Atomic Punk wrote:Okay Dins, I'll repeat...tell me where you can buy this mythical product called drywall that is pre-coated with PVA.
[AP]I know, but I'm not telling[/AP]
All kidding aside -- I'll tell you where, just as soon as you show where I even insinuated that there was a such a thing...
you fucking retard.
Did the "painted drywall" line confuse you? If so, that would make it just like every other sentence ever written.
I'll help you out -- I didn't figure he was hanging new drywall, since he might have said something to that æffect -- but he instead talked about a repaint.
Did you happen to notice that the terms "painted drywall" and "PVA" were in separate paragraphs?
If you didn't... they were.
See, I'm not the one who brought up "primer" -- I was actually admonishing someone else for doing so (since it's fucking stupid).
So, now that you know this, are you feeling as stupid as you look yet? And by "as you look," I mean at-the-moment... not standing in front of a mirror furiously snapping your next craigslist posting.