Question for the bitter, conspiracy theorist Black Man

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Post by RumpleForeskin »

Risa wrote:Rumple, this is your thread. What would either of those men think of
a man who goes racial but pretends not to?
What do you mean? How can you pretend not to be mvscal after already going mvscal? Once you've already dropped an N-bomb that is directed towards a black person, it would difficult to pretend you weren't being racist.

I fit into the demographic of about 88% of other whites guys in the Gen X category. I am a black guy's best bud out in public, but I will drop an n-bomb on a retarded black person like PacMan Jones in front of all of my poker buddies (all white) and then follow up with a black joke to keep the humor going. That's just the way it is, hon.
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Nah that is slavery man.

Be happy that you got to pay for your college degree, car, and house without endorsements, schollies and checks from the NBA.

Because really who wants to live the life of a sports star. They are just a bunch of uncle tom slaves if you ask me.
TheJON wrote:What does the winner get? Because if it's a handjob from Frisco, I'd like to campaign for my victory.
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Post by RumpleForeskin »

Sudden Sam wrote:Wonder what Vick and Jones are qualified to do out in the real world?
Is overpopulating a prison considered a "qualification"?
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Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

mvscal wrote:Whoever said that is a dumbfuck. Everyone knows a black man's place is Africa, so lets get a move on here, people.
I just hate lazy, irresponsible, blame-gaming jerkoffs. I don't give a fuck what color they are. My hatred is situational. Not across the board.

My best, most reliable, hardest working employee is a black man. If I had to part ways with him under the condition you described, that'd be a damn shame. Right behind him are two scraggly white fuckstains who suck ballsack, but since the pay rate is so low, you have to keep them around because they're about par for the course in terms of value at these positions. The black dude is being groomed for a middle management position elsewhere within the company, so I'm going to lose him anyway.

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Risa wrote:You, too, can be the next Cryin' Leaf or Bo Jackson or Len Bias.
for the love of fucking god and g0d, just kill yourself already.

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Dog wrote:Isaiah Thomas owned a CBA franchise.
he owned the entire fucking league, dumbshit, and he proceeded to flush it down the fucking toilet before being bailed out by the raptors.

zeke is a fucking disgrace to humanity.
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Post by RumpleForeskin »

Screw_Michigan wrote:zeke is a fucking disgrace to humanity.
My favorite basketball player, but a terrible businessman.
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Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Didn't someone mention owning a Red Lobster? Perhaps that's Zeke's next calling.

Post by Screw_Michigan »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Didn't someone mention owning a Red Lobster? Perhaps that's Zeke's next calling.
he's still too busy playing grab-ass and sexually harassing the MSG interns to have that "entreprenural impetus" as PSU so nicely glossed it.

i'm waiting for that other shoe to fall anytime now.
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Re: yes

Post by Mike the Lab Rat »

Risa wrote:Image

Status ain't hood; but Money ain't class, either.

Trailer trash is a state of mind, not an economic level, not an education level.
Nice example, you frigging moron.

Paris is a high school dropout. Got her GED - you know, the thing we accuse a lot of low-class 'tards of having? - later on.

She's a low-IQ skank who does nothing productive, lives off of her family's wealth, and is famous for no other reason that she's a nigh-alcoholic skank with a blowjob movie that circulated on the 'net.

THAT is why she is trash.
Risa wrote:When you pull you're 'I'm a Downtrodden White Man Experiencing Emotional Reverse Racism' bullshit, you're being trailer.
According to who? You?

Oh, and by the way, if THAT is what makes someone a "trailer," how the hell does your example of Paris Hilton fly? Has she ever gone to the "downtrodden white [fe]male experiencing reverse racism" card? No? Then why cite her as an example of trailer trash...and then give a definition that has nothing to do with her?

Oh. Wait. You're an idiot.

By the way, there's no such thing as "reverse racism." Just racism. And I'm not the one who plays that card. I like my life. YOU'RE the one who plays the racism card so often that the edges are frayed.

Guess that makes you trailer trash.
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Post by RumpleForeskin »

Screw_Michigan wrote:i'm waiting for that other shoe to fall anytime now.
Its never gonna happen. Zeke has too many contacts and resources for him to get busted. It should have already happened.
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Post by Screw_Michigan »

RumpleForeskin wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:i'm waiting for that other shoe to fall anytime now.
Its never gonna happen. Zeke has too many contacts and resources for him to get busted. It should have already happened.
god and g0d, you're fucking stupid. i'd say, despite the abuse she takes, the board feels worse for your wife for hitching up with a complete loser like yourself. considering this sordid clambake, that's pretty amazing.
July 4, 2007 11:00 am US/Eastern

Judge Sets Date For Isiah Thomas Harassment Trial
Sex Harassment Trial Can Go Forward

(CBS/AP) NEW YORK A Manhattan judge, while raising the possibility of an out-of-court settlement, ruled the sexual harassment case against New York Knicks coach and general manager Isiah Thomas will go before a jury this year.

"We do expect there will be a trial in September as scheduled unless the parties are able to resolve their differences," U.S. District Court Judge Gerald Lynch said Tuesday after a Manhattan hearing to determine if there was sufficient evidence to proceed with the case.

Attorneys for Thomas were seeking a dismissal of the suit.

In January 2006, ex-Knicks senior vice president Anucha Browne Sanders filed suit against Thomas, alleging the NBA Hall of Famer had subjected her to "demeaning and repulsive behavior" -- including unwanted sexual advances.

Her suit alleged that Madison Square Garden officials fired her after she went through internal channels to put an end to the problem. MSG officials responded that she was fired for failure to fulfill her work responsibilities.

Sanders, who seeks reinstatement to her job and unspecified damages, also named Madison Square Garden as a defendant in the suit. Thomas has repeatedly denied the charges, which also included allegations that the Knicks coach berated her and made crude comments about her to other team officials.

Sanders, who served as vice president for marketing and business operations, also charged that Thomas once hugged her and tried to kiss her. When she pulled away, the Knicks executive reportedly asked, "What, I can't get any love from you today?"
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Re: Question for the bitter, conspiracy theorist Black Man

Post by Risa »

RumpleForeskin wrote:In regards to the Michael Vick case, I have counted six....yes, I said six calls made by black males who insist that the NFL is targeting rich, black athletes.
Are you sure they were black (remember the fake black caller during the OJ bronco chase)?

And what does targeting have to do with Michael Vick?

On the generic: Did the hosts counter? did black callers counter? did non-black callers counter? did non-black callers agree? did the hosts agree?
An African-American caller today insisted that Roger Goodell, who is married to Fox News Anchor Jane Skinner, sits down and has dinner with O'Reilly and Skinner and discusses ways to drive rich, black athletes out of sports. Luckily, the radio hosts just hang up on these types of calls and move on, but it just disgusts me.
Hanging up on a caller is suspect. Be wary.

A good host either knows how to think on their toes quickly enough to disarm someone they disagree with; or pulls a vintage 90s Jim Rome and lets them speak until they're done, lets them hang up, then ignores that the call was ever taken. But you don't hang up. It shows weakness, vulnerability, fear. If those callers thought that someone's point of view was not being heard, then I don't see why they wouldn't want to try to speak up on the off chance that the host actually listens to them instead.

On the other hand, were black callers who strongly disagreed with the hung up upon callers allowed to be screened through to speak to your host?

That's the the overriding reason to be wary, because all calls are screened on shows like that. If his screener knew what the caller wanted to talk about, and the call was let through anyway just so the host could hang up on them -- be wary. The listeners are being played as much as the callers are.
So, my question to the black man, what the fuck is up with the bitterness of these kinds of stories that breakout about black athletes?
What bitterness in non-black men is the host thinking he's exploiting by allowing those calls -- 6 of them you say? -- to get through just so he can hang up on them, in the first place?

Were there any blacks who were allowed to say they thought Vick should hang, if the allegations are true? Or were they not worthy of remembrance, and starting a thread, and individualization, if they were so allowed?
If Tim Donaghey was a black man, we would be hearing the same thing out of those types of callers.
And if Michael Vick were white?

I find it hard to believe not one white, latino or.. whoever else .. called up the show and said that dog fighting is ok, but what's described of Vick took it too far..... or even that dogfighting and what Vick is accused of allowing on his property is alright.

I find it hard to believe that a responsible host wouldn't have a set of cue cards and the wit to deal with an uncomfortable (and old) subject beyond the disconnect button.

The listeners -- of all races -- got played.
on a short leash, apparently.
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Post by Risa »

R-Jack wrote:
In January 2006, ex-Knicks senior vice president Anucha Browne Sanders filed suit against Thomas, alleging the NBA Hall of Famer had subjected her to "demeaning and repulsive behavior" -- including unwanted sexual advances.
Must be one ugly bitch if he mistook her for Magic.
I'd have to hear what the demeaning and repulsive behavior is. There was a story in the free newsweekly out here of some latina chick suing a white co-worker who showed her the humor advice column 'The Mexican', which is written by a latino and claims to answer all gabachos' (whatever that is) questions about all things Mexicano. The guy went to a (female) attorney, who told him that - basically - he was screwed.

There's always more to the story. Unfortunately, I reckon, if you're a female you can get away with proving less than if you are a minority (god help you if you're a guy). But we'll see, once the info about what Thomas allegedly did comes out, right?
on a short leash, apparently.
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Post by Shine »

Risa wrote:
RumpleForeskin wrote: Can you imagine Peyton Manning "making it rain"? I can't.
I thought 'make it rain' was hip-pop slang for 'bring to orgasm' --
which is why some assume that silly ass Rihanna 'Umbrella-ella-ella-ey-ey' song
is just an extended double-entendre for sex. I like the 'us against
the world' interpretation more, personally.

I'm going to assume you're straight, and that's why you can't
imagine Peyton 'making it rain'.

But anybody else got the real deal on what 'making it rain' means?
Wow. Just wow.

"Make it rain" is a term used to describe rolling up in a strip club with stacks of caysh that you toss up into the air, giving the effect of making it look like the money is raining down on the strippers.
"Our staff is going to ensure that anyone who attends this University and wears the Indiana uniform will make this privilege among their highest priorities and not treat the opportunity as an entitlement,'' Crean said in a statement. "We fully expect our student-athletes to accept the responsibilities academically, athletically and socially that come with representing one of the top programs in college basketball history."
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Post by rozy »

Hey, Vic, ya know what's funny? I listen to the same sports talk show Rump does while I am driving to work. For every black caller doing what Rump suggested in his opening salvo, there are 10 subsequent BLACK callers who blast the idiot who blamed Vick's problems on the man. And Andre Ware is one of the show's hosts. He blasts them as well. But then, that wouldn't make for a good thread would it?

Bet you didn't predict this response...Bitch. :wink:
John Boehner wrote:Boehner said. "In Congress, we have a red button, a green button and a yellow button, alright. Green means 'yes,' red means 'no,' and yellow means you're a chicken shit. And the last thing we need in the White House, in the oval office, behind that big desk, is some chicken who wants to push this yellow button.
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Post by RumpleForeskin »

rozy wrote:Hey, Vic, ya know what's funny? I listen to the same sports talk show Rump does while I am driving to work. For every black caller doing what Rump suggested in his opening salvo, there are 10 subsequent BLACK callers who blast the idiot who blamed Vick's problems on the man. And Andre Ware is one of the show's hosts. He blasts them as well. But then, that wouldn't make for a good thread would it?

Bet you didn't predict this response...Bitch. :wink:
I know there are callers who blast those idiots who defend Vick and think its The Man who is trying to bring him down, but I just can't believe there are still people out there thinking that its all a conspiracy
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Post by indyfrisco »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:The black dude is being groomed for a middle management position elsewhere within the company, so I'm going to lose him anyway.
Fucking racist. Your company should hand him the keys.

Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
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Post by Risa »

Shine wrote: Wow. Just wow.

"Make it rain" is a term used to describe rolling up in a strip club with stacks of caysh that you toss up into the air, giving the effect of making it look like the money is raining down on the strippers.
Wow, what? I don't have cable. I don't watch videos. I have to listen to the song to get context. And from the songs it sounds (sounded) like 'make it rain' meant bringing to orgasm, particularly when dudes are talking about taking other people's women and making it rain because 'your man is lame'. I don't know what to think, now. That's just selling the image of materialistic ne.groes (particularly of money hungry black women, and women as possessions to be bought and exchanged) too hard.

Have things really degressed that low, that dudes are now talking about having so much money that they can waste it on strippers? What happened to never spending money on a ho? bragging about always getting it from free? treating a ho like a ho? even when you're in love with a stripper, you're not paying for it or trying to bribe the bitch with free money. You're suppose to be too good for that. Who's selling this new image?

Anyway, thank you for the correction, Shine. Shit's worse than I thought.
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Post by Risa »

RumpleForeskin wrote:I know there are callers who blast those idiots who defend Vick and think its The Man who is trying to bring him down, but I just can't believe there are still people out there thinking that its all a conspiracy
Then why didn't you mention them; instead of making it sound like the only blacks callers who were on -- and worthy of being counted -- were defenders of Vick? :?

And Sam, nobody needs to give blacks anything -- except a chance. Blacks can do it by themselves.

Mvscal, so..................... is gabachos to mexicans as gringo to whites, in the same way that hunkee is to blacks as honkie is to whites? which term (gabacho/gringo) is used more often, and what does gabacho literally mean?

And to the dude in whichever thread talking about having a hard working black and two lazy whites......... how long would you have allowed two lazy blacks to continue in the whites position? Something about that is too close to what badfish was talking about a couple years ago, about what goes down on the construction sites.

It's too much like blacks (still) having to work twice as hard to get even half of the kudos and success. Whites allow whites to skate.
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Post by RumpleForeskin »

Risa wrote:Then why didn't you mention them; instead of making it sound like the only blacks callers who were on -- and worthy of being counted -- were defenders of Vick? :?
Its so sad when cousins marry.

Risa, I was strictly talking about the 6 callers who thought THE MAN was out to get black athletes. Its a fucking radio show; of course there are other calls that are made by people who offer intellectual takes. That is not what this thread is about. I didn't even say that those 6 callers represent ALL of the black community. I just couldn't believe there were black males out there ignorant enough to dial a radio show and try and play that card wether they believed themselves or not. Risa, just fucking log off, stay at home and wash that bat cave you call your gunt
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Risa wrote:
Shine wrote: Wow. Just wow.

"Make it rain" is a term used to describe rolling up in a strip club with stacks of caysh that you toss up into the air, giving the effect of making it look like the money is raining down on the strippers.
Wow, what? I don't have cable. I don't watch videos.

You do, unfortunately, have a computer. Put “make it rain” into google and you’d have the answer in about 30 seconds. You ignorant, tedious cunt.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Post by indyfrisco »

Risa wrote:Have things really degressed that low, that dudes are now talking about having so much money that they can waste it on strippers?
I was walking into a stripjoint the other day but this dumb bitch pulled her car over and started yelling at me. Glad she saved me some Washingtons.
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Post by PSUFAN »

"Degressed" isn't a word, you god-blamed halfwit.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Risa wrote:And to the dude in whichever thread talking about having a hard working black and two lazy whites......... how long would you have allowed two lazy blacks to continue in the whites position? Something about that is too close to what badfish was talking about a couple years ago, about what goes down on the construction sites.
I tell you the black guy is getting promoted, and the lazy whites are staying where they are, yet you STILL find a way to call me a racist.

Simply amazing.
It's too much like blacks (still) having to work twice as hard to get even half of the kudos and success. Whites allow whites to skate.
Bwaaaa. What type of place do you work at, Annie? This is 2007. I don't know any single reputable company or outfit that's wholly concerned about the bottom line that operates this way. "EOE" is not only the way they operate, but it's actually considered "cool."
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Post by RumpleForeskin »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:This is 2007. I don't know any single reputable company or outfit that's wholly concerned about the bottom line that operates this way.
The Railroad

Still a BIG proponent of the "Good Ol' Boy" system.
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Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

I'm concerned for Annie, what with the slave-like working conditions she appears to be under by her employer. With all the time she spends on the computer, perhaps she could free up an opportunity to polish her resume a bit so she can free herself from the whip-n-chain working environment she's accustomed to.
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Post by RumpleForeskin »

Yeah, cus everytime I see a black person all I can think about is old farm equipment.
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Post by Terry in Crapchester »

IndyFrisco wrote:
Risa wrote:Have things really degressed that low, that dudes are now talking about having so much money that they can waste it on strippers?
I was walking into a stripjoint the other day but this dumb bitch pulled her car over and started yelling at me. Glad she saved me some Washingtons.

Although this is ironic on another level.
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Post by Luther »

PSUFAN wrote:"Degressed" isn't a word, you god-blamed halfwit.
What, are you kidding me? I've got her album and it is damn fine.


A-Risa Franklin


What you want (hooo) baby I got it
What you need (hooo) you know I got it
(Hooo) all I'm asking (hooo) is for a little regress
( Just a little bit) when you come home
(Just a little bit) hey baby ( Just little bit)
When you come home ( Just a Little Bit) Mister

I ain't gonna do a thread while you're gone
I ain't gonna do a thread cause I don't wanna
All I'm asking is for a little regress when you come home
(Just a Little Bit) Baby ( Just a little bit )
When you come home ( Just a little Bit) Yeah

I'm about to give you all my money
And all I'm asking in return honey
Is to give me my propers when you get home
(Justa Justa Justa) Yeah baby when you get home

( Just a little Bit ) Yeah ( Just a little bit )

Hooo your bannies sweeter than honey and guess what so is my money
All I want you to do for me is give it to me when you get home
( Re re re re gress) Yeah baby whip it to me
( Just a little bit) when you get home now ( Just a little bit)

R-E-G-R-E-S-S find out what it means to me
R-E-G-R-E-S-S, Take care, TCB ohhhh (Sock it to me,etc.)

A little regress oh yeah ( Just a little bit)
A little regress ( Just a little Bit)

There are other great songs on that album too. I used to have this on 8-track, and it was great driving tunes, especially Van, my Love, if I'd been drinkin' whiskey.

So there.

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Post by RadioFan »

Outstanding, Luth.
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Post by Headhunter »

Yep. Frost that!
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Post by RumpleForeskin »

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Post by PSUFAN »

holy shit! RACK Luth
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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