Mr T wrote:
Somehow you built the gates up to be these play anyone-anywhere guys.
What the ever-loving fuck is with this board lately?
Since when did flat making shit up out of thin air become some legitimate tool of debate?
Show me ONE fucking link to where I made any commentary on FLA's OOC schedule? (Save your time, there isn't any.) I believe the only comment I've made whatsoever about Florida's schedule was in regard to the in-conference schedule, which was a nasty bitch.
Why don't you, and every other tard that can't make their point without flat fucking LYING just shut the fuck up? Seriously.
Do you know the last time the gates traveled out of state for an OOC game? It was 1991.
Matter of fact, I did know that...since it's only been covered on this board about 200 times this season, and about 100 times on local and national sports shows.
Anyway, No one is going to schedule Boise State.
Uhm...have you considered actually knowing what the fuck you're talking about before you incorporate your keyboard into your stupidity? About three clicks of your mouse would have revealed that BSU has not one, but two H&Hs with PAC10 teams that will be complted in the next three seasons(nevermind that BSU has never won a game in a PAC10 stadium...pretty impressive resume, there).
And BTW-I didn't have to look the schedule up to know what I was talking about, since I was well aware of the facts(you should look the word "facts" up in a dictionary). See, I actually know what the fuck I'm talking about on this matter, and you've proven beyond all doubt that you don't...maybe based on the idea that I'd actually heard of Boise State(and seen them play many times over the last ten years) before a month ago. Bandwagonning becomes even more pathetic when you don't even know the first thing about the bandwagon you're jumping on.
So, tell you what...why don't we continue this when you can do two things -- A) Stop lying to try and make your points, and B) When you actually have educated yourself on the subject that you're trying to discuss, at least to the point where you're at least not spewing flat-out ignorance and mistruths to make your point. TIA