Louis Cyphre wrote:God hates gay people.
Why should Tim Hardaway be nicer than God?
Well God hates adulterers, too, and if we got those sinners out of the NBA there'd be no league. Not saying that would be a bad thing, mind you.
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
Louis Cyphre wrote:God hates gay people.
Why should Tim Hardaway be nicer than God?
Let's say your gay buddy does like boys. Is he gonna be all "day'um, dude check out that hot little dude" with you when you are hanging out?OCmike wrote:I've known plenty of gay guys, but I've yet to know one that was attracted to a 12 y/o boy.IndyFrisco wrote:Just curious...should gay dudes be allowed to be middle school basketball coaches? Would you want your kid in a locker room nekkid with a gay coach?
You've all seen basketball diaries....
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Martyred wrote: Hang in there, Whitey. Smart people are on their way with dictionaries.
War Wagon wrote:being as how I've got "stupid" draped all over, I'm not really sure.
That's why they're called queers. I have no idea why any man would be sexually attracted to another man. It goes against the laws of nature. It's sick, abhorent behavior if you ask me. No amount of the supposedly enlightened media can convince me that homosexuality is socially acceptable.smackaholic wrote:Gax dudes are gax because for some odd reason, they are sexually attracted to other males.
Fucking A RACK! that.Also, call me a dirt old pervert, but, there are times I see some of those junior highschool girls and think to myself, self you should be put away for what you are thinking about doing to that little girl. Fortunately I am not dumb enough to act on my thoughts. Now, don't for one second try to convince me that gax dudes wouldn't have the same thoughts concerning jr high guys. Of course they do.
Well, given that some of them post on this board, sort of.titlover wrote:so you hang around a lot of them?RadioFan wrote:The vast majority of folks who are obsessed with men's dicks were very disappointed when the Supreme Court made it legal a few years ago.titlover wrote:it's their business as long as it's legal.
No, but pretty much all of them were either ass-reaming man whores or had steady boyfriends. The one exception to this was this gay supervisor I had during my illustrious career at Jack-in-the-Box when I was a zit-faced teenager. He was fat and ugly and couldn't get laid, even though half of fags seem to live by the "any cock in a storm" rule. So overweight, homely dudes can't even get laid if they're gay... It's a cruel world, I tell ya.smackaholic wrote: Let's say your gay buddy does like boys. Is he gonna be all "day'um, dude check out that hot little dude" with you when you are hanging out?
As for the gax junior high coach thing. Let's look at known facts here. Gax dudes are gax because for some odd reason, they are sexually attracted to other males. This is undeniable. The oft carted out arguement that they are only attracted to gax dudes is horseshit.
Uh...you're a dirt old pervert. I might see the occasional HIGH school chick that stirs my loins, but even most 18 y/o's look way too young to me anymore. I can't think of the last time that a 13 y/o got me hot, 'cept for when I was in the 7th grade. I would think the same applies to gax dudes.Also, call me a dirt old pervert, but, there are times I see some of those junior highschool girls and think to myself, self you should be put away for what you are thinking about doing to that little girl. Fortunately I am not dumb enough to act on my thoughts. Now, don't for one second try to convince me that gax dudes wouldn't have the same thoughts concerning jr high guys. Of course they do.
Now, 'splain once again to me why you'd be cool with a gax gym teacher passing out towels in the locker room.
Motherfukkers wanna teach? They got band or home ec. or french.
Seriously, what do you care? I can't imagine that KC or whatever suburb you live in is flamer central. In fact, I'd bet that you've probably never even *seen* two dudes kissing in public or anything of the type.War Wagon wrote:
That's why they're called queers. I have no idea why any man would be sexually attracted to another man. It goes against the laws of nature. It's sick, abhorent behavior if you ask me. No amount of the supposedly enlightened media can convince me that homosexuality is socially acceptable.
Rack him being attracted to 13 y/o girls?Fucking A RACK! that.Also, call me a dirt old pervert, but, there are times I see some of those junior highschool girls and think to myself, self you should be put away for what you are thinking about doing to that little girl. Fortunately I am not dumb enough to act on my thoughts. Now, don't for one second try to convince me that gax dudes wouldn't have the same thoughts concerning jr high guys. Of course they do.
The difference being, that those sick fucks will act on their thoughts if given half a chance.
You've seen whitey mug, right? He's lucky a woman sleeps with him.OCmike wrote:Seriously, what do you care? I can't imagine that KC or whatever suburb you live in is flamer central. In fact, I'd bet that you've probably never even *seen* two dudes kissing in public or anything of the type.War Wagon wrote:
That's why they're called queers. I have no idea why any man would be sexually attracted to another man. It goes against the laws of nature. It's sick, abhorent behavior if you ask me. No amount of the supposedly enlightened media can convince me that homosexuality is socially acceptable.
As long as they aren't dry-humping your leg at the mall, what do you care what they do behind closed doors? I'll bet you've never been hit on by a dude, had to sit in your car while a gay pride parade went through downtown or had your life adversely affected by gays in any way during your life. You leave them alone and I'd bet they'd leave you alone too.
This has got to be one of the most bigoted, ignorant things I've read here.Fucking A RACK! that.Also, call me a dirt old pervert, but, there are times I see some of those junior highschool girls and think to myself, self you should be put away for what you are thinking about doing to that little girl. Fortunately I am not dumb enough to act on my thoughts. Now, don't for one second try to convince me that gax dudes wouldn't have the same thoughts concerning jr high guys. Of course they do.
The difference being, that those sick fucks will act on their thoughts if given half a chance.
So where are all these gay pedophile coaches, whitey? They sure seem to catch a lot of 30 something white women fucking little boys, but no gay men. huh. Damn they're sneaky good!Okay, since gays are supposedly about 10% of the population, it's reasonable to assume that there are a slew of gay gym teachers out there. How come we've never heard about openly gay gym teachers being fired, or even an in the closet/possibly gay gym teacher being fired for hitting on a kid? You know how the news drools over inappropriate teacher/student relationship stories, so if there were any, we'd sure as shit have heard about it.
bullshit. kids that age are fukkups. leave them alone for 3 minutes and they are doing something really fukking dumb, if not outright criminal. Did you guys have those water fire extinguishers in your locker room? Best fukking super soaker ever. I know this because sometimes our swimming coach wasn't in the locker room.OCmike wrote:No, but pretty much all of them were either ass-reaming man whores or had steady boyfriends. The one exception to this was this gay supervisor I had during my illustrious career at Jack-in-the-Box when I was a zit-faced teenager. He was fat and ugly and couldn't get laid, even though half of fags seem to live by the "any cock in a storm" rule. So overweight, homely dudes can't even get laid if they're gay... It's a cruel world, I tell ya.smackaholic wrote: Let's say your gay buddy does like boys. Is he gonna be all "day'um, dude check out that hot little dude" with you when you are hanging out?
Dude was pretty funny though and everyone liked him a lot. As a hazing ritual, whenever some new 15 y/o kid started there, Sean would pretend to be hot for him and the whole group would be in on the gag. One of the other employees would walk back to the kid and say, "I don't know how to tell you this, but Sean seems to have a huge crush on you." Dude's response would either be,or "Bullshit". We'd then tell him to look around the corner and Sean would be looking over his shoulder, batting his eyes and playfully biting his knuckle. At this point, they'd pretty much all respond with
. We'd play it up for an hour or so and then tell the dude that we were just messing with him. Crazy times!
As for the gax junior high coach thing. Let's look at known facts here. Gax dudes are gax because for some odd reason, they are sexually attracted to other males. This is undeniable. The oft carted out arguement that they are only attracted to gax dudes is horseshit.
You're right, they're attracted to attractive men, or dude's that are "their type"(i.e. tall, with dark hair or whatever). But no one likes to get shot down, and especially with all of the gay bashers out there, they aren't just going to start hitting on a dude just because they find them attractive...*especially* in a locker room or shower-type setting. They'll at least try to throw some signals their way and gage what the reaction is, the same way a hetero dude will look across a bar at a hot chick and see if she smiles when she looks back.
so, given this logic, I guess it's OK for a dude to be the towel boy in the girls locker room, seeing as they aren't gonna try anything. you are going to that same 'they're only attracted to other fags' card I just mentioned.
Most gay dudes that I've known essentially look at heterosexuals as "off limits". Really, what's the point of even trying to hit on them? What good can come of it?
once again, bullshyte. this crap is carted out there as fact to try to make folks more accepting. They are gax. They are gax because they like cahkandballs. Period. When they see cahkandballs, they think "ummmm cahkandballs". It's that simple.
I'm not saying they can't be firemen or french teachers or dog catchers, but, there are a few things I don't want them doing.
Uh...you're a dirt old pervert. I might see the occasional HIGH school chick that stirs my loins, but even most 18 y/o's look way too young to me anymore. I can't think of the last time that a 13 y/o got me hot, 'cept for when I was in the 7th grade. I would think the same applies to gax dudes.Also, call me a dirt old pervert, but, there are times I see some of those junior highschool girls and think to myself, self you should be put away for what you are thinking about doing to that little girl. Fortunately I am not dumb enough to act on my thoughts. Now, don't for one second try to convince me that gax dudes wouldn't have the same thoughts concerning jr high guys. Of course they do.
Even still, there's nothing wrong with finding someone attractive. Attractive people are pleasing to the eye. It's what you do with those feelings that matter.
girls are hitting puberty in fukking kindergarden these days with all the "supplements" they get in their diet. By the time they hit 8th grade, many of them have bodies that won't quit. Your denial of this possibly 'splains your defense of fags in this thread.
Now, 'splain once again to me why you'd be cool with a gax gym teacher passing out towels in the locker room.
Motherfukkers wanna teach? They got band or home ec. or french.
Again, *no* teacher, whether gax or straight has any business passing out towels or doing anything else where kids are changing or are in various stages of undress for, any reason.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Actually, KC has a quite large contingent of pole smoking fudge packers. Back in the day, they used to hang out in droves at night at the Liberty Memorial.OCmike wrote: Seriously, what do you care? I can't imagine that KC or whatever suburb you live in is flamer central. In fact, I'd bet that you've probably never even *seen* two dudes kissing in public or anything of the type.
As long as they aren't dry-humping your leg at the mall, what do you care what they do behind closed doors? I'll bet you've never been hit on by a dude, had to sit in your car while a gay pride parade went through downtown or had your life adversely affected by gays in any way during your life. You leave them alone and I'd bet they'd leave you alone too.
Hey dumbass, that quote says 25 to 40 % of male pedos are fags not 25 to 40% of "all [male] gays are pedophiles."mvscal wrote:Not all just anywhere from 25 to 40 percent of them are.MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
So the assumption here is that all gays are pedophiles? Link?
The best epidemiological evidence indicates that only 2 to 4 percent of men attracted to adults prefer men (ACSF Investigators, 1992; Billy et al.,1993; Fay et al.,1989; Johnson et al.,1992); in contrast, around 25 to 40 percent of men attracted to children prefer boys (Blanchard et al.,1999; Gebhard et al.,1965; Mohr et al.,1964). Thus, the rate of homosexual attraction is 6 to 20 times higher among pedophiles."[18]
So you knew not to go there if that's not what you were looking for, right? What's the problem?WarWagon wrote:Actually, KC has a quite large contingent of pole smoking fudge packers. Back in the day, they used to hang out in droves at night at the Liberty Memorial.
Uh, those aren't "normal" gays, anymore than a 60 y/o man who goes to an elementary school playground to try to pick up and nail a 10 y/o girl is a "normal" heterosexual. Those are called "pedophiles", dumbass.WarWagon wrote:When I was a teen-ager, I used to work downtown at the Midland theater. Before I had a car, i used to ride the bus. It would almost never fucking fail that some fag cruising around late at night would try to pick me up while I was waiting at the bus stop at 13th and Grand. Yes, they do try to prey on under-age kids.
Look, Beavis, I don't know you, and have never been to your house or city. There are times on a message board like this where people are going to have to make assumptions or guesses based on what we know about you and/or the area that you live in based on what you post. Once in awhile those assertions may be...shocker...incorrect. So what? Lighten the fuck up.WarWagon wrote:Fuck you for thinking you know a damn thing about me or my life. Fuck you and anyone else (Bushice) who, explicitly or implicitly, tolerates fags. I hope they all die from AIDS.
Huh?Mace wrote: I won't take that bet until I know if he's still hangin' out every night at 13th and Grand in KC. WW?
Whitey wrote:Huh?
I worked downtown Mace.
Martyred wrote: Hang in there, Whitey. Smart people are on their way with dictionaries.
War Wagon wrote:being as how I've got "stupid" draped all over, I'm not really sure.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass
Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
Nah, lesbianism is ok, as long as both chicks are really hot.KC Scott wrote: Wags your kinda going Fred Phelps here, dude.
Check yourself and consider that since your girl is a softball player - there's about a 99.9% chance she's got dykes as teammates - now does your hateraid extend to those girls as well?
Uh, that only happens on pron websites. At most, usually one is hot and the other looks like my Uncle, except he's got a bigger rack.War Wagon wrote: Nah, lesbianism is ok, as long as both chicks are really hot.
pe·do·phile [pee-duh-fahyl] –nounOn the other hand, I know that fags are on the streets trying to pick-up under-aged boys.
Yeah, I buy that. You really come off as such an intimidating presence, what, being 135 lbs soaking wet and all. More likely is that you nervously stammered, "Please, I...I...I just want to be left alone" as you tried not to piss your pants.For Bitchshice the fag lover, when those queers tried to pick me up, I told them what I always tell you... GFY.
I love it when homophobes lob out that "as long as it's not up in my face" line. Like two gay dudes go walking down the street until they see Whitey.For Mace, tolerance of what consenting adults do behind closed doors is one thing, as long as they don't throw that shit up in my face
Yeah, Ted Haggard was a 100% dedicated and committed Christian too, and a minister to boot, but that didn't stop him from taking a hog up his crapper.For Dins and Goobs: My daughter is a 100% dedicated and committed Christian. She despises homosexuality even worse than I do, if that's possible. She has a nice scholarship from a school called Evangel, you dimwits. Get it?
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass
Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
Yea, I get it. You know what the difference between public school kids and Christian School kids is?War Wagon wrote:For Dins and Goobs: My daughter is a 100% dedicated and committed Christian. She despises homosexuality even worse than I do, if that's possible. She has a nice scholarship from a school called Evangel, you dimwits. Get it?
Aw but come on Goobs. They're such clean and wholesome girls. Who wants to imagine them getting all freaky with vibrators and dildos?Goober McTuber wrote:And your little rug-rat turned rug-muncher is attending Evangel. That would be Assemblies of God, right? Speaking in tongues, the Rapture, no alcohol or tobacco, etc. Yeah, that type of doctrine has never produced rebellious young people, has it. I'm sure she looks nice in flannel.
Only one ugly enough to be Whitey’s daughter is back row middle.BSmack wrote:Aw but come on Goobs. They're such clean and wholesome girls. Who wants to imagine them getting all freaky with vibrators and dildos?Goober McTuber wrote:And your little rug-rat turned rug-muncher is attending Evangel. That would be Assemblies of God, right? Speaking in tongues, the Rapture, no alcohol or tobacco, etc. Yeah, that type of doctrine has never produced rebellious young people, has it. I'm sure she looks nice in flannel.
OK, so pretty much the whole board does.
PS: I'm not sure which one (if any is 'lil Whitey). In fact I think this is an old picture.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass
Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
You're presuming Mrs. Wags was a 100% committed Christian wife.Goober McTuber wrote:Only one ugly enough to be Whitey’s daughter is back row middle.
You meant the lesbianism comment as a joke, yet deep down, you really mean it. So why the discrepancy? Gay is gay, right? And trust this Wags, while there is an element of gays that do indeed try to pick-up on the underaged, pedophiles come in straight colors as well. Being gay doesn't make you a ped. Being a ped does. They're two seperate issues. Keep 'em straight...so to speak. Also, lesbos cruise for kicks too. It isn't just a fag thing. And speaking of cruising, don't most red-blooded American males, and a few females, go cruising down "the strip" to pick up the opposite sex in youth? "American Graffitti" ring any bells?War Wagon wrote:Nah, lesbianism is ok, as long as both chicks are really hot.
Seriously, the comparison isn't really valid, as I doubt that many female muff-munchers are out on the streets trying to prey on under-aged girls. On the other hand, I know that fags are on the streets trying to pick-up under-aged boys.
Not to speak for Bushice, but I seriously doubt he is a "fag lover". Tolerance does not equate to love. Believe it or not, I am sympathetic to your story of trying to be hit on by gays. Being approached in an inappropriate manner is not only rude, it's wrong. So to a degree, albeit a small one, you may have a reason for disliking gay people. Dislike. Not hate. Remember, nothing happened to you. You weren't kissed, you weren't groped, you weren't raped. Wishing aids and death is a pretty damn extreme level of wrath for being "hit on", don't you think?For Bitchshice the fag lover, when those queers tried to pick me up, I told them what I always tell you... GFY.
Again, while I don't condone gay behavior, (i.e. -- gay sex) as nescessarily acceptable, I am not going to vilify them for it either. Keep the sex in the bedroom where it belongs, and who cares. A little public kissing or hand holding...whatever. Just turn away. Wags, you're most certainly allowed, and should be, to voice your objections. That's the proud American way. But objection and bigotry are two seperate beasts, so try not to blur the lines. Try not to be so abstract in your unreasoning hatered.For Mace, tolerance of what consenting adults do behind closed doors is one thing, as long as they don't throw that shit up in my face celebrating their pervesity like it's some God given right. Then wanting tax breaks, legal unions, insurance benefits for their "spouse", adoption rights, etc.
I get sick of the supposedly "enlightened" trying to pass off an abomination as being acceptable behavior. I don't go out of my way to bash queers, but when the subject comes up, I'll voice my objections in no uncertain terms. While simply killing them all isn't an attractive option, they can damn sure go burn in hell as far as I'm concerned.
I'm sure your daughter is a fine person. I'm sure she will succeed in what she endeavors. But dammit Wags, you dropped the fucking ball when it came to teaching her to hate in the abstract. Seriously, what would be your reaction if one day she declared her lesbianism? Would you disown her? Would you hate her?For Dins and Goobs: My daughter is a 100% dedicated and committed Christian. She despises homosexuality even worse than I do, if that's possible. She has a nice scholarship from a school called Evangel, you dimwits. Get it?
My head may explode someday, if she gives me the 6 grandchildren she's told me that she intends to have. I believe in her, as I haven't seen her fail once to accomplish what she's set as a goal. Would that you two losers (and myself) had even half her drive to succeed. We probably wouldn't be wasting our time posting on message boards.
Jay in Phoenix wrote:Seriously, what would be your reaction if one day she declared her lesbianism? It is of course, not likely.
That's the one I was talking about. Are you running some kind of "I know she is but what about her" smack?Mister Bushice wrote:Top dead center back row in the white shirt would qualify, too, if genetics play any part of it.Goober McTuber wrote:
Only one ugly enough to be Whitey’s daughter is back row middle.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass
Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
Martyred wrote: Hang in there, Whitey. Smart people are on their way with dictionaries.
War Wagon wrote:being as how I've got "stupid" draped all over, I'm not really sure.