In all seriousness, until I was besoiled by your obnoxious little brother, Iowa was always my second favorite team in the Big 10, behind only Ohio St.
Now look what happened!
Moderators: 88BuckeyeGrad, Left Seater, buckeye_in_sc
I got a better idea. Instead of Mace "firing" me, how's about you not run your mouth like a fucking asshole all offseason next year? Then when Iowa wins 10+ games again next year, you won't hear me calling you out for melting down about Iowa's success because you won't need to make all kinds of excuses for why they're winning since you didn't go off on them during the offseason.Van wrote:Fire Jon, and I'll root for Iowa.
In all seriousness, until I was besoiled by your obnoxious little brother, Iowa was always my second favorite team in the Big 10, behind only Ohio St.
Now look what happened!
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
CFB Van - has a nice ring to it.Van wrote:Iowa was always my second favorite team in the Big 10, behind only Ohio St.
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
I hate Minnesota because I've got d-bag friends that root for Minnesota and call me up on a regular basis to chant "WHO HATES IOWA? WE HATE IOWA!". You can't beat these guys, you can only hope to score more points than them! We win 55-0 last year and Gopher fan still talks shit. Goofer fan ALWAYS talks shit.Mace, how does anybody come to hate Minny? That's like hating lintballs.
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
They're only douchebags because they root for Minnesota. When they aren't talking Goofer football, they're pretty cool folks actually.IndyFrisco wrote:Why do you hang with douchebags? No one else want to be your friend?
Color me not shocked.
"Purify yourself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka...."Why would anyone from Minnesota feel superior to anyone?
I see what you're saying, but the difference is you're not living around fans of those teams out there in Cali. We all grew up around Gopher fans and listened to their arrogance. I know, how could Goofer fan be arrogant? Yeah, you got me there.I just can't hate a doormat. No way I could hate a Minnesota, a Mississippi St or this current Washington St team. I stopped hating Michigan, Bama and Nebraska because it became no fun to hate them.
Marcus Schnoor!!!!!!! White chocolate!!!Mace wrote:Here's Floyd being hoisted by the good guys. This trophy is emblematic of a bet made umpteen years ago when the Governor of Iowa bet a prize hog with the Governor of Minnesota.
I think I need that guy's glasses because I can't tell if that's just fat face or if he's got an awesome porn stache growing there.Van wrote:It's a trophy of a pig, which bears a striking resemblance to the guy wearing glasses on the left of the picture.
That was pretty cool.TheJON wrote: Tearing down THEIR goalposts after clinching the Big-10 title will always be one of my fondest memories as an Iowa fan.
I know it's Iowa, but still the monster double chin on the guy should be your dead giveaway that dude is a fat fuck.TheJON wrote:I think I need that guy's glasses because I can't tell if that's just fat face or if he's got an awesome porn stache growing there.Van wrote:It's a trophy of a pig, which bears a striking resemblance to the guy wearing glasses on the left of the picture.
Ever wonder why they make fun of you?minorthreat wrote:The Hawkeyes are 8-0
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
Sorry I don't really keep up on Iowa's schedule. If by "they" you mean you and JON, I'm ok with that.IndyFrisco wrote:Ever wonder why they make fun of you?minorthreat wrote:The Hawkeyes are 8-0
Actually, by "they" I meant IowaFan and by "you" I meant ISUFan. Not anyone here specifically, either way.minorthreat wrote:Sorry I don't really keep up on Iowa's schedule. If by "they" you mean you and JON, I'm ok with that.IndyFrisco wrote:Ever wonder why they make fun of you?minorthreat wrote:The Hawkeyes are 8-0
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
Did you even read this thread???minorthreat wrote:Imagine that.....a thread about the Hawkeyes and the Cyclones are brought up. The Hawkeyes are 8-0 and you still find time to talk about ISU. That is good stuff.
I don't think it's unrealistic for USC to make the BCS. But they do need some help.Dinsdale wrote:Van, you really think 2 PAC teams are BCSing?
Have you forgotten what conference you're in?
The conf champ-to-be is sitting on the bubble as faras rankings go, and will get in only through the tie-in.
Ohhhhh, I get it -- you were making a funny.
Had me going there for a minute... USC in a BCS bowl.