah. I've seen bears, or evidence thereof, this time of year. Bears tend to not deal with 8 feet of snow. You just don't see bear tracks after 8 feet of snowfall...just as you don't see the tracks of intelligent humans. Combine whatever was the base with 8 feet of fresh, and you tend to sink pretty quickly.

This dude was smart enough to get out once or twice a day and dig the snow out from around his Jeep, so them helicopters could see him.

Bringing a load of dry firewood ain't a bad idea when leaving the beaten path, either...and a few road flares to A) signal, and B) get a fire going.

Then again, Kim managed to get a fire going...wouldn't have taken too much extra effort to keep it probably less than pulling the tires off your car. Sure, that wood you're going to find is extremely wet, but if you have a freaking tire for kindling, you should be able to keep it going.
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Post by Cuda »

They burned the car tires?

I expect it to eventually leak out that at least one or the other of them is a muzzie
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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Post by Mr. Belvedere »

Derron wrote:
Mister Bushice wrote:If you drive 15 miles into the wilderness in winter on a logging road, then try and hike back out for help...

well at least the living parent can pass on to the kids the story of "what not to do in adverse conditions if you want to survive" and maybe override the potential inherited tendency to do something really stupid.

Those brats are half Chink, therefore are damned to a life of bad driving and fucking with electronics. She can talk all her white bread ass wants, but them zip kids ain't picking it up. They best stay the fuck in the bay area and away from inclement elements other than rain that pose hazards to human survival.

I can just say ditto what Dins said. We have attemped crossings like that, but in a pack of 4WD's and well prepared with lotts of alcohol, weed, munchies, and several vehicles. I help look for some lost motorcycle riders out of Jones Creek about 28 years ago. They went DOWN a snow blocked road. We went in there in a 4WD Ford F 250, chains on all four wheels, and had to winch ourselves back out after we found the kids huddling (alive) under a tree.

Map's have these things called legend's... that tell you all about the road. I can't remember about the gate on that road, but gates usually last about a week in the woods. The media made the excuse that because the map showed it as the straightest road, that is why zip dude decided to take it. Nevermind the legend indicates it is a ONE, SINGLE, UNO, fucking lane road.

Media is also reporting that a bear followed dude. No shit ?? Fucking bears and cougars ALL over that area. It has one of the highest black bear populations per square mile of any place in Oregon. I call bullshit on him not being munched on. The fucking bears and cougars would have smelled that rotting chink corpse miles away and headed on into dinner.

And to get to the lodge, dude still would have had to get across the Rouge River, which would not be a huge problem. I have sat on that lodges deck drinking beer a few times... nice place... just not this time of the year.

I give Darwin a 3/4 rack on this one. Dude had procreated , but the kids are still half white. If dude had not procreated, then a full rack would be in order.

You can give them books, send them to college, and they can be Internet wizards, but them fucking book smarts don't do a goddamn thing for you in an Oregon snowdrift.

No shit, it's a good thing they don't have snow in Korea. Image
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Post by Mr. Belvedere »

Oh btw, it was a BLM road. That's Federal money!!!
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Post by RadioFan »

Dinsdale wrote:Nah. I've seen bears, or evidence thereof, this time of year. Bears tend to not deal with 8 feet of snow. You just don't see bear tracks after 8 feet of snowfall...just as you don't see the tracks of intelligent humans. Combine whatever was the base with 8 feet of fresh, and you tend to sink pretty quickly.
Bigfoot got him.

Hey, I saw it, somewhere

All we need is a few melted footprints and an "expert," and away we go. Nancy Grace and Gretta Van would be creaming all over themselves for that shit.
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Post by Mikey »

Mr. Belvedere wrote:

No shit, it's a good thing they don't have snow in Korea.
Tell me you're not serious.
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Post by Mr. Belvedere »

Mikey wrote:
Mr. Belvedere wrote:

No shit, it's a good thing they don't have snow in Korea.
Tell me you're not serious.
I guess you missed the sarcastic rolleyes.
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Post by Mikey »

Oh, I got the rolleyes. I just wasn't sure where the sarcasm was pointed.
You can never be sure around here.
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Post by Ingse Bodil »

What happened to this man was a terrible thing. I have other thoughts about it, but I'm not ready to type them yet.
X wrote:Ludacris... was kicked off the Pepsi brand ad campaign based on explicit lyrics in his album. But with Snoop, here's a coon who admittedly sold drugs and gang banged, was charged with murder and maybe even slapped his wife, representing one of the largest corporations in America--in essence, selling cars to sixty year old white men and blue-haired white women.
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Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

Ingse Bodil wrote:I have other thoughts about it, but I'm not ready to type them yet.

Who gives a fuck?
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Post by Dinsdale »

COOPER SPUR, Ore. (AP) - Three climbers were reported missing on Mount Hood Monday after failing to meet friends as scheduled on Friday or Saturday, Hood River County Sheriff's Office officials said.

Searchers began moving up the mountain before dawn Monday to try to find the missing men, said to be from out-of-state.

It was snowing hard at Timberline Lodge, where the three were to have met the friends.

One was able to make a cell phone call from a snow cave the three were in atop Eliot Glacier just below the summit of the l1,239-foot peak on Sunday. The other two apparently had left the cave on Saturday to seek help.

The trio left their car on Wednesday to climb the difficult north side of the mountain, Oregon's tallest peak, and had planned to spend two nights on the mountain.

Authorities were unable to re-establish cell phone contact with the climber who called from the cave.

None of the three men had climbed the mountain before. About 10,000 people a year start for the summit and on average 20-25 have to be rescued.

"From the conversation it left us very concerned for the person's welfare," Hood River County Chief Deputy Jerry Brown said of the person who called from the cave.

He did not identify the three but said at least one was from Texas and one from New York.

Brown said one group of searchers would concentrate on known areas near the base, where the two might emerge, and that another group would go straight up the north face.

Steve Rollins, a rescue leader with Portland Mountain Rescue, which is sending two teams up the south side of Mount Hood, said the route the climbers took is very difficult, with slopes of 50 or 60 degrees with occasional sheer walls of vertical ice, he said, "And there is more than 2,000 feet of that terrain," he told The Associated Press."

"We don't know if they made the summit or not," Rollins said.

Rollins said wintry conditions are creating a deadly conditions.

There is "very hard ice, coupled with very high winds. You have a lot of snow on very hard ice. There is no easy way off the mountain."

He said another search and rescue team, the Hood River Crag Rats, will be searching the north face.

A winter storm watch is in effect for the area at least through Tuesday.

Brown said his office had contacted two of the families who said their relatives were experienced climbers.

Rescuers had hoped to begin searching Sunday night but weather made it impossible.

The Oregon Air National Guard had a helicopter on standby to use if weather conditions improve.

It was the second time in less than a month that people caught in snowy isolated areas of Oregon were reported missing after leaving available shelter.

In November, James Kim of San Francisco, his wife and two small daughters were stranded in their car on the Oregon Coast Range of southern Oregon. The wife and children were rescued but James Kim, 35, died of hypothermia after he left the car to seek help.

Lou Ann Cameron of Bryant, Ark., said in a telephone interview Monday that her son Kelly James is one of the climbers. She said James called his own son Jason from inside a snow cave on the mountain's north face Sunday afternoon.

Cameron said her grandson told her the other two men had gone back down the mountain to seek help.

Cameron said Jason later said he "didn't sound good."

Cameron said searchers had hoped to track James by the phone's signal, but could not.

"I'm just scared he was hurt and the other guys went to get help," Cameron said.

James, 48, is a professional landscaper who lives in Dallas with his wife Karen and four children.

Cameron described her son as an avid climber who scaled Mount McKinley, the Andes Mountains in South America and other peaks in Europe.

She said the three men planned to ice-climb the mountain's northern face, but hadn't reached the summit.

Authorities described the three men as well-equipped.

Most people who get in trouble on the mountain head up the south side from Timberline Lodge, where the path to the summit looks deceptively easy.

Would-be climbers often attempt the climb in shorts and T-shirts and often are caught in sudden storms and whiteouts that can move in with little warning.

The mountain usually claims at least one life most years.

The three left a note at a Forest Service station south of Hood River detailing their plans, said Doug Jones, a permit specialist with the Mount Hood National Forest.

"We don't see these very often," Jones said. said.

He said in the note detailed plans to take the route through the canyons on the north face, which would take them up the right side of Eliot Glacier.

They said they were taking "minimal gear," Jones told the Oregonian.

Do you out-of-state fuckers think we don't have anything better to do all winter than search for your sorry asses?

I believe they're expecting well over a foot of snow and high winds on the moutian today...peace be with the rescuers.
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Post by PSUFAN »

Authorities described the three men as well-equipped.
Roll with that, IRIE Bystander.
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Ingse Bodil wrote:What happened to this man was a terrible thing.
As bad as Peruvius and Quadrophenia?
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
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Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Post by PSUFAN »

Things just get better and better and BETTER!

King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Post by PSUFAN »

If the banana seat took her up north, she'd be chocolate sorbet too...
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Post by Mister Bushice »

not before spewing out a thousand pages of shit first.
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." —GWB Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2000
Martyred wrote: Hang in there, Whitey. Smart people are on their way with dictionaries.
War Wagon wrote:being as how I've got "stupid" draped all over, I'm not really sure.
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Post by Ingse Bodil »

ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:
Ingse Bodil wrote:I have other thoughts about it, but I'm not ready to type them yet.
Who gives a fuck?
I guess you would, if there was baby formula and Theraflu involved, right Irish?
X wrote:Ludacris... was kicked off the Pepsi brand ad campaign based on explicit lyrics in his album. But with Snoop, here's a coon who admittedly sold drugs and gang banged, was charged with murder and maybe even slapped his wife, representing one of the largest corporations in America--in essence, selling cars to sixty year old white men and blue-haired white women.
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Post by Dinsdale »

And in other news from the U&L --
HERMISTON, Ore. (AP) - A small spider bite turned out to be a big problem for Cindy Pettey.

Pettey awoke when she was bitten on the stomach in the middle of the night a few weeks ago, but thought little of it.

Then she started running a fever, she felt achy and weak. The bite sore became larger.

Next thing Pettey knew, a doctor was telling her he believed she'd been bitten by a dangerous hobo spider.

Pettey had surgery that removed 10 pounds of skin and flesh, leaving her with an abdomen covered in stitches.

"It looks like I was bit in half by a shark," Pettey said.

Rob Hendrickson, a physician and director of the Oregon Poison Control Center, said the hobo is a non-aggressive spider that bites only when cornered. For example, when someone puts on a shoe with a spider inside.

The hobo is one of two dangerous spiders in Oregon. The other is the black widow. The brown recluse does not exist in Oregon, he said.

"In reality, most spiders are venomous, but aren't capable of penetrating human skin," Hendrickson said.

Hobo spider venom may cause necrosis, or death of the skin. When a spider injects venom below the skin, it reddens, swells, then turns black. But there is some doubt in the medical community about whether venom causes the skin death, Hendrickson said.

"If the venom can actually cause necrosis in humans," he said, "... then it is a very rare event."

Pettey isn't taking any more chances. She found five or six spiders that look like hobos. She also discovered two funnel webs like those made by hobo spiders. The webs, layered and non-sticky, funnel unwary prey toward a circular opening at the bottom of the web.

"I put hobo spider traps all over my house," she said.

Pettey's strength is returning slowly. She works five or six hours a day at her job at the Pilot Travel Center, then returns home exhausted. Her doctor told her it might be six months before she fully regains her energy.

"I come home and sleep for three hours," Pettey said. "It really zaps me."

Wow. Wouldn't it be nice if the poison control dude had any fucking idea what he was talking about?

A) The other common name for the hobo is the "AGGESSIVE House Spider." It's notable because it's known (by anyone who knows what the fuck they're talking about) as an extremely aggressive spider, particularly in late summer/early fall.

B) If'm I'm not mistaken, "most" spiders aren't venomous...ALL spiders are venomous.

C) Who the fuck is this guy? For myself, I've personally suffered minor necrosis at the hands of a hobo spider on several occasions. My sister is missing a large chunk of her hip from a hobo. Necrosis from a hobo spider is common, not "rare."

Oregon and Washington account for about 4% of the country's population, and account for over 10% of all spider bites that require medical attention. And while black widows are native (to the other side of the mountains, and almost nonexistant on the Wet Side, hobo spiders are not. They're a Euro thing, that just happens to like the U&L climate even more than their native habitat. This marked I believe two summer/fall seasons in a row that I escaped without a hobo bite. I was on quite a roll for several years before that, including a rather nasty one on my leg that took about 6 months to heal.

Nasty, nasty critters, those hobo spiders.
Last edited by Dinsdale on Mon Dec 11, 2006 7:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Tom In VA »

Are they kin to the Brown Recluse of really nasty gross spider bite fame/infamy ?
With all the horseshit around here, you'd think there'd be a pony somewhere.
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Post by Ingse Bodil »

Yes, Goober, as bad as what happened to those two young men who drowned on the way to play basketball at the park. When I think about how Mr. Kim died, I think about that book 'Into Thin Air' and its graphic depictions of death on Mount Everest. Whether a bear ate at him or not, freezing to death is a horrible, horrible way to go. He froze to death so that his family might live.

Sometimes people get into a bad situation. It's how you extract yourself from it that matters, at that point. They were already missing for a week. Have you ever stared up at a ceiling at night, because of insomnia? You know how slow time goes (I guess this is where the really smart people would find a way to drop a relativity reference that makes sense). Well, imagine you're in the woods, in the middle of nowhere, with no way to contact anybody, and no real supplies, with your spouse and two little babies. You've spent your life around mod. cons. and none of those electronic devices can come to your aid now, for whatever reason.

I read a book once, where the native american protagonists were scoffing at how the Donner Party could have been reduced to starvation and cannibalism even if they were caught in a blizzard. There was life all around the Kim family; something like an impassable road would have been nothing to any of our ancestors even 100 years ago. The Kim family didn't have that. They were stuck at a boarded cupboard with no can opener once they did open the Mother Nature's cabinets. And now the father is dead.

What would you have done, if you were caught in that situation?

What would you have done for your family, to get them out of it?
X wrote:Ludacris... was kicked off the Pepsi brand ad campaign based on explicit lyrics in his album. But with Snoop, here's a coon who admittedly sold drugs and gang banged, was charged with murder and maybe even slapped his wife, representing one of the largest corporations in America--in essence, selling cars to sixty year old white men and blue-haired white women.
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Post by Ingse Bodil »

Dinsdale wrote:
C) Who the fuck is this guy? For myself, I've personally suffered minor necrosis at the hands of a hobo spider on several occasions. My sister is missing a large chunk of her hip from a hobo. Necrosis from a hobo spider is common, not "rare."
You really need to stop, man. You try too hard.
X wrote:Ludacris... was kicked off the Pepsi brand ad campaign based on explicit lyrics in his album. But with Snoop, here's a coon who admittedly sold drugs and gang banged, was charged with murder and maybe even slapped his wife, representing one of the largest corporations in America--in essence, selling cars to sixty year old white men and blue-haired white women.
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Post by YD »

I know a couple guys that have had the pleasure of both and they say they prefer being bit by a great basin rattlesnake over a hobo spider. They both are missing hunks of thier feet/arms.

we get a few black widows now and then. that's the worst I've seen. Debinitly take the baclk widow bite over the rattler though, btw
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Post by Dinsdale »

Tom In VA wrote:Are they kin to the Brown Recluse of really nasty gross spider bite fame/infamy ?

I've been told the venom is quite similar, but hobos usually give a nastier dose of it.

And despite what the poison control idiot says(might have to give the douche a call later), when it's mating season, which I believe starts around mid-August, the males(unlike many species, the males are actually the nasty biters) will jump up to 30" just to bite a larger animal out of spite. And they're very fast.
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Post by Dinsdale »

mvscal wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:B) If'm I'm not mistaken, "most" spiders aren't venomous...ALL spiders are venomous.
You're mistaken.

After some quick research, I stand corrected. Only about 99.99% of spiders are venomous. Of those, only a very small fraction are a threat to humans, or most other animals.
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Ingse Bodil wrote:Yes, Goober, as bad as what happened to those two young men who drowned on the way to play basketball at the park. When I think about how Mr. Kim died, I think about that book 'Into Thin Air' and its graphic depictions of death on Mount Everest. Whether a bear ate at him or not, freezing to death is a horrible, horrible way to go. He froze to death so that his family might live.

No, he froze to death because he was a fucking idiot. It’s a miracle he didn’t take his family with him. And yes, he’s every bit as moronic as all of the self-aggrandizing tards who climb Mount Everest. Bothers me not a whit if all of those fuckers turn into otter pops.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Post by Dinsdale »

Oh, and on the original topic -- the open gate wasn't on the main road, which is accessable year-round(if you've got the equipment and the balls). It was a side road that had the open gate. Dude was fucked, lock or no lock.
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Post by warren »

Dinsdale wrote:[

Do you out-of-state fuckers think we don't have anything better to do all winter than search for your sorry asses?

I believe they're expecting well over a foot of snow and high winds on the moutian today...peace be with the rescuers.
Do you think we out of state fuckers give a shit what you people have to do. I realize you live in a beautiful state but it's not like the world is beating down your doors for anything other than sneakers and a pleasant view.

You might mix in some appreciation for the tourist buck and possibly some compassion you freaking moron.

That's if you can set down the bong and get off your fat keyster after turning the comp off.

Doubt it.
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Post by Prancer »

Hey Dins - it looks like we might have to make an emergency run out to Mt. Hood. Can you give us a quick briefing on the geography, terrain, and weather on Mt Hood, paying particular attention to the different ways that retards have died on the mountain before, history of the Native Americans in the area, the role of the Northwest Spruce Beetle on the poulation density of the flora in the forests surrounding the peak, as well as a totally boring story about how you and one of your awesome buds once climbed the Mountain barefooted while high on 57 different drugs and carrying 6 kegs of local microbrews?

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