holy living FUCK i have been reading this message board for the past 4 months STRAIGHT. every post. every word. every second, every minute, of every day. i have become so consumed with my hatred for ALL OF YOU that i cannot function on any level whatsoever. i cannot eat. i cannot sleep. i cannot shit or piss but just barely. all i do is lean over my keyboard and read you societal shit spewers and start BEATING my fucking face into a cinder block. i print out pictures of you fuckheads on a high quality laser printer, tape your pics to my face, look in the mirror, and start beating the fuck out of MYSELF.
the past year has been a living HELL for me
-3 members of The Crew get fucking wacked
-O'Cyrus tracks me down and sends his gang of mexicans after our ASSHOLES. our holes STILL hurt, you fuckwads. they STILL hurt. when we take a dump a subtle whiff of Modelo can still be detected.
-Petrus fucking played us and fled for Namibia with all our cash. we built an empire of money, women, and drugs: and it's ALL fucking gone
simply put: SOMEBODY has got to pay. that's why we have widdled down a selective list of posters from this rotting shitbox, and one of you WILL get fucking murdered on Halloween night. it's not a matter of IF. it's not even a matter of WHEN. i KNOW that because it's set on my Outlook Calendar.
12:00 PM lunch at 4 Seasons
1:30 PM murder somebody from T1B
but before we get into all that shit, let me introduce you cockcuddlers to your fucking MAKER
We call him Novacaine

he spent the last 5 months training with Rollins in the Tibetan mountains. his assbeating skills have FAR surpassed anyone i have ever trained...including myself. he is half man, half machine, and 100% badass.
Fortunately for the slickhaired douchelick that is chosen, Novacaine is not without mercy. he will plant his foot up your ass so you can have sex one last time before he fucking KILLS you.
the list will be revealed at a later date.