We've been noticeably absent from this board lately because Stage 1 has begun. Think of this as the calm before the storm, dickheads. We've pitched the booze, skanks, dope, and video games aside for now to FOCUS on the Beatdown Tour and BACK on hurting you fucks. This must and WILL go down, dickholes.
I just spent the last 6 hours watching Bloodsport and some old Bruce Lee movies to prepare mentally and physically for what's to go down. If the unlikely happens to The D on the tour, I will be forced to step in and continue to administer the ass beatings. That is why I need to continue to train just as much as D-Bag. And I don't train lightly. I take this stuff VERY seriously. I am up by at least 11am every day, and make sure I eat two bowls of Special K before I start pounding Red Bulls. I must stay INTENSE.
Little do you idiots realize, we now have about 8 or 9 posters from this shitbox giving generous donations to our cause. Some here who "mock" and call us names on this board are actually some of our biggest boosters. We've sunk a lot of the money into resources, including Stevo's tracking equipment, and upgrading our facilities. Headquarters has gotten a huge facelift:

Douchebag is putting in more hours at Video Master to earn some extra cash, but on his personal time, he's studying up on the information Stevo and I are feeding him about you fucks. We know more about you losers than your palms do about your tiny dicks. In short: GET FUCKED.