here is the truth about stu scott's eye (no word on why his lips are so fat though)
Q. Back in the spring, you sustained a severe eye injury while filming a story about football minicamps with the Jets. Tell us what happened.
I had gotten in shape and (Jets coach) Herman Edwards gave me permission to go to minicamp with them. I was doing a feature for ESPN on what it's like to be in minicamp. But I was serious about it.
The day I was there, there were eight wideouts and the wide receiver coach said I was rated number six. I didn't have any delusions of grandeur. I was hoping I'd be good enough to be a scrub wide receiver or a practice wide receiver in the NFL. I found that out that day. I didn't disappoint myself and I didn't embarrass myself.
At end of practice all the wideouts went to the Jugs Machine, it's a machine that shoots balls out. I had never done that before. I had been catching everything that day in practice from the quarterbacks. I was probably a little close and the thing was fast and the thing was faster than I thought it was.
Q. The ball, coming out of the machine, hit you square in the left eye. How bad was it?
It was serious. I had emergency surgery that night and was out of work for a couple months. It was tough. I had some eye surgery before so I knew how severe it was. It was probably more scary that day, not knowing. The next day came and I knew it would be a long recovery back. I still need some more surgery. The eye is not great now. But I had some time off.