LMAO!.088 wrote:If that is too much for you, please identify the volume and page of the Mueller Report where Mueller concluded that "Donald" engaged in secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy with Russia during the 2016 election cycle?
No, no, clown.
It does not work that way.
Donald claimed in this tweet(s) that the Mueller Report showed no collusion.
And I've called him out on it here.
YOU show ME where Mueller's report says that they found no collusion.
Volume and page.
You clearly do not..088 wrote:I believe in evidence and freedom.
You believe in -----> your dear leader.
Exactly..088 wrote:Collusion is not a specific offense or theory of liability found in the United States Code, nor is it a term of art in federal criminal law.
Mueller explained in his report that he evaluated potentially criminal conduct "not under the rubric of collusion, but through the lens of conspiracy law."
pg. 180
Mueller Report: https://assets.documentcloud.org/docume ... report.pdf
Then why does your dear leader (and lap dog W. Barr) keep repeating the "Mueller found no collusion" meme?
They KNOW that is NOT what Mueller said, and Mueller went out of his way to explain WHY he did not use that term.
Is Barr incompetent?
Is Donald a total idiot?
What are you?