Rate each conference's fans from this board.

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Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by Van »

With all the banter going around about BSH-ism, I say we make it official. Let's go ahead and break down each conference's fans here, in the same way we do with the schedules of teams.

I'll start, and I apologize in advance to those of you whose names I forget.

Pac 10: D

We're horrible. I admit it, straight up. We have our bright spots, such as Mikey, JayDuck and Q, West Coast Style. Those three are all smart, classy and intelligent posters in this forum. Problem is, they're also all fairly infrequent posters in this forum. Meds was also good, but he's long gone, other than as the oft-rumored handler of the m2 troll. Oh, and Greg in PG is solid too, yet also a very infrequent poster.

Who does that leave us?

Well, there's myself, of course, and I'm always so pissed off at everything that I always piss off a good number of the rest of you. At least I'm reliable, though, and I try to be objective, in that I loathe pretty much everything, everywhere. I don't really single out anyone or anything for my ire. I think your schedule sucks and your AD is a pussy; it almost doesn't matter who you root for.

The other Trojan fan here, SoCalTrjn, he's a troll, as far as I'm concerned. If he's real, he's evil. I wouldn't be surprised if Killian is running that troll, just to make us look bad.

Seer and socal are both good too, albeit far too infrequently do they stick their noses in here...and with good reason, considering their team.

Dins is a bit of a bandwagon guy, no matter how much he'll deny it. He's all over Oregon and the Pac 10 when they're winning; delightfully, obnoxiously, he's all over them when they're winning, yet he's mostly a no-show when they're not. He finds the time between bouts of ass-reaming semi-conscious parolees to boast about things when his team is winning, but the diseased parolees magically become his top priority when Oregon fades.

Then there's m2, who's actually a marginally decent poster about CF when he can stay lucid long enough to stick to CF. Unfortunately, he's like someone in the latter stages of Alzheimers.

Because the Pac 10's most prominent posters here are myself, SoCalTrjn, m2 (who's fucking banned! :lol: ) and Dins, while our more 'popular' posters are frequent no-shows, yeah, we suck.


The most noteworthy fans here, in that they keep this place humming merely by their existence. All three of 'em are beauties, in that they all try like Geddy Lee fuck to maintain this facade of objectivity even as they constantly gag on Jethro Jizz. Their BSH-ism is so deeply ingrained that they even slap us in the face with it when they don't mean to, and for that they are to be applauded. Sam is the Reasonable Seeming One. He's the guy who craps in your grits while telling you it's a time-honored southern tradition, so take no offense. 'Spray is The Rebel Yell. He's the guy who grabs a bullhorn and bellows obscenities at passersby from the roof of a Jiffy-Lube. Jsc is The Innocent Assassin. He's the guy who can't help but impregnate your daughter, simply because he claimed to not know any better.

By far, they're the most fun guys we have here, and like Nish always said, they perform a necessary function.


They simply have next to no presence here. There's Mr. T, who's perfectly decent enough, and there's a Hokie fan here too, and there are a couple other Seminole fans. Mostly, though, they're just invisible. They never do anything wrong, but they also never stick out. We're not likely to see a seven-page thread authored by an N.C. St fan. They're just...here, in very small numbers.

Big East: C

Until Cinty showed up to bandwagon Cincy this season, who were the Big East's reps here? It's pretty much just Mucho, innit? Mucho's solid, constant and such a decent guy that he earns them a decent grade, which is somewhat negated by Cinty's bandwagon deal. He wasn't here two years ago, and he won't be around much from here on out. I can't think of any Pitt-Rutgers-W Va-UConn-Louisville-Syracuse fans here, so it'll soon be back to Mucho, all by his lonesome.

ND: B+

The only thing keeping them from earning an A is the fact that Lax barely posts, and until very recently he only posted with one purpose in mind: to bash USC. He's a good poster who gives shitty effort. He's like the Jerry Tarkanian Rebels, sorta, or USC in the state of Oregon.

Meanwhile, Terry is the Bill James of this board. Yes, he's as dry as Estelle Getty vag, but he's the ticker at the bottom of this board. While you're watching Florida drub Namibia Polytechnic, Terry's right there, keeping you well-informed about the rest of the goings on and other assorted minutiae relating to anything to do with ND, the Big 10, ND or ND. Terry is pretty much the Paul Harvey of this joint.

Killian is sort of the lifeblood of this place, to me. He's our mascot. Alternately classy and pissed as holy hell, he dons a velvet Trojan as he ass-fucks his favorite topics.

The Big 10: B+

These guys truly give a fuck. They seem to know their whole conference better than any other group here.

"I'm telling ya, that Kafka guy, he's the real deal! You just watch! Pair him up with Decker from Minnesota, and you've got Montana to Rice all over again. Don't sleep on these guys, dude."

PSU and Mgo may be the two most objective, level-headed homers we have here. Sure, Mgo homers for the Big 10, but dude seriously tries to be objective. Dave? He just is.

Not that it matters to anybody else, but 88 is probably my favorite poster on the boards now...any topic. Great for football talk, great for anything else too. Because of him, or any of the other Buckeyes here, it's hard to take delight in OSU's recent troubles. They all seem solid as hell, very knowledgeable and quite decent.

M Club is a pissy little Niles Crane, but he's perfectly fine when it comes to talking football. Wolverine Steve, too. Solid. All the Michigan fans are good. Like chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven, or fucking your really hot sister, Shoalzie might be literally impossible to dislike, and he knows his football. He's very objective too. Objectivity seems to be the hallmark of the Big 10 fans.

Except for...

...and I think you all know where this one is headed...

... :mrgreen: ....

...Iowa fan. Jon cares. I'll give him that. His passion is commendable. It helps push things along here. His myopia is legendary, too. He's got Jsc levels of myopia, which is cool. He's occasionally funny, and he's always a total spazz. He can vividly recollect and worshipfully describe the ballsack scent of Iowa's third string tight end from the '98 squad.

He's a masterful mongoloid.

Still, that beats Mace, who's just an old, gray dirtclod clinging to the mudflap of a beat up old F-350. Mace knows football. No disputing that. He just has no clue as to how to talk about football, or anything else for that matter. Reading his posts is like watching an empty fish tank.

I miss Goober, the Wisconsin fan. Loved his battles with other Big 10 fans.

The Big XII: A+

Year in, year out, these guys are by far the most fun reads we have here. They just hate each other. Bama and Auburn supposedly hate each other like no other, yet Spray and Sam would have no problem sixty-nining over a rerun of Today In The SEC. Similarly, it's nearly impossible to get Michigan and Ohio St fan here to cast even an untoward glance towards one another.

Not so, with Big XII fan here. Wags fucking loathes Kansas. You can feel it in his sack lunch. His daughter won't even eat Jawhawk pussy. Degenerate loathes everybody. He's awesome. There's this other Mizzou fan who occasionally posts here, Truman, I think, and he's good for some fine, visceral hatred.

Still...OU vs Texas fan. These guys just bring it, every damn year. B-t-H, Skull, Moby...vs Harv, Vito, et al. Now that Texas is good again, we're regrettably being subjected to mvscal and Prime jumping on the BTPCF bandwagon, when they were nowhere to be found most of the rest of the time, but Prime's such a good poster and his rips on OU are so heartfelt that I'll excuse mvscal's blatant Laker Fan behavior.

The Red River Shootout fans here, with their hatred for each other's program, that remains the single best thing about this board. They're also all pretty damn good posters, though Vito tends to stretch credulity quite a bit.

Good show you guys put on, without fail.

Overall, this is a pretty damn good board. We could use more Pac 10 fans, along with more Big East and ACC fans, but overall, yeah, this place does well.
Last edited by Van on Wed Jan 06, 2010 1:49 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by Van »

Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88

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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by War Wagon »

We're #1!!! :mrgreen:

Great post, Van.
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by Van »

Mace wrote:Van doesn't like me? Shit, I knew this was going to be a good day.
Nah, it's nothing like that. I'm sure you're a great guy in real life. You're just Wilford Brimley as a poster.
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by PSUFAN »

Great post - until you gave b12 the A+ score. How can that be possible when Welted Wagon is among them, oozing pus and estrus?
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by Van »

Because he's filled with glorious hatred, and it comes out in his Kansas posts.
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by War Wagon »

aww, PUS doesn't love me... this is devastating.
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by Van »

mvscal wrote:
Van wrote:I'll excuse mvscal's blatant Laker Fan behavior.
Sorry, dude. My urine is now on this fire hydrant for the long haul.
That's fine by be. I hope you do stick around for good.
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by SunCoastSooner »

I never make a list... fucking fuck fuck... I'm the most loud mouthed asshole poster with novel like posting skillz on the board 99% of the time and yet its like I'm the invisible 12" cock.

Fuck Texas and Fuck Prime; he doesn't even post here unless he's chilling at home while on a regiment of antibiotics from whatever skank he nabbed on 6th Street while bashing the Little D and bitching about who shot JR.

My grades-

SEC: B-....What the fuck would we do without the three irrational nutcases from the deep south? There would be nobody to kick in the mouth after straight jacketing for a ride to the looney bin that's for sure. These guys make the board worth posting at a lot of the time... especially with all their "The SEC was down this year and we really only have two teams and I admit to that but sheeeeiiiit our schedule has to be tougher than everyone else's, even though we played one hundred forty six FCS teams this year, because damn man we're the fucking SEC." threads. At the same time there isn't a group of posters who contradict themselves more than any others and con a dick as well. SamUNwise is too busy touting Vanderbilt and Kentucky as juggernauts to watch a game played west of the Mississippi or North of the Mason Dixon line to realize that football, believe it or not, is played in all fifty states... and many of them have been doing it longer and have a better record at it than *gasp* Mississippi State. JSC was a lot more fun when he was just as irrational as everybody else but I really had to debate whether I should grade him with the SEC, Mountain West, Southwest Athletic Conference, Patriot League, or whatever other conference he has a team or ten in. Spray really doesn't give us much material to work with since he's just here to get a rise out of whoever is pissy that day and my Civil War posts.

ACC: I ... They get an I for incomplete. Crown is MIA unless he just wants to pop in and mention that FSU actually had one quality win over BYU this season (while wearing his Duke threads of course because Damn it basketball season has started), and the rest of the conference is completely unrepresented. Considering the football played in that shit hole of a round ball black hole I can understand their reluctance to meet in a forum where actual football fans gather though.

Big East: D- ... Mucho is a likable guy but is pretty well absent much of the time. Pretty sure Cinty was a troll with multiple handlers including 88 and PSUfan.

Pac 10: C- ... These guys who are left from the left coast are either too preoccupied with explaining away whichever athlete was caught driving around a car that costs 12x what all four of his parents make on an annual basis or the water height of the local lake so they can ignore the latest WAC/MWC ass whooping they received to post anything of substance.

Big Ten: B+ ... Their posts are usually insightful, if not misguided, about a conference compiled of overweight, 5.2 forty running specialty players, that wouldn't recognize a passing game if Mike Leach slapped his playbook up on a projector board the size of the Dallas Cowboys video screen up in front of them. They're too busy worrying about what $200 restaurant they're eating at after the game or what Cardigan Sweater to buy to concern themselves with the fact that they couldn't find a passing game with Tom Brady and David Terrell roaming sidelines... I mean shit these are the guys that thought Juice Williams and Terrell Pryor were quarterbacks for G-d's sake! PSUfan is a pretty decent dude and level headed because he has to be... you got no choice but to be level headed when you know your coach, at some point, is going to be embalmed on the sideline and you have no clue which team Papa Bear is going to bring to the stadium each year... the one who contends for a conference crown or the one that leaves you sitting there screamin' "Bring in the slow white boy to throw the ball you old bastard!!!" 88 is a solid poster overall but shit does he even post in here anymore other than to update us on the pick 'em or is he too busy showing off his new BB gun and asking Katy for tit shots on the main board? Every time Mace posts I'm thankful because it means he's not taking a dirt nap after having a heart attack at some high school game. Then there's Jon/Jonsense, dude has there ever been a better case for a poster that you were either positive that he was either a troll with a multiplicity of handlers or a split personality; his money posts are $$$ and shit posts rival Michael Vick's Virginia Dog fighting plantation ring's front yard.

ND: They're not in a conference, they're too good to come play with the rest of us... they don't want to be included so they won't... fuck them.

Big 12: A+... Shit I'm a Big 12 poster and lets all face it I'm the most epcot poster in the history of message boarding, I leap into hot chicks with a single bound, my presence makes young women scream like they're at a concert with Justin Timberlake and Keith Sweat on stage at the same time, I once had an awkward moment just to see how it feels, and most importantly I know more than the rest of you so I am needed in this place. My presence here alone puts us in Suma Cum Laude status. But enough about me... We also have Harv who simply knows football when he isn't posting about Barry Switzer being Satan and Bob Stoops his anti-christ. Prime is a money for a laugh. BtH is great when he decides that he is a Sooner and not an Elephant... I maybe should have lumped him in the SEC grading curve but fuck I'll give him another chance to prove he hasn't turned to the dark side and started drowning puppies with SamUNwise on the weekends. King Crimson is the resident intellectual and if not for him who would know just how much everyone else University sucked academically and just how worthless your degree really is. Skull is dead to me, his ass is lodged on the side of a milk carton as far as I am concerned until he starts posting Wheaties Boxes with Mack Brown and Vince Young again or hunts down that smokin' hot, tan skinned, and dark haired chick who wanted me to pin her to a head board after the Bowling Green game a few years and ships her out to me in a box with duct tape.
Last edited by SunCoastSooner on Wed Jan 06, 2010 1:52 am, edited 3 times in total.
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
Miryam wrote:but other than that, it's cool, man. you're a christer.
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan »

SunCoastSooner wrote:Pretty sure Cinty was a troll with multiple handlers including 88 and PSUfan.
Nah. He was Bearcat92 back on SCIII. Been around longer than you, even (albeit not continuously).
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by SunCoastSooner »

MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan wrote:
SunCoastSooner wrote:Pretty sure Cinty was a troll with multiple handlers including 88 and PSUfan.
Nah. He was Bearcat92 back on SCIII. Been around longer than you, even (albeit not continuously).
I knew who he was... it was a satirical post. I was around in the SCIII days; just read a lot more and posted a lot less... different time in life for me than it is now that I get to be a lazy ass boss who just reads shit and screams at others for fucking up shit while I play around on message boards. :wink:
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
Miryam wrote:but other than that, it's cool, man. you're a christer.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Okay, Sunny, yer cards are on table as a flat-out Christer.
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by Van »

Mike wrote:Nah. He was Bearcat92 back on SCIII. Been around longer than you, even (albeit not continuously).
Okay, but where's he been the past few years; i.e., before Cincy burped up a year or two of quasi-relevancy? Think he'll be around for the next couple, when Cincy fades back into nothingness?
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by SunCoastSooner »

Mace wrote:
Are you watching the Orange Bowl? Ricky Stanzi is putting on a passing clinic......as is the Iowa defense shoving that fucking option up the 1970's ass. Rack Norm Parker and the Iowa coaching staff.

Obviously... is it "How to let your opponent back in the game and throw Touch Downs to your favorite Cornerback"? :D
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
Miryam wrote:but other than that, it's cool, man. you're a christer.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Okay, Sunny, yer cards are on table as a flat-out Christer.
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

I never make a list
It's because you're too full of yourself. Sorry you had to find out this way.
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by SunCoastSooner »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
I never make a list
It's because you're too full of yourself. Sorry you had to find out this way.

That's message board schtick. I'm really a rather quiet and humble person in real life. Usually considered the conservative one of my circle of friends and associates.
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
Miryam wrote:but other than that, it's cool, man. you're a christer.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Okay, Sunny, yer cards are on table as a flat-out Christer.
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by Van »

It was simply my error, SCS. I sometimes forget that you're a Sooner fan. My apologies. I knew I'd forget some people, and I'll bet you won't be the only one.

That being said, Mgo's right about your bragging. All your harping about the Pick 'Em is quite unseemly. My cat could do well in a situation where each game is set up to be as close to a 50-50 choice as possible, and Urban Meyer could blow chunks as a game picker. It really doesn't mean much, and most people here who do well at it don't brag about it nearly as much as you do.
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88

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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by SunCoastSooner »

Van wrote:It was simply my error, SCS. I sometimes forget that you're a Sooner fan. My apologies. I knew I'd forget some people, and I'll bet you won't be the only one.

That being said, Mgo's right about your bragging. All your harping about the Pick 'Em is quite unseemly. My cat could do well in a situation where each game is set up to be as close to a 50-50 choice as possible, and Urban Meyer could blow chunks as a game picker. It really doesn't mean much, and most people here who do well at it don't brag about it nearly as much as you do.
Dude I was just joking... my entire post was intended to be satire.
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
Miryam wrote:but other than that, it's cool, man. you're a christer.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Okay, Sunny, yer cards are on table as a flat-out Christer.
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by campinfool »

Texas would dry fuck and destroy this shitty little list. Ou would try, but probably get blown out in the bowl game or wind up with NCAA sanctions. :brad:
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by indyfrisco »

SunCoastArenas wrote:Dude I was just joking... my entire post was intended to be satire.
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by PrimeX »

Van wrote:we're regrettably being subjected to mvscal and Prime jumping on the BTPCF bandwagon, when they were nowhere to be found most of the rest of the time
Excuse me butt bowler, but my IT dept. put out a memo about interneting at work a couple of years ago and my posting on ANY board has been minimal at best. Ask Twitter7. I even forgot my password here and MGO brought me back in.

IN NO FUCKING WAY do I bandwagon my team, you can ask Harv. Fuck, my throat is soar from yelling during the Texas/Arkansas game that just ended. If I'm not in work clothes I dare you to find me not wearing "something" Texas. I was finally able to attend more than two games this year and I still donate to my school during this recession unlike some others "HELLO DOCTOR PEDRO, YES I BROUGHT YOUR NAME HERE!" while making less than other alumni. Not like I'm even remotely poor, just sayin. Doctors are greedy pud's.

Forgive me for not interneting much until my promotion, but once you quit with message boarding for a while it's kinda hard to get back into the swing of things as I just read a lot more instead of posting my nonsense. It's just not as fun as it used to be I guess. I'm probably just getting old, cause I do urinate more during the night and I have a hair growing off of my ear lobe.

I'm engaged. I attend car club/shows every weekend possible. I have friends. Internet is like something to do when I'm not trying to find more back hairs growing.

Fuck...I just melted.

Stupid dickass!
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by SunCoastSooner »

Papa Willie wrote:Considering there's a 50-1 ratio for the Big 12, I think everybody else does okay.
There's more of us because we are better fans and have more to discuss due to our greatness...
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
Miryam wrote:but other than that, it's cool, man. you're a christer.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Okay, Sunny, yer cards are on table as a flat-out Christer.
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by War Wagon »

PrimeX wrote: Fuck...I just melted.

Stupid dickass!

Prime cracks me up. Dude could be smacking the fuck outta' me and I wouldn't care because I'd be laffing too hard at his posting style/antics.

More PrimeX, less of everyone else.
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by SunCoastSooner »

Believe the Heupel wrote:I'm going to go ahead and declare that my posting in this forum should be considered an independent as to conference affiliation. I also want to be entered into the Bowl Pick 'Em if I happen to pick one team correctly.
Who gave the BtH keys to Sam?
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
Miryam wrote:but other than that, it's cool, man. you're a christer.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Okay, Sunny, yer cards are on table as a flat-out Christer.
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by PrimeX »

Believe the Heupel wrote:Prime's not a bandwagoner. Van, he was in here propping Texas well before you started posting in any of the CFB fora.
Thank you!

Plus, what other LonghornFan do you know who was going to exchange like home addresses and stuff with a Sooner fan? I dig the guys here but I'm angry but not at all with SCS. :wink:

Why am I shaking??? Fucking Van, I swear. Don't do that again. I was at SCIII posting about my team right out of college...and at THE, The Trolls, PSU's board, etc. I do not bandwagon the Big12, I only root for MY team. Yes, I like it when the conference is doing good as long as Texas wins, but I'm a college football purist. I just love the game. Big 10, SEC, Pac 10, whatever...just wanna see football on Saturday's.

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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by SunCoastSooner »

PrimeX wrote:Plus, what other LonghornFan do you know who was going to exchange like home addresses and stuff with a Sooner fan? I dig the guys here but I'm angry but not at all with SCS. :wink:
I apologized let it go!!! :doh: :oops:

BTW, I think Prime really went to Texas A&M... just what I heard somewhere. I think Vito said it. :wink:
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
Miryam wrote:but other than that, it's cool, man. you're a christer.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Okay, Sunny, yer cards are on table as a flat-out Christer.
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by PrimeX »

Ok, I'm calmer now. I just peed so long I almost had to stop midstream and sit down. When I was peeing I thought of a great idea.

I have a new sig. Peeing worked well for me. Rack Red Stripe!
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by PrimeX »

SunCoastSooner wrote:BTW, I think Prime really went to Texas A&M... just what I heard somewhere. I think Vito said it. :wink:
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by Van »

I'll stand by that, Prime. You are such a good poster (Top 10 all time, in my book), though by leaving it like that in your sig, you make it sound awfully Paul Abdul-ish. :lol:

B-t-H, I kinda doubt he was posting long before I was posting about CF, unless he was doing it before '99. My point isn't that he hasn't been a Texas fan all these years, it's that he hasn't been posting about them in recent years, and neither has mvscal; then, hey, look, Texas has a good year, and here there are.

In Prime's case, I'll accept his explanation, no problem. I know he wasn't been posting all that much of late, and not just here. mvscal? He's been a posting demon, without ever popping his head in here.
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by SunCoastSooner »

Van wrote:I'll stand by that, Prime. You are such a good poster (Top 10 all time, in my book), though by leaving it like that in your sig, you make it sound awfully Paul Abdul-ish. :lol:

B-t-H, I kinda doubt he was posting long before I was posting about CF, unless he was doing it before '99. My point isn't that he hasn't been a Texas fan all these years, it's that he hasn't been posting about them in recent years, and neither has mvscal; then, hey, look, Texas has a good year, and here there are.

In Prime's case, I'll accept his explanation, no problem. I know he wasn't been posting all that much of late, and not just here. mvscal? He's been a posting demon, without ever popping his head in here.
Mv not coming here doesn't have much to do with him be a bandwagon stain on UT (which he is) but more to do with the fact that 2/3 of the times he opens his cock smoker in here he gets ran because he is a college football imbecile. He, like most people in the world, sticks to what he knows best; in his case it is melting on the politics board and sexual innuendo with Katy on the main board... we all have our roles.
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
Miryam wrote:but other than that, it's cool, man. you're a christer.
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by PrimeX »

Van wrote:it's that he hasn't been posting about them in recent years, and neither has mvscal; then, hey, look, Texas has a good year, and here there are.
I can admit I un-book marked T1B for a while, but the CFB just wouldn't let me go. I had to find my way back to my Sooner friends who call me Texass and stuff. I tried other forums, but they were way too into the Longhorn homers thing that I had to vacate and come back to be belittled. I'm sick like that.

I'm now a big boss and can internet when work isn't interrupting my Howard Stern listening/iPod movie watching time.

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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by SunCoastSooner »

PrimeX wrote:Are we cool? Fist bump?
Just don't rub any of that skank juice from the hooches on 6th street on me... unless they're TSU girls, of course.
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
Miryam wrote:but other than that, it's cool, man. you're a christer.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Okay, Sunny, yer cards are on table as a flat-out Christer.
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by PrimeX »

I can't post some stuff cause my whore might click this forum and stuff and I don't need the arguments, but I cannot deny that TCU girl can suck a mean...lemon after a Tequila shot.
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

I keep the board informed on Big Ten minutiae? That's a pretty neat trick, considering that the sum total of my exposure to the Big Ten consists of an occasional glance at the early Big Ten games while waiting for ND, together with ND's annual tete-a-tetes with Michigan, Purdue and Sparty.

Oh well, at least you didn't mention me as an "honorary Big Ten poster," so I guess I've got that going for me. :mrgreen:
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by Van »

B-t-H, you may not recall my posting then, but others do, and I know I was. No biggie.
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

Van wrote:Well, there's myself, of course, and I'm always so pissed off at everything that I always piss off a good number of the rest of you. At least I'm reliable, though, and I try to be objective, in that I loathe pretty much everything, everywhere. I don't really single out anyone or anything for my ire. I think your schedule sucks and your AD is a pussy; it almost doesn't matter who you root for.
Let me say this about that (apologies for the Nixon reset).

I think the year was 2006, you voted thumbs down on so many teams for BCS bids that there weren't enough teams left to fill all the slots.
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by Van »

And I was right. :mrgreen:
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by Mr T »

Van wrote:

They simply have next to no presence here. There's Mr. T, who's perfect
I quit reading after that.
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by Carson »

Despite my avatar, once again I don't make a list.

Lots of people think I'm a troll; SCSooner(another omission despite the avatar) can confirm I'm real.

I guess in order to be recognized by message board "mall rats", I must have at least 1,000 posts a month...
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by MuchoBulls »

Many RACKS to Van for that effort.

I could have sworn that there used to be a couple of Syracuse fans that used to post here. Coachpmustgo was one. I thought Rack Fu might have been the other.

The threads during the week of big rivalry games are always a great read and I always look forward to them.
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Re: Rate each conference's fans from this board.

Post by Killian »

Rack's for the effort, Van.

Thanks for the kudos, but SoCalTrjn ain't me. Funny story about me and trolling, Killian was supposed to be a troll. My original nic was "SpartanMick" for the whole duality thing. I created Killian to be an ND only troll because there were too few ND fans on SCIII.

Then I realized I really didn't give a fuck about MSU athletics.
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