RumpleForeskin wrote:In regards to the Michael Vick case, I have counted six....yes, I said six calls made by black males who insist that the NFL is targeting rich, black athletes.
Are you sure they were black (remember the fake black caller during the OJ bronco chase)?
And what does targeting have to do with Michael Vick?
On the generic: Did the hosts counter? did black callers counter? did non-black callers counter? did non-black callers agree? did the hosts agree?
An African-American caller today insisted that Roger Goodell, who is married to Fox News Anchor Jane Skinner, sits down and has dinner with O'Reilly and Skinner and discusses ways to drive rich, black athletes out of sports. Luckily, the radio hosts just hang up on these types of calls and move on, but it just disgusts me.
Hanging up on a caller is suspect. Be wary.
A good host either knows how to think on their toes quickly enough to disarm someone they disagree with; or pulls a vintage 90s Jim Rome and lets them speak until they're done, lets them hang up, then ignores that the call was ever taken. But you don't hang up. It shows weakness, vulnerability, fear. If those callers thought that someone's point of view was not being heard, then I don't see why they wouldn't want to try to speak up on the off chance that the host actually listens to them instead.
On the other hand, were black callers who strongly disagreed with the hung up upon callers allowed to be screened through to speak to your host?
That's the the overriding reason to be wary, because all calls
are screened on shows like that. If his screener knew what the caller wanted to talk about, and the call was let through anyway just so the host could hang up on them --
be wary. The listeners are being played as much as the callers are.
So, my question to the black man, what the fuck is up with the bitterness of these kinds of stories that breakout about black athletes?
What bitterness in
non-black men is the host thinking he's exploiting by allowing those calls -- 6 of them you say? -- to get through just so he can hang up on them, in the first place?
Were there any blacks who were allowed to say they thought Vick should hang, if the allegations are true? Or were they not worthy of remembrance, and starting a thread, and individualization, if they were so allowed?
If Tim Donaghey was a black man, we would be hearing the same thing out of those types of callers.
And if Michael Vick were white?
I find it hard to believe not one white, latino or.. whoever else .. called up the show and said that dog fighting is ok, but what's described of Vick took it too far..... or even that dogfighting and what Vick is accused of allowing on his property is alright.
I find it hard to believe that a responsible host wouldn't have a set of cue cards and the wit to deal with an uncomfortable (and old) subject beyond the disconnect button.
The listeners -- of all races -- got played.
on a short leash, apparently.