... newssearch ... stigation/CROWN POINT, Indiana (CNN) -- More than 2,000 voter registration forms filed in northern Indiana's Lake County by a liberal activist group this week have turned out to be bogus, election officials said Thursday.
ACORN Vegas Office Raided in Voter Fraud Investigation
Nevada state authorities seized records and computers Tuesday from the Las Vegas office of an organization that tries to get low-income people registered to vote, after fielding complaints of voter fraud.
More Milwaukee Voter Fraud... Name that Party? ... name-partyMilwaukee has discovered some more voter fraud with 10 more voter registration workers are being investigated by Wisconsin authorities. Fittingly, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel covered the story in its paper on August 29. Unfittingly, the Journal Sentinel forgot one, tiny aspect of the story... that the voter fraud was perpetrated by Democrats. In fact, one of the organizations, ACORN, is intimately linked with Barack Obama.
5,000 fake voter registrations in Indiana + 8,000 Fake voter registrations in New Mexico - Tony Romo+Terrell Owens = Liberals against voter I.D.'s
Go figure! No wonder why they think people will be disinfranchised. When you can't vote two, three, four or more times it's just not right according to democrats.