BSmack wrote:I had grandparents who both at farm fresh produce every day of their lives. They regarded margarine as a cardinal sin and certainly didn't saw off the fat from their meat before cooking. Grandpa worked the fields every day, was trail thin and strong enough to toss baled hay the day before he died at the age of 71, of a massive heart attack. Grandma spent most of her time in the house cooking, sewing, washing. And she outlived grandpa by a full quarter century. Same diet, less exercise and better results. Go fucking figure.
grandma picked better parents. it is pertty much the luck of the draw.
personally, i'd prolly trade a few years for the ability to eat bacon right to the end. hopefully, i take after the old man's side, longevity wise. gramps and grandma went into their mid 90s. grandma really should have died at about 88 as her mind was oatmeal from then on. gramps was as sharp as a tack, and 88 smart, right to the end. the rest of him pretty well fell apart though, by his late 80s. i'm sure he would have been fine with punching out at 85. but, he did get a kick out of seeing a few great grand kids.