Hey Bitches! Just droppin by to say What up mvscals?
What up mvscals?
I'm enjoying life. Here's a recent pic.

I found out recently I have an ulcer. I had some fun with the colonoscopy, thought you guys might enjoy this.
I had been pooping some blood and having hershey squirts daily so my doc sent me to get a colonoscopy. I was in the waiting room filling out forms and an idea struck me. I thought to myself, when will I have a group of people giving my balloon knot their full attention? No time soon I determined. So I figured I better make the most of it. On a blank sheet of paper I wrote the below note to the doctor who would be digging in my ass. I folded it up and slid it between my ass cheeks camouflaged by a full thicket of butt bush. *Note* I did NOT insert the note. On the outside of the not I wrote "To: Dr. Jones" They gave me the good shit and out I went. Here's the note:

I hope all of you are happy and healthy.