Mueller Report--it's that bad

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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Softball Bat »

.088 wrote:If that is too much for you, please identify the volume and page of the Mueller Report where Mueller concluded that "Donald" engaged in secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy with Russia during the 2016 election cycle?

No, no, clown.
It does not work that way.

Donald claimed in this tweet(s) that the Mueller Report showed no collusion.
And I've called him out on it here.

YOU show ME where Mueller's report says that they found no collusion.
Volume and page.


.088 wrote:I believe in evidence and freedom.
You clearly do not.
You believe in -----> your dear leader.

.088 wrote:Collusion is not a specific offense or theory of liability found in the United States Code, nor is it a term of art in federal criminal law.
Mueller explained in his report that he evaluated potentially criminal conduct "not under the rubric of collusion, but through the lens of conspiracy law."
pg. 180
Mueller Report: ... report.pdf

Then why does your dear leader (and lap dog W. Barr) keep repeating the "Mueller found no collusion" meme?

They KNOW that is NOT what Mueller said, and Mueller went out of his way to explain WHY he did not use that term.

Is Barr incompetent?

Is Donald a total idiot?

What are you?
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Softball Bat »

the Mueller Report said there was No Collusion

- Don

Show us all where the Mueller's report says that they found no collusion.
Volume and page.

Post it or stfu, 'tard.
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Kierland »

88 wrote: Mon May 13, 2019 2:32 pm And why don't you show us where Her campaign informed us of the hiring of Christopher Steele (a non-US citizen) to write demonstrably false information obtained from Russian sources for the purpose of initiating investigations by the U.S. government against a political opponent during a campaign before it happened?

There was actual coordination by Her campaign with foreign nationals to effect the outcome of the 2016 campaign. Full stop. Why the Deep State ignored/buried/covered up her criminal activities is not hard to figure out - they wanted to work for Her and be rewarded for their loyalty when she started doling out goodies and perks of Her corrupt, totalitarian administration. The IG's report and Barr's investigations will show that it happened.

You believe in Santa Claus and pine for authoritarian governments run by jack-booted criminals. I believe in evidence and freedom.
So lock her up you jackbooted thug. Then maybe you will have time actually address what I wrote you red jizz swilling racist.

I’m looking at the law, you are looking at your racist wallet.

Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Kierland »

88 wrote: Mon May 13, 2019 4:44 pm
There is no evidence that the Trump campaign for president in 2016 colluded with Russia, coordinated with Russia, conspired with Russia or did any nefarious things involving Russia to influence the election. If you know otherwise, please post the evidence. Mueller found nothing of that sort and admitted that he found nothing of the sort in his report.

I already did. You white flagged it you yellow and red menace.
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Softball Bat »

Moving Sale wrote:There was an attempt by the campaign to secretly coordinate with what they thought were Russian officials to effect the outcome of the campaign.
It is a fact.

Mueller cited up to 10 instances of possible obstruction of justice by Trump.
Give the kneepadders the extreme benefit of the doubt, and let's say none of the instances are strong enough to allow for a conviction.
Even still, the Mueller Report shows a guy, Trump, who really wanted (or needed) the investigation into his activities to cease.

"I'm fucked."

He was, and IS, trying to cover up something(s) untoward going on with regard to Russia.
Probably many other things, as well, imo.

Barr and Drumpf have both been blatantly untruthful about the report.
Just more attempts to hide things and/or obfuscate.

Congress needs the unredacted report.
Mueller, McGahan, and likely others, need to testify.
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Left Seater »

88 is totally working softflathead today.

The sad thing is softflathead doesn't get it and thinks he is getting over.
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
Softball Bat wrote: I am the dumbest motherfucker ever to post on the board.

Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Kierland »

Left Seater wrote: Mon May 13, 2019 10:01 pm 88 is totally working softflathead today.

The sad thing is softflathead doesn't get it and thinks he is getting over.
You sound like Fat&Melty.

Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Kierland »

How the fuck did Mueller miss that one?
I don’t know, why don’t you ask him? Oh that’s right he already gave you his take in his report.
Now go count your money again you racist POS.
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Softball Bat »

.088 wrote:Every time you are confronted with facts, you change the subject. Just look at SBB's most recent take. He cannot point to any evidence of collusion, so like the good lemming he is, he pivots to obstruction of justice. And let's get that out there for all to consider. He is suggesting that a president, who had the Constitutional power to shit can the entire Mueller investigation but instead allowed it to continue for 24 months and $35M, somehow is guilty of obstruction of justice. Amazing.
The only way the president could have committed obstruction of justice is if he had shit canned the entire investigation?

That is what you are now selling in here??



Who is it that diverted?
Let's look.

I started this latest kneepadder meltdown by posting Don's tweet where he lied three times, saying...

So now the Radical Left Dems don’t talk about Collusion anymore, because the Mueller Report said
there was No Collusion, they only want to talk about Obstruction, even though there was No Obstruction
or No Crime - except for the crimes committed by the other side!

You came in and started yapping about things unrelated, so I said directly to you...
poptart wrote:.088 the hack...

Post from the Mueller Report where it says there was no collusion.
Post from the Mueller Report where it says there was no obstruction.
Post from the Mueller Report where it says there was no crime(s).

You answered NONE of them.
Yes, because the Mueller Report says NONE of these things.

Donald lied, blatantly.
The end.

YOU diverted away from this reality and instead asked me about my assertion that Donald colluded w/Russia.

I was actually polite to give you an answer, seeing as you so blatantly DIVERTED from what YOU were first called on to answer.

In giving my answer to you, I began by citing Donald's obstruction (both then and now), because it is relevant to the situation.
If that is too much for you to handle, hit eject.

Something you should have done long ago, pal.

The sky is not blue.

- Don and his lemmings
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Left Seater »

Hey softflathead, stop trying to use the Mueller Report to prove Don lied on Twitter. This is not in question. The Donald has lied on Twitter.

So where does the Mueller Report way a crime was committed and by whom?
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Softball Bat »

Your inanity is never ending.

Donald used the Mueller Report in the tweet where he lied three times.

Special counsel Robert Mueller and his team of prosecutors have now indicted 34 individuals and three Russian
businesses on charges ranging from computer hacking to conspiracy and financial crimes.

Those indictments have led to seven guilty pleas and four people sentenced to prison. ... d=61219489
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Softball Bat »

Little Don will apparently testify before the SIC.

Donald Trump Jr. has agreed to appear before the Senate Intelligence Committee for a second round of questions, complying with a subpoena from Chairman Richard Burr (R-N.C.), who came under fire from fellow Republicans for demanding the testimony.

Trump Jr. struck the deal Tuesday to interview with the panel next month for between two and four hours. The committee had originally a set a 5 p.m. deadline on Monday for him to respond.

Questions about the Trump Tower project in Moscow and the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between Trump campaign officials and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya are fair game, according to a source who was briefed on the deal.
.. ... telligence
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Papa Willie wrote: Sun May 19, 2019 9:23 am ...

Wow. Did CNN actually publish this story???
It's not a story, it's an opinion piece, as clearly designated. Moron.
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by FiatLux »

Papa Willie wrote: Sun May 19, 2019 8:44 pm Image
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Softball Bat »

The White House blocks McGahn from testifying, claiming that it wants to set this precedent.


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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Softball Bat »

So Mueller made his first public comments today...

According to DOJ policy, charging a sitting president with obstruction of justice was not an option that could be considered.

If he could have cleared the president of obstruction, he would have stated so.


Trump (and Barr) have been blatany lying for many weeks with the "the report concluded no obstruction" meme the have been pumping out.

Lying sacks of shit.
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Kierland »

88Brokenracists can’t hear you. They are too far up President BoneSpurs ass.
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Softball Bat »

Nothing changes from the Mueller Report. There was insufficient evidence and therefore, in our Country,
a person is innocent. The case is closed! Thank you.

- Don

Insufficient evidence?


Mueller did not state that.

poptart wrote:According to DOJ policy, charging a sitting president with obstruction of justice was not an option that could be considered.

If he could have cleared the president of obstruction, he would have stated so.
That is what Mueller said.
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Left Seater »

So your point is this whole 2 years and Millions of our dollars is a nothing burger?

Why have the investigation if charges can’t be brought?
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Softball Bat »

Left Seater wrote: Thu May 30, 2019 2:54 am So your point is this whole 2 years and Millions of our dollars is a nothing burger?

Why have the investigation if charges can’t be brought?

Mueller concluded that Donald can be prosecuted after he leaves office and/or Congress can do something about it while he is still in office.

Is this really difficult to understand?

Are you ill?
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Derron »

Softball Bat wrote: Thu May 30, 2019 2:57 am
Left Seater wrote: Thu May 30, 2019 2:54 am So your point is this whole 2 years and Millions of our dollars is a nothing burger?

Why have the investigation if charges can’t be brought?

Mueller concluded that Donald can be prosecuted after he leaves office and/or Congress can do something about it while he is still in office.

Is this really difficult to understand?

Are you ill?
but they won't now will they ?? Your obsession with it shows you are the only one who gives a fuck.
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Softball Bat »

Your melting down and failing to produce a coherent take indicates that you are a sub-m0ronic Drumph nut-licker.

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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Kierland »

Derron wrote: Thu May 30, 2019 4:04 am Your obsession with it shows you are the only one who gives a fuck.
Wtf does that even mean?

How come the dumbest people here like President Bone Spurs the most?

Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Kierland »

Don the Con sure knows how to pick ‘em.
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Softball Bat »

Hope Hicks will testify before the House Judiciary Committee next week.
Behind closed doors.
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Softball Bat »

(CNN) - Robert Mueller will testify before Congress on July 17 after House Democrats issued a subpoena for his
appearance, a move that paves the way for a reluctant special counsel to answer questions publicly for the first time
about his 22-month investigation into President Donald Trump.

The House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees announced Tuesday that Mueller had agreed to testify after they issued
subpoenas for his testimony, and Mueller would appear in public before the two panels next month

Mueller's testimony is poised to be the most-anticipated congressional hearing in years, and represents a huge moment
for House Democrats... ... index.html
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Softball Bat »

Is it "obsessive" to note that Robert Mueller will be testifying in public in July?

Mueller's testimony is poised to be the most-anticipated congressional hearing in years,...

Yes, you are indeed a Republican HACK.
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Softball Bat wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2019 4:17 am Is it "obsessive" to note that Robert Mueller will be testifying in public in July?

Mueller's testimony is poised to be the most-anticipated congressional hearing in years,...

Yes, you are indeed a Republican HACK.
Mueller is not going to single handedly save the republic from Trump facism but every little bit of truth helps.

Meanwhile, 88 will just tighten his Trump kneepads and do what he's told.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
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Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Kierland »

Comey POS
Obama Felon
Her Evil-personified
Cheetolini God

88 Brownshirts

There is plenty in the part of the report that was released to charge It with a crime, but for the memo.
The Steele Dossier is a distraction by the red menace and the FISA argument is crap. Unless you would like to lay it out you fucking POS nazi.

Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Kierland »

You made the accusation. You back it up you projection nazi tard.
See you keep calling me a nazi to try and deflect, difference is you are backing up an authoritarian wannabe dictator. I’m interested in tearing him down.
You can keep lying that I’m on team d (you learn that from HermanG?), but I am not nor have I ever been on team d.
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Softball Bat »

,088 wrote:Mueller explained, in detail, the vacuous nature of his evidentiary cache in his report.

You lie habitually, just like your dear leader.

If we had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that,” Mueller
said from a podium at the justice department in his first public remarks since the investigation began. “We
did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime.”

'We were guided by principles of fairness' Mueller explained that his decision was based on longstanding justice
department policy, rather than lack of evidence.

“A president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office,” he said. “That is unconstitutional."

Mueller explained: “The special counsel’s office is part of the Department of Justice and, by regulation, it was
bound by that department policy. Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider.” ... estigation

You are a HACK.
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Derron »

Kierland wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2019 11:20 pm I’m interested in tearing him down

Probably not going to happen. POTUS is what 6' 3"..and you are 4'11". He can piss right in your open gaping mouth. The piss dribble coming out of your mouth will be the best thing in a long time.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Softball Bat wrote: Is your anus quivering?

Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Kierland »

Tiny Anal Leaking Moron says what?
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Softball Bat »

Donald doesn't seem to be handling the prospect of Mueller testifying publicly very well.

One might call it... melting.

Ranting and raving to M. Bartiromo, and seeking to discredit Mueller by claiming (with no proof) that he is a criminal.

Mueller exonerated you, Don.
What's wrong?

He is just going to roll in and tell that to the world next month.
Why are you freaking?


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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Softball Bat »


This obese melting freak is going to stroke out before too lomg.
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Softball Bat »

Lard @ss Bill Barr says they are "dragging" Bob Mueller up to testify and that it is a "public spectacle."

POS of the highest order.

They are dragging Mueller up to testify because lard ass blatantly LIED and deliberately misled the public about Mueller's report.
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Softball Bat wrote: Wed Jul 10, 2019 12:25 am Lard @ss Bill Barr says they are "dragging" Bob Mueller up to testify and that it is a "public spectacle."

POS of the highest order.

They are dragging Mueller up to testify because lard ass blatantly LIED and deliberately misled the public about Mueller's report.
He is a total hypocrite like the rest of the kneepadders.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Softball Bat »

Seems Donald is gripping and it will probably be a sleepless night.

Just do some (more) blow, Don.

Just got back only to hear of a last minute change allowing a Never Trumper attorney to help Robert Mueller
with his testimony before Congress tomorrow. What a disgrace to our system. Never heard of this before. VERY

- Don

So Robert Mueller has now asked for his long time Never Trumper lawyer to sit beside him and help with answers.
What’s this all about? His lawyer represented the “basement server guy” who got off free in the Crooked Hillary
case. This should NOT be allowed. Rigged Witch Hunt!

- Don

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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Softball Bat »

Donald, melting through the evening, and now into the morning.

aaaaa hahahahahaaaa!!!

So Democrats and others can illegally fabricate a crime, try pinning it on a very innocent President, and when
he fights back against this illegal and treasonous attack on our Country, they call It Obstruction? Wrong! Why
didn’t Robert Mueller investigate the investigators?

- Don

It was NEVER agreed that Robert Mueller could use one of his many Democrat Never Trumper lawyers to sit next to
him and help him with his answers. This was specifically NOT agreed to, and I would NEVER have agreed to it. The
Greatest Witch Hunt in U.S. history, by far!

- Don

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Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad

Post by Screw_Michigan »

You know he'll watch every single minute of Mueller's testimony. And then he'll rage and tweet rage and deploy his water carriers 88braincells, Duhron, and Left Shitter to do his bidding.

What a nation!
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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